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Advice needed Re: Family reunion

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Dh's family has a reunion each year hosted by one of the siblings on a rotating basis. This year it is scheduled to be in Gatlinburg, TN from Dec. 28-Jan1. Here is my situation (sorry if it gets long). I have pretty severe anxiety and panic attacks. I also have OCD (diagnosed). I do have Lorazepam that I can take when I am having a problem, but I have medication anxiety. I will be starting Cognitve Behavioral Therapy soon.


The trip will take us 12 hours. That alone is a big problem for me. I also have issues regarding food and the only place that I eat other than home is Chik-fil-a. I can't tolerate cold. Stress makes me very sore from head to foot. I honestly feel like a freak of nature! :)


I am torn about this trip. It is overwhelming to me to think about going (enduring) on the reunion. I want to go mainly for my children, but just don't see how I can pull it off. Dh says not to go if I can't or don't want to. He's very understanding.


What do I do?



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.. Dh says not to go if I can't or don't want to. He's very understanding. What do I do? Cindy


Given the constraints you described and your husband's understanding compassionate attitude, stay home and enjoy your solitude while he and the kids attend the reunion.

Edited by annandatje
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Absolutely :grouphug:!!!


From your sig, it looks like your youngest is 11, right? Send them all off with DH to the reunion and don't feel bad about it at all. Not being up to traveling is perfectly understandable. Enjoy some quiet home-time while they are off to the reunion. It will be fine!

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I wouldn't go in your situation. And if I could be happy home alone I'll do that, or at least try to. I would also arrange things to do while home alone, or people to do them with who understand my various problems.


If your in laws would like this excuse, they can be told that "You are preparing and prepping for homeschooling."


It's hard to have to miss things due to mental things, since not everyone accepts or understands them.


Best of luck with whatever you pick. :)

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I wouldn't go if its causing that much anxiety. My brother went a decade with similar issues but just didn't share them with the family. We just thought he walk away from us. He seriously couldn't stay away from his home for more than a few hours it totally stressed him out. He never came to see any of us and when I went to visit him he would' let me in his home. Which was the red waving flag he had some issues.


Anyway I would share with my siblings but I don't know if you are really close enough to your in-laws you may not be comfortable sharing


Sorry your having a tough time and hope your therapy is helpful:grouphug:

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I appreciate all the thoughtful replies. You're all very kind. One SIL is aware, somewhat, of my troubles and is understanding. We don't have close relationships with the others so they don't know so they don't know so much. If there weren't so many issues at play, I'd give it a try. But, since I couldn't gracefully and quickly vacate and get back home I just don't know.


It's hard because logically I know that everything would probably be fine, but I just can't do it.


Hopeful for successful therapy!



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