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Trying to parent an adult child through a domestic situation.

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Obviously, I can not say much on a public forum but my dd is in the same situation as the one our dear friend was going through recently. She is 19, has a good job, is going to college and has a safe place to go and yet she is choosing to remain where she is. I am going through a depressed phase right now and I am not thinking clearly and do not know how to handle this. I could use support, advice, prayers and positive thoughts. Please do not kick me while I am down because I on't have the resources to deal with it. Also may I please ask that you do not quote this particular post as I may remove it when I am thinking more clearly.

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:grouphug: Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm sorry your dd is going through this. :grouphug: You will be in my prayers.


The only advice I have is to keep communications open. Make sure you are talking to her often, and listen, really listen to her. Try hard not to jump at her with advice. I know it's hard. My mom had to deal with this. Thankfully the other person came to her senses a week before the wedding. But it's so hard to watch. And when she does come around, just be there for her. :grouphug:

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Are you able to brainstorm with her about various options? Not in an instructive way, but in a creative, helpful way? It seems that someone will be less apt to leave/end a bad situation if they do not know of other options out there.

I'm so sorry. I really have no experience with this, so do not know if this is practical advice or not.

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Does she not feel as though she is in danger, or is she admitting that it's a possibility, but doesn't want to leave? Can you work out a system w/ her where she checks in w/ you daily, at a certain time, and have a codeword for if she needs you to call in the police?



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