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low carb folks....shaky in the beginning?

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I'm on day two of primal/low carb/grainfree call it what you will. And I'm shaky right now, and probably a bit anxious. I've had today:


3 eggs, scrambled with a spoonful or so of shredded cheddar

3 chicken wings, with homemade buffalo sauce (half butter, half hot sauce)

a small salad with lettuce, 4 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 can tuna, spoonful or two of mayo, and a few walnuts.

snack of wasabi almonds because I was still shaky



It's 3pm, if that makes a difference. I am also nursing a toddler. And probably have PMS. Sigh.


I just sat down with some full fat yogurt and some berries to try to even this out.


Any other ideas?

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Hmmmm.... I usually hesitate to give health advice but I get shaky when my blood sugar gets too low. The yogurt and fruit should help if that is the case. I like having tea with honey and coconut oil. The honey gives my blood sugar a natural boost and then the CO helps my body metabolize the honey slowly and keep my blood sugar stable (that's some advice I was given).

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Oh yes, day 2 & 3 were the worst. I was shaky and felt physically ill. End of day 3 I felt much much better. It was sugar withdrawls for me.


I also wouldn't hesitate to have a bit more food, especially for lunch. And in the early days more protein at breakfast, bacon or something.



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It's normal to feel shaky at first.


Having said that, though, aside from your eggs I don't think you've had enough protein. Go heavy on both protein and fat for the first two weeks. After that you'll still need a higher proportion of protein and fat to balance the lack of carbs, but you'll find it waaaaay easier to pull back a little at that point.

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thanks everyone. i normally would have had meat too at breakfast, but I only got a few hours of sleep last night and was too tired to deal with bacon. (and to be honest, my bacon pan was dirty and I didn't want to wash it.) Oh, and my sausages were freezer burnt. I will eat more. my appetite just is so much less!


I'm thinking it is a perfect storm of low carb plus no sleep plus pms. At least I hope that is it, and not that i'm catching the family cold that is going around!

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That's all you've eaten by 3:00 p.m., and you're nursing, too? No wonder you are shaky! Eat, woman! Your yogurt and berries have probably helped by now. If not, have more protein - some more chicken (a full-sized piece, if you have it, or several of those wings), a hunk of cheese for some fat, and add in a carrot while you are at it. Have an avocado, if you have one of those. Skip the other half can of the tuna, though - you don't want to have much mercury while nursing, KWIM?

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I don't think you're eating enough, especially if you're nursing.



Girl, you need more calories! Cut up an avocado! Grill a steak!


Low carb does not always equal low cal, ESPECIALLY when you are feeding a little one!


I felt pretty crummy when I started low carb, I think someone here even called it "Atkins flu" or something like that. Apparently it's not uncommon. I initially experienced some complications in the bathroom, and a yucky, even greasy feeling the first week. But after a few days that all passed.


If you have the shakes, and from what you described, I truly believe you need to eat more food.

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Ok! I'm eating some nuts now, and do feel a bit better after the yogurt. I don't have any quick protein in the house, so I'm off to the store. I normally don't have an issue of eating too little, but just didn't have much appetite today. I'll go get some food!

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Ok! I'm eating some nuts now, and do feel a bit better after the yogurt. I don't have any quick protein in the house, so I'm off to the store. I normally don't have an issue of eating too little, but just didn't have much appetite today. I'll go get some food!


something that helps me when i need a quick low carb snack is to have cheese in the house. super quick and not messy. :grouphug:

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I do bake it....i just didn't want to wash the pan. I know, I'm awful. (I was REALLY tired)


The main thing is to drain the grease (I drain mine in a jar to use later in cooking) then put in sink then put hot wet towel over then let soak for 15 min then soap it up then rinse. The key thing is to do this ASAP!!!! It makes for a quick and easy cleanup!




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I've experienced the shaking whenever I've made a major dietary change (low carb OR WW).


I'm pretty experienced at low carb, though, and I'd encourage you to eat more veggies with lots of good oil.


Joanne, eating organic bratwurst and brocolli with butter

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