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Grateful for...(silly things preferably)

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Oranges. Best enjoyed when one slowly, methodically peels it by hand and eats it one section at a time while daydreaming. There's something so basic about eating an orange this way, and what's more cheery than that little spray of orange oil that comes from the peel?


Washers and dryers. Seriously?! All I have to do is dump in the clothes, add soap, turn a dial, and WALK AWAY while it does all the work? Then I return when I am good and ready and spend all of half a minute moving the clothes from the washer to the dryer, push a button, and walk away AGAIN?? And the choice to fold or not fold is all mine. We've all bemoaned the mountains of laundry, and it's not like I've ever had to carry my clothes to the river to beat them with a rock, but I am still blown away that a couple of machines inside my house do all this work for me whenever I decide it's to happen.


No lie. Mine light up and make a bright little happy-to-see-you noise when I push the power button. I've had them for 8 years and it never gets old.


Clean refrigerator. I can't help but smile every time I open the doors.


Red lipstick. I have 5 or 6 different colors in my bag, from brownish brick to fire engine. Happy!

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I have a fluffy bird pen with google eyes and a big bow from the dollar store. I mean this thing is FLUFFY...feathers everywhere. I laughed out loud up and down the aisles of the store when I bought it and it still makes me smile when I sit down and use it. Goofy. But I love this pen. :D

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Oranges. Best enjoyed when one slowly, methodically peels it by hand and eats it one section at a time while daydreaming. There's something so basic about eating an orange this way, and what's more cheery than that little spray of orange oil that comes from the peel?


Washers and dryers. Seriously?! All I have to do is dump in the clothes, add soap, turn a dial, and WALK AWAY while it does all the work? Then I return when I am good and ready and spend all of half a minute moving the clothes from the washer to the dryer, push a button, and walk away AGAIN?? And the choice to fold or not fold is all mine. We've all bemoaned the mountains of laundry, and it's not like I've ever had to carry my clothes to the river to beat them with a rock, but I am still blown away that a couple of machines inside my house do all this work for me whenever I decide it's to happen.


AmEn to both!

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My sister. She new just what sort of 'shocked' face to make when I told her my husband has asked me to lose weight this year.


The question, "Did you smack him?!" was also appreciated.




:confused: What?!? Gobsmacked?!!? You! You're beautiful!! :svengo: You did smack him didn't you?

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My electric pencil sharpener, a good holepunch, my tape dispenser, and my cooshy faceclothes.


And those are the most frivilous ones I could think of. But of course there's the far greater things like my hope in the return of Chrst, my family, our basic needs being met. And all that jazz :)

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Running hot water and toilet that flushes.


Our bill from Firestone being much smaller than expected.


My sweet boy's hugs and kisses. And "I wuv you, Mom". :001_smile:


Netflix streaming.


Learning that a certain person is in jail. But he's alive and not dead in a ditch somewhere.

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I third the previously mentioned onions and lemons!! Let's add fresh cilantro and parsley to that list. And tomatoes. And potatoes. What *can't* you do with tomatoes and potatoes? And cilantro just makes me swoon. I think I need some salsa.


Fuzzy socks (mismatched and currently on feet). Fuzzy pj pants (new for Christmas; purple with snowflakes). Fuzzy white hoodie. I like fuzz. Also, t-shirt material sheets in faded lime green on my bed.


My dear sweet kitty, dear sweet hamster, and dear sweet fighting fish (dwk, dsh, dsff). They give me snuggles and make me smile. I will admit to having attempted a fish snuggle in the past.


The warm happy glow in my living room from the Christmas tree and all its pretty lights and decorations.


My new-ish printer that has a photocopier built in. I didn't have that before, so it saves me a lot of time and hassle for homeschooling and tutoring.


My 115 year old piano that gives me hours upon hours of enjoyment.

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I'm grateful for...


clean sheets! They make me inordinately happy.



Same here! Love, love.


Can I add slippers and my little space heater?


Nope. Sorry.




Oranges. Best enjoyed when one slowly, methodically peels it by hand and eats it one section at a time while daydreaming. There's something so basic about eating an orange this way, and what's more cheery than that little spray of orange oil that comes from the peel?QUOTE]


I have to differ w/you there. I cut them in wedges and eat them off right off the peel! :tongue_smilie:

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Fuzzy socks




I was just about to post this. I have to have fuzzy socks in the winter when I'm in the house or my feet freeze.




chai lattes

tea of any kind

cats who curl up with me in the evening when I'm on the computer

the fact that google exists, what would I do if I couldn't google everything?

the current season of big love being out on dvd now

the fact that my toddler brought me a dead roly-poly (instead of eating it!)

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Lattes. And MacDonald's Vanilla Latte in a country that doesn't have Starbucks. The fact that some countries do have Starbucks. What can I say? I was up early this morning, and I need caffeine!


iPhones. Seriously I love love love my iPhone. Didn't want it, didn't think it was necessary, but boy, was I wrong.


Ditto for my dishwasher.


Wicking beds - a garden bed where your vegetables don't die if you forget to water for one day (which happens with Western Australian summers). Brilliant!


Ducted aircon in those Western Australian summers.


Two postal deliveries a day in the pre-Christmas period. Just the possibility of things arriving in the mail cheers me up.


Feather duvets.


Unexpectedly loving a book.


The Internet. Google. Wikipedia.


Great songs.


This is fun - I'm not the world's most cheerful person, but I think I could come up with loads more if I wasn't about to go and eat dinner!

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