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Today I am going to do something on my "things to do before I die" list.

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I'm scared, my heart is pounding, I feel sick to my stomach, and I'm writing just to waste time for a while.


It's not a thing that is some great accomplishment. It's just something, a little thing I think, that I've wanted to do for, oh, 20-25 years. It's trivial to some, possibly immoral to others- or at least frowned upon.


That's why it has taken me so long to commit to doing the deed. I have dh's full support. We've discussed it several times. He was rather upset the other day when I brought it up again, and mentioned that the only thing holding me back was what other people (church people) will think.


Some people are going to be very upset. You see, I am the girl that can always be counted upon to be predictable. I can be called upon whenever needed. I'm the kind of person who has a clean house, my laundry is caught up, no dishes in the sink, and my kids aren't behind in school. I *appear* to be a "common, normal" conservative, and have a place of influence in my church. I'm going to be called a bad influence. Kind of like Bilbo after he met Gandalf.


They don't know that I want to do this "thing." There are going to be lots of questions. Maybe it would be better to say that there will be questioning. Some may think I'm having a mid-life crisis. I believe that in fact, this is just the opposite. Others will think that I'm "changing" and that they don't feel like they really know me. Maybe they don't. That will scare them. They will wonder what I'm going to do next. Probably nothing. There isn't anything else of this nature that I want to do. Just this one thing.


I think there is a very fine line between doing what pleases the self, and being responsible for the influences one has. It does and has concerned me.


I did a search on the boards to see if "the thing" had ever been discussed, and I was surprised to find out that several of us want to do the same thing, but have the same trepidations.


I wonder if I should prepare them first? I'm not asking their permission, and I'm not going to apologize.


Have you ever done something that seemed out of character for you? How did you handle "others?"


Thanks for letting me get that out.



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Well, now, if you have dh's support and it isn't immoral - go for it! Don't worry about the others. I'd just tell those who asked that it was on my "list of things to do" and dh and you decided it was time.


Now, I have to ask, what is this "thing"??????? :)

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Is it a tatoo? A booK job? A parachute jump?


What are you doing?!?!


If it were really immoral, if it would really make you look bad, your hubby would be the first to tell you. Really. If women have a better sense than men for homewreckers, men have a better sense than women when it's time to ignore the crowd. Just do it.


And if it's a booK job, make sure and get new . . . uh, decorative accompaniments . . . to celebrate!

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My pastor and his wife got piercings when they made a serious commitment to follow Christ's leading, wherever he took them. His earring and her nose ring symbolized, to them, that their commitment was permanent, that they were forever "marked" by Christ.


I thought it was wonderful. They may have gotten comments, but those comments became a great opportunity for witness. Yours could too.

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My pastor and his wife got piercings when they made a serious commitment to follow Christ's leading, wherever he took them. His earring and her nose ring symbolized, to them, that their commitment was permanent, that they were forever "marked" by Christ.


I thought it was wonderful. They may have gotten comments, but those comments became a great opportunity for witness. Yours could too.


I want a nose ring, a little diamond. A girl that I work with has one and it is so understated and pretty.

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Not that I'll chicken out. I won't. Mentally, the deed is done.


But, I hope nothing weird prevents me.


I thought that in the meantime, y'all could keep guessing, and share things that you might have done that might have been similar.


I'm already feeling less anxious.


Is there a "sigh of relief" smiley?:D



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Hmm, I think it would depend on who was going to be upset, and how upset. My DH would be upset if I started wearing Birks (:glare:) but that kind of upset doesn't bother me much.


I haven't done many things that are out of character for me, because everyone who knows me knows to expect just about anything from me, and they expect it to be a well-researched decision too :lol:


I don't know. If it's really on your "list," and isn't immoral (whatever that means to you, of course), and won't hurt your family, then I say do it.


And then TELL US ABOUT IT! :lol:

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Is it a tatoo? A booK job? A parachute jump


:D Yes! and the Noise ring too. I can't wait to hear/see when you have finally taken the plunge. It's sad how we care way to much about what others will think, even when it's something that will hurt no one (well, maybe you, a little if it's one of the above mentioned). I should take some of this advice myself.


Have fun... whatever it is you are going to do!

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Not that I'll chicken out. I won't. Mentally, the deed is done.


But, I hope nothing weird prevents me.


I thought that in the meantime, y'all could keep guessing, and share things that you might have been done that might have been similar.


I'm already feeling less anxious.


Is there a "sigh of relief" smiley?:D



You're bunging jumping or getting a belly ring. Whatever it is, enjoy the final product as you seem determined! Go for it :)

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I have a girl friend who wanted to try sky-diving. She told her husband, but not her parents or anyone else. She sent a video afterwards. Her parents didn't mind so much finding out after she'd already done it and was back safely:) She just didn't want to have to deal with everyone else's opinions on what she "should" do.


She's not even 40, and now she has rectal cancer and it's scaring me, so I'm glad she got to do it!

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Have you ever done something that seemed out of character for you? How did you handle "others?"



It's not really that out of character--my g'dad was a motorcycle cop, and my dad and uncles all ride bikes, so I've grown up around them and I have a realistic appraisal of their dangers. (My dad used to take me to school on his bike, in fact. When he wasn't on call, that is. When he was on call, I got to go in the squad car. Ask me some day about what it feels like to arrive at a fancy prep school in a squad car or on a bike. :001_huh:) But it probably seemed out of character because I am, in general, very risk-averse. I would probably never sky-dive, or bungie-jump, and I don't even care for skiing.


And I'm also fairly modest, bodily speaking. I don't really go for anything that's perceived as sexy or flashy or attention-getting. So no one would ever associate me with Trinity on her Ducati.


But I do love me my bike.


The only people that were really troubled by it were the ILs, and that was because they had dear friends who had recently lost a teenaged son in a bike accident. (First time he ever got on a bike. It was a crotch rocket and he was speeding. Very, very sad.) So I could kind of understand. We've said several times, as gently as we can, "Mom, Dad, we're very careful. Neither of us is interested in dying right now." And we generally refrain from rubbing their noses in it. It hasn't been an issue in years. (I think when we finally start letting the kids ride on the back, we will put a strict gag order on that subject. "Grandmommy and Granddaddy don't find out about this, or you'll never ride back there again, comprenez?")


Other than that, some people make comments from time to time--"Are those things really safe?" "Oh, my, I hope it's worth it to you--I would NEVER do something so dangerous!" "Um, is your life insurance all paid up?"--but I generally respond with a chipper, "Well, you should see my gas mileage!" and that's the end of it.


Can't wait to find out what you did!!

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I have a tattoo. So do a few of my Christian friends.



The truth is...


...something I would REALLY like to do...


is get my naval pierced. :blush:


But I would like the nice firm tummy to go with it.


So for now I just dream...




Oh, dh has been skydiving... twice. I will try it one day also.


... and we both ride motorcycles. I taught him :coolgleamA:

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Well, at first I thought it wasn't going to get done. :o(


Turns out there was a big funeral in the alternative universe today, and I had to do some quick research on the laptop.


But in the end, yes. I got my nose pierced. I tiny little diamond, just like Elaine wants. It's on the left side, which is an Ayurvedic pressure point for the female organs. That in itself will yield interesting conversations, because when I was talking about Ayurveda the other day, a Christian thought I shouldn't spend so much time in the Hindu scriptures.:confused:


Anyway, it didn't hurt, and was over very quickly.


I'd love to post a picture, but I haven't been able to in the past. No matter how much we crop the pic down, this site always says it's too big. Is there an alternative way to do that?


Anyway, right after I had it done, I went to the local whole foods type store. The cashier was oohing and ahhing over it saying how good it looked, and how badly she wanted one. When I told her I just came from having it done, she was so blown away at how cool it was that someone my age would go out and do that,:D


I'm pleased with it. Thanks for hanging in with the drama!



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Not that I'll chicken out. I won't. Mentally, the deed is done.


But, I hope nothing weird prevents me.


I thought that in the meantime, y'all could keep guessing, and share things that you might have done that might have been similar.


I'm already feeling less anxious.


Is there a "sigh of relief" smiley?:D




I'd vote as long as its not immoral and dh is all for it, who cares.


Once, I asked my dh if he thought pierced bellys were sexy. He said yes. Guess what I did the following weekend? I'd always liked them but that really told me to go for it. I'm working up the courage for the tiny nose piercing. Keep in mind though.. I want a tatoo & possible tummy tuck after 4 kidlets but dh is really not for them; so out of respect, I won't get either.


Whatever it is- go for it!!

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a Christian thought I shouldn't spend so much time in the Hindu scriptures.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." ~ Aristotle (but we shouldn't be arrogant about it, the person is concerned for your spiritual well-being and that's a good thing.)


she was so blown away at how cool it was that someone my age would go out and do that,



I'm pleased with it. Thanks for hanging in with the drama!



Enjoy :001_smile:

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I think I know how you feel. I've been entertaining the thought of dreadlocks. *sigh* I know there is an entire sterotype that goes with dreads. I'm still trying to figure out exactly WHY I want dreads. And like you, I'm seen as the conservative Mom at church. Thanks for this thread, and congrats to you on your nose ring.

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I think nose piercings are really pretty. Good for you for going for it!


I wore a (fake) nose ring in college and really liked it, but when I met my DH, it was totally NOT his thing. Now I would feel too old and mom-ish to wear one, but I wistfully remember how I felt when I did. It's funny how those little things affect you.


Looking forward to seeing pics. I bet you look beautiful!

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Congrats! I had no idea that getting that done would be such a big deal to some, but I'm generally lost in space, LOL. Well, I hope that no one will give you a hard time about it as it certainly seems no worse to me than getting one's ears pierced (and in some cases pierced, and pierced, and.....)

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that Ayurveda is not the Hindu scriptures. So while appreciate her concern, she didn't know what she was talking about.



"she was so blown away at how cool it was that someone my age would go out and do that,"


Well, I did just turn 39, so to her I was as old as her mom, and her mom was totally against any such thing. I guess it's common for someone around her age (16-18) to think of something as being cool- especially if their own parent is against it.


Thanks! :)



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It worked on the testing board, anyway, with the exception of being ginormous! It shows what it needs to, but I don't think it's a very flattering photo. :001_unsure:




Oh totally adorable!! I'm still working up the courage. On a scale from 1-10, 10 being worst- how would you describe the pain level?

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