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How do you come off of a fast without getting really sick (TMI for sure!)

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So I am doing the Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead fast with my mom. At day 48 we both desperately neeeeeeded some protein, so we cheated for the first time. The next day I had diarrhea. Well, yesterday, day 51, we decided to do it again. We had some beef. Today I am sick as a dog. Bile coming out with the diarrhea, lots of pain. I can't do anything without suddenly having to run to the bathroom.


Our first meal after the fast was supposed to be Christmas Eve. Kinda poetic sounding, right? Now we know that we will be very ill the next morning and we don't want to do that for Christmas. We decided that 51 days is enough and we will come off the fast now. We want to enjoy Christmas.


Several people I've talked to told me to be very careful on Christmas Eve dinner so that our bodies don't get upset. They weren't kidding, apparently. :001_huh:


How do we do this? We clearly need to go slow. We haven't had anything at all but fresh veggie and fruit juice for 52 days now, with the exception of our two cheats which made us rather ill. Actually for the past 3 weeks or so, it's only been savory vegetables because the sweet in fruits was so overpowering in my mouth after being on the fast for a month that I couldn't even get myself to swallow fruit juice anymore. So, what do we eat, how much, how often, etc?

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I just want to tell you how impressed I am that you stayed on it that long. That's a long time!!!


I'd guess the BRAT diet would be a good way to start eating food again. Maybe after a day or two of that you'll be able to eat whatever you want.


Thanks :)


It actually wasn't very hard because we felt great. We had tons of energy, no food cravings, my migraines went away, sleep was great, etc. It was all good until a few days ago though our bodies were really wanting some protein.


I lost 39 pounds and my mom lost 28 pounds!

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Thanks :)


It actually wasn't very hard because we felt great. We had tons of energy, no food cravings, my migraines went away, sleep was great, etc. It was all good until a few days ago though our bodies were really wanting some protein.


I would start with steamed veggies & fresh fruit, and maybe legumes/nuts for your protein not meat.


You body is used to being vegan so I would probably avoid dairy & meat for a while.


I am just guessing but light things would be best as you transition.

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I'm getting ready to come off a juice fast, too. The Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead guy's website has menus for coming off the fast, so I'm planning to use those or similar. Here is a link to the page with all of the days; you would want to look at days 11 - 15 (scroll way down).


51 days? You're amazing! I'm doing mine to help heal newly diagnosed ulcers and will only do 20 days total with only 10 of them purely juice (what I'd intended) and I have much respect for you doing it that long! I'm with you on the fruits . . . after awhile it's just hard to choke down that sweetness.

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You might want to ask about this on the Raw Food Talk forums. The suggestions are going to be raw vegan, and they certainly aren't going to talk to you about meat (or cooked foods at all, really), but they have an active juice-fast community there, and so there will be lots of knowledgeable folks to help you ease back into solids.


Congratulations on a successful cleanse. I'm impressed!!

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I'm getting ready to come off a juice fast, too. The Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead guy's website has menus for coming off the fast, so I'm planning to use those or similar. Here is a link to the page with all of the days; you would want to look at days 11 - 15 (scroll way down).


51 days? You're amazing! I'm doing mine to help heal newly diagnosed ulcers and will only do 20 days total with only 10 of them purely juice (what I'd intended) and I have much respect for you doing it that long! I'm with you on the fruits . . . after awhile it's just hard to choke down that sweetness.


Thanks. I only looked at the site once because it only had minor fasts, unlike the 60 day version in the documentary. I wanted to do what the guys in the video did because I wanted their results. Worked great! I'll look at 11-15 on there.


Good luck on your fast! Fasting seems to fix all sorts of issues. It really makes you wonder what we're all putting in our bodies when you look at how many health issues fix right up when you start eating straight produce.

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I would start with steamed veggies & fresh fruit, and maybe legumes/nuts for your protein not meat.


You body is used to being vegan so I would probably avoid dairy & meat for a while.




Your body won't like going back on the meat and dairy so if you intend to transition back to eating those foods in anything approaching the same quantities as you used to, take it day by day, a tablespoon at a time.


You'll also have trouble if you're not used to eating legumes and want to eat a bowlful. Increase consumption slowly and your body will get used to it.


If you want quick fix animal protein, try sashimi.



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Oh wow!

There are people doing the Reboot here. :)


DH and I got a juicer and a share of a winter kale crop so we could do this together. We're starting the day after Xmas.


DH wants to do it documentary style. I am going to follow the website and do the 5-5-5 thing.


Sputter, tell us more about how you're doing if you don't mind!!

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Thanks :)


It actually wasn't very hard because we felt great. We had tons of energy, no food cravings, my migraines went away, sleep was great, etc. It was all good until a few days ago though our bodies were really wanting some protein.


I lost 39 pounds and my mom lost 28 pounds!



People never understand WHY you keep eating the way you do, and they don't understand that you feel so good-so healthy, and fake foods make you feel so bad, you'd just rather not.


Steamed veggies, a few clean fats (pastured butter) and broth if you're adding back in meats. (Nourishing Traditions broths)

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Your body won't like going back on the meat and dairy so if you intend to transition back to eating those foods in anything approaching the same quantities as you used to, take it day by day, a tablespoon at a time.


You'll also have trouble if you're not used to eating legumes and want to eat a bowlful. Increase consumption slowly and your body will get used to it.


If you want quick fix animal protein, try sashimi.




Really? You think sashimi is okay? I love sashimi.


What problem will I have with legumes? Since the protein I had on day 48 and 51 went right through me instead of getting processed, I still am dying for protein. So... tonight I mushed some beans and had them. I hope I don't react like I did today to the beef.

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DH is talking about doing the 60 day version. Are there any specific web sites you used.


Oh wow!

There are people doing the Reboot here. :)


DH and I got a juicer and a share of a winter kale crop so we could do this together. We're starting the day after Xmas.


DH wants to do it documentary style. I am going to follow the website and do the 5-5-5 thing.


Sputter, tell us more about how you're doing if you don't mind!!



I'd encourage them to do it documentary style! It works as promised. Just tell them to be careful with the end. Haha


I didn't follow a website. I just followed the documentary exactly.


Jennifer, I'm doing okay tonight. The bathroom trips stopped a couple hours ago. I had watery mushed beans tonight and hopefully those will be okay. I did choke a couple times though because I'm not used to swallowing anything but liquids. :lol:


My major problem now is that my clothes are so loose, they are basically unwearable now. :D My mom is getting me new ones for Christmas!

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Oh wow!

There are people doing the Reboot here. :)


DH and I got a juicer and a share of a winter kale crop so we could do this together. We're starting the day after Xmas.


DH wants to do it documentary style. I am going to follow the website and do the 5-5-5 thing.


Sputter, tell us more about how you're doing if you don't mind!!


If you want to go longer, I did the standard reboot but did days 6-10 twice. That gave me a 5 day run-up, 10 days of juicing (I'm nearing the end of that) then days 11-15 to come off the fast gently. I would think about day 9 or 10 you could decide to redo the days 6-10, keeping on doing that as long as you wanted. Plus the experts blog has a bunch of other juices you can sub (I tried to sub equivalent calories and protein - there were a couple that I just couldn't stomach).

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If you want to go longer, I did the standard reboot but did days 6-10 twice. That gave me a 5 day run-up, 10 days of juicing (I'm nearing the end of that) then days 11-15 to come off the fast gently. I would think about day 9 or 10 you could decide to redo the days 6-10, keeping on doing that as long as you wanted. Plus the experts blog has a bunch of other juices you can sub (I tried to sub equivalent calories and protein - there were a couple that I just couldn't stomach).


I'm going to try to go longer eventually but I'm not going to push myself so much that I rebel and binge. I'm a binge eater when I'm mad or stressed so I'm trying to convince myself to do this relaxed.


DH of course wants to go nuts and just drink juice until he drops his gut. And he's a man. He probably will do just that. :glare:


But he keeps dangling baby making in front of me. The man knows how to motivate me!!


Sputterduck, tell us MORE. I want more details!! Have you found a favorite juice? Did you lose some weight? Did you need to? You said your migraines are gone??

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I'm going to try to go longer eventually but I'm not going to push myself so much that I rebel and binge. I'm a binge eater when I'm mad or stressed so I'm trying to convince myself to do this relaxed.


DH of course wants to go nuts and just drink juice until he drops his gut. And he's a man. He probably will do just that. :glare:


But he keeps dangling baby making in front of me. The man knows how to motivate me!!


Sputterduck, tell us MORE. I want more details!! Have you found a favorite juice? Did you lose some weight? Did you need to? You said your migraines are gone??


I lost 39 pounds. It would have been over 40, but I needed protein, so I ended the fast. It's fine, though, because we have a very good post fast plan to keep losing.


I would juice whatever was available. It's hard sometimes here to get what you might normally put in the juicer. I took down a bunch of kale and green apples from the states because I can't get them here. I did kale, zuchini, cucumber, carrot, and green apple a lot at first. I couldn't take carrot after awhile. I was taking in tons of vitamin A, and that doesn't flush out like water soluble vitamins and I think that's why my body finally said no more carrots. For some reason, eventually I couldn't take anything sweet at all. Then it was lots of tomato, poblano, whatever dark greens I could find, and lots of zuchini. I juiced onions and garlic a lot for a good savory flavor, but it makes your breath stink. (That reminds me, my armpits have stopped having any odor at all. After a month, I stopped using deodorant completely and haven't used it since. I was shocked because normally I do need it or crystal spray for sure.) I used a lot of cucumber the first month, because you get a lot of liquid out of them. I think kale should be a focus if you can get it!


I lost 39 pounds. I did need to lose it, too! My mom lost 28, but she kept her glass of wine at night and I think that hindered things for her. However, 28 is still a lot. She did good.


Yeah, my migraines left. My major trigger used to be tomatoes. Early on I juiced a few and got a migraine, as would be expected, but I thought I'd try. 5 or so weeks into it, I was really wanting them, so I went ahead and juiced some and no migraine. After that, they were the bulk of my juices. Seriously. I have had a ton of them for weeks and no migraines at all.

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People never understand WHY you keep eating the way you do, and they don't understand that you feel so good-so healthy, and fake foods make you feel so bad, you'd just rather not.


Steamed veggies, a few clean fats (pastured butter) and broth if you're adding back in meats. (Nourishing Traditions broths)


You know, you realize how bad you've been feeling once you suddenly start feeling great. Had I known all these years that I could do this, I would have done so long ago.


Mmm broth sounds good. I have some organic broth here. I think that'll be part of breakfast along with some juiced tomatoes, zucchini, and bell pepper. :)

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You should never break a fast with rich foods and/or solid meats! Drinking juices, eating soups with maybe a little rice and small bits of chicken or poultry, and small amounts of fruits and veggies are the best foods to start with. Gradually add in nuts, legumes and small amounts of bread or crackers.


On a related note, this would be a perfect time to gradually add in food groups to check for sensitivity or allergies. For example, after a couple of days of slow introduction to solids, add wheat to the diet, but no dairy. See how you feel. If there are no issues, slowly add in dairy products. Again, see how you feel. Your body may or may not respond to eating those food groups after having been off of them for a time. If not, then you will know your body has no intolerance to them.


Best to you and to good nutrition,


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Really? You think sashimi is okay? I love sashimi.


I don't know about ok, but I think that's your best bet if you want meat. It's raw, after all. Swill it down with a good bowl of miso and cross your fingers. :)


What problem will I have with legumes? Since the protein I had on day 48 and 51 went right through me instead of getting processed, I still am dying for protein. So... tonight I mushed some beans and had them. I hope I don't react like I did today to the beef.


I'm only talking about the usual problems people have with legumes when they haven't been eating them regularly. I very much doubt you'll have any where near the trouble you had with the beef.



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Sputter, that's fantastic!!!


Kale is easy to get up here, even in the winter from hoophouses. So I think we'll be ok with our mean green juice. And I can grow kale like a weed starting in March so that should help keep costs down.


I've been wondering about juicing for YEARS. And then DH watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead." I can attest that my raw fed animals are 1000% healthier than their kibble counterparts. My pets gleam. So in the back of my mind, I've always wondered what would happen to humans if we just threw the junk out.


I still don't get how the human body does without protein from a 60 day fast or whatnot but I'm willing to find out. :lol:

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I am doing it, too! I have fasted before but only for a couple of days. I juice a lot as it is but saw that documentary last week and am so motivated! I feel strongly that it is a bad idea to break your fast with meat. It is better to ease back into solid food with broth, fruits and veggies. Good for you for staying with it for so long! How much weight have you lost?

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