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TinTin the movie

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We are excited to go see the new TinTin movie this afternoon. It looks great and has good reviews in today's paper. My ds loves the comic books when he gets them from the library. And he bought season 1 of the tv show from Target last week. I got him some of the older comic books for Christmas.


So, has anyone seen it yet or excited to see it?

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Haven't seen it yet, but I'm very excited to see it! I've read all the comics. I love Captain Haddock and Professor Tournesol- he's the little old guy with the ear horn. I've read them all in French and don't know how they translate his name. I know they call Milou Snowy, which seems funny to me.

He's Professor Cuthbert Calculus in English. What do Tournesol and Milou mean?

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We are excited to go see the new TinTin movie this afternoon. It looks great and has good reviews in today's paper. My ds loves the comic books when he gets them from the library. And he bought season 1 of the tv show from Target last week. I got him some of the older comic books for Christmas.


So, has anyone seen it yet or excited to see it?


My older kids saw it last night and said it was very good. They said we should go and take our 10yr old. They know I'm not a big movie goer, so it must be pretty good for them to recommend I see it. :)

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Haven't seen it yet, but I'm very excited to see it! I've read all the comics. I love Captain Haddock and Professor Tournesol- he's the little old guy with the ear horn. I've read them all in French and don't know how they translate his name. I know they call Milou Snowy, which seems funny to me.


Capt. Haddock and Snowy are there, but no Professor Tournesol (at least not in this film...they left lots of room for a sequel;)). Casting Nick Frost and Simon Pegg as the policemen was a great move.

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He's Professor Cuthbert Calculus in English. What do Tournesol and Milou mean?


Tournesol means sunflower, but I don't know if Milou means anything. I think it's just a cute doggie name, like Sparky or Rover.



Capt. Haddock and Snowy are there, but no Professor Tournesol (at least not in this film...they left lots of room for a sequel;)). Casting Nick Frost and Simon Pegg as the policemen was a great move.


How could I forget about Dupond et Dupont! Are they called that in English? I love those guys, too!

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I loved the opening credits - they animated the actual drawn comics - the motion capture animation was fine - I actually forgot the film was not "real" for most of it. SillyAutismMan loved it. Little kids in the theater loved it. Worth seeing.


Amazon UK finally let me order some action figures (last week was still saying they could not ship them to the states).

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Karen, how was Captain Haddock? Did they faramir him, or does his film character match the books?


I have to admit that, while I've read a few of the books, I'm not familiar enough to say. My daughter says that she thinks he was very much like the books, if that helps.

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We just went to see it this afternoon. It was very, very fun. The animation took a bit of getting used to, but the effect is good, different from but still true to the books. The thompsons were a little disappointing, but Haddock and Tintin were perfect. Snowy was cool, the opera singer makes a small but influential appearance, the villain was suitably villainous, and the special effects were really awesome. This was my first 3D movie, and while I would not choose it, it wasn't bad.

Overall, a really fun movie--I give it an A. :D

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Well almost--just like Dupond and Dupont, they are Thomson and Thompson. (Thus the 80's band named The Thompson Twins!)


Ah, now, see, if it had subtitles I would have caught that.:) I'm so spoiled to having subtitled or captioned movies at home, even those in English. It's been many years since I read any of the books. Even then, I only read one or two so the details are very blurry---not much beyond the fact that it was originally in French and involved a boy and a dog, I'm afraid:). I don't think they explicitly said that there was a difference in spelling in the movie (if they did, I missed it), though there was a bit of byplay later that I now can see alluded to it (no spoilers :)).

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We are excited to go see the new TinTin movie this afternoon...So, has anyone seen it yet or excited to see it?

Here! I've been a TinTin fan since...well, since I was young, so a good long while now.;) My guys enjoy TinTin, too, although they're far more into Asterix (as am I). Given that most of my boys have rarely stepped foot in a movie theater, though, I'm sure if I offer to take them they'll be on board.:)


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We just went to see it this afternoon. It was very, very fun. The animation took a bit of getting used to, but the effect is good, different from but still true to the books. The thompsons were a little disappointing, but Haddock and Tintin were perfect. Snowy was cool, the opera singer makes a small but influential appearance, the villain was suitably villainous, and the special effects were really awesome. This was my first 3D movie, and while I would not choose it, it wasn't bad.

Overall, a really fun movie--I give it an A. :D


Thanks for updating us! An A is good. We didn't end up going, because I want to see it regular (whatever that is called?) and not 3D so there was only one showing which we missed. 3D just makes me feel motion sick or something.

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We saw it when it opened here in India (Tin Tin is HUGE in India - who knew?) We saw it in 2D and it was very good. The kids really enjoyed it - we thought it stayed pretty true to the books. Don't think I would need to see it multiple times but we were glad we did see it in the theatre.

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We just went to see it this afternoon. It was very, very fun. The animation took a bit of getting used to, but the effect is good, different from but still true to the books. The thompsons were a little disappointing, but Haddock and Tintin were perfect. Snowy was cool, the opera singer makes a small but influential appearance, the villain was suitably villainous, and the special effects were really awesome. This was my first 3D movie, and while I would not choose it, it wasn't bad.

Overall, a really fun movie--I give it an A. :D


Thanks for the review:).


We're planning on seeing it tomorrow--although I think we'll do 2D for the sake of the youngest (and me :D).

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We just went to see it this afternoon. It was very, very fun. The animation took a bit of getting used to, but the effect is good, different from but still true to the books. The thompsons were a little disappointing, but Haddock and Tintin were perfect. Snowy was cool, the opera singer makes a small but influential appearance, the villain was suitably villainous, and the special effects were really awesome. This was my first 3D movie, and while I would not choose it, it wasn't bad.

Overall, a really fun movie--I give it an A. :D


I just asked my sister if she thought La Castafiore would be in it, and she said no. Can't wait to tell her she makes an appearance. My sister is writing her doctoral dissertation on the fantastique in Belgian Lit and Magic Realism in South American Lit, so she's just as big a TinTin geek as I am!

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we saw it last weekend and in French ;-)

Ok, so we saw a translation, but there was no way I was going to see a Tintin movie in English, with the English names. :tongue_smilie:


(oh btw, it should be 'Tintin' and not 'TinTin'.)


We all loved it, lots of real laughs from the crowd.


Tintin himself is not entirely perfectly animated, it was to forget it was fake, but Haddock and Saccharine were spot on. Especially Saccharine. There are shots when I could swear it was a real human being I was seeing.


Milou is also the cutest of them all, and still quite intelligent, for a dog. He gets a decent amount of screen time too.

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We saw it when it opened here in India (Tin Tin is HUGE in India - who knew?) We saw it in 2D and it was very good. The kids really enjoyed it - we thought it stayed pretty true to the books. Don't think I would need to see it multiple times but we were glad we did see it in the theatre.


I was introduced to Tintin by a friend who grew up in India! Funny thing, he first read them in German translations.

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It looks good to me also but I hope some of you who go see it will post your impressions after you go. A few of the reviews I read said it was intense in parts and I'm wondering if it will be okay for younger children.


We saw it today! LOVED it. My oldest is 7 today, and I knew he'd be fine. I'm still a little horrified I took my 3.75 year old to a PG movie:D, but we took the younger two based on the fact that all the potential issues had been previously addressed via the books. Even the youngest has spent many a quiet time looking at the pictures and laughing at the antics of Thompson and Thomson. So the guns, swords, and Haddock's drunkenness have all been discussed multiple times, so I didn't feel like I'd feel the need to be whispering in their ears about what a poor decision Haddock was making:lol:.


The part I was most concerned about was when a man is shot and uses his own bloodied fingerprint to "stamp" letters on a newspaper to leave a clue. Other than that, there's not any gore--gun and sword fights, but no blood flying about or anything like that.


The only part my younger two got scared during? That'd be when they were afraid something was going to happen to Snowy. :lol: There are other scenes that are suspenseful--chases, and such--but with the Snowy one, I just reminded them that it was a pretend movie with a happy ending and they were fine.


The gun and sword battles are still cartoonish, despite the animation being weirdly real. It's been a LONG time since I saw a animated movie, I guess--the first "person" when it opens had me going...um...I thought this was animated?? :lol: Then I was worried that my youngest would think these were REAL people. BUT, all the main characters were so well done that all the kids recognized them right away--obviously they don't look EXACTLY like the original drawings, but you get the idea.


It's hard to know what will be OK for the youngest ones...if there's any Tintin nightmares tonight, I'll report back. But they all really enjoyed it and clapped enthusiastically at the end.


For myself, I was really impressed and would go see it again if I wasn't so cheap:tongue_smilie:.


Oh, we did see the 2D version--I thought the 3D would be way too much for the youngest. I'm glad we went with the 2D--it's fast-paced!


Hope there was something helpful in my blabbing:D.

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