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Chicken pox

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Evidently you can get them from someone who has shingles even though you don't have skin to skin contact. :tongue_smilie: I feel betrayed by google!


My dad has shingles and he had an outbreak about 2 weeks ago. My nephew and my daughter both have chicken pox, as of Friday.


I'm surprised that dd doesn't feel ill. Some of the pox itch, but not all. It's mainly on her face a few on her stomach & back. Nephew has them all over.

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Yes, you can!! But it does not work in reverse. Someone with chicken pox cannot cause shingles in someone who's already had the pox. Shingles usually surfaces due to a weakness in the immune system. Note that if your children have a very mild case of the chicken pox, they may not develop enough immunity against the virus to keep from catching it again in the future. And...just anecdotal from working in a peds practice...the second child in a family to come down with the virus, usually has a worse case.

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DD had them last winter. They were on her back, tummy and in her groin area. She only felt bad one day. We gave baking soda baths and put topical bendryl on the pox. It's the same virus so shingles exposure can result in chicken pox. On the bright side, your girls are very unlikely to get chicken pox as adults when it is more dangerous, and you homeschool, so you can just apply benedryl and carry on.

I'm sorry you are going through this, though.

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Yes, yay! But how do we make sure the other 4 kids get it? :D


Sorry, too late, they have all been exposed. It will be a long, itchy month at home. Do avoid going out, because CP are very dangerous to those with weak immune systems. If your kiddos have been around anyone with cancer or other immune compromised people, please call them and warn them, they will thank you (my son had cancer, and I appreciated the heads up so we could be prepared). :grouphug: It stinks, but getting everyone through it at once wil be easier than having to go through all of this again another time. My kids all got it at different times. :glare:

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Sorry, too late, they have all been exposed. It will be a long, itchy month at home. Do avoid going out, because CP are very dangerous to those with weak immune systems. If your kiddos have been around anyone with cancer or other immune compromised people, please call them and warn them, they will thank you (my son had cancer, and I appreciated the heads up so we could be prepared). :grouphug: It stinks, but getting everyone through it at once wil be easier than having to go through all of this again another time. My kids all got it at different times. :glare:


I supposed I should be glad that it's before the holidays, sigh. I just hope they all get it soon. One month from today still give us time to participate in Christmas activities.

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Oh please, oh please, oh please! My mother has shingles and I'm praying all the dc will get them and get it over with. It would make for a nice, quiet Christmas, too :lol:

I think we got them from my dad. He had a shingle flare up approx. two weeks ago. My mom said, "Oh, you can't catch them unless they have skin to skin contact and they're on his legs so they'll be under his pants the whole time."



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My mom had shingles last year and I was torn. I wanted to get it over with but I was pregnant and didn't want to deal with it then. I'm hoping they get it when the baby is older. Maybe in two years or so?


On a side note I got DS the vax for it when he was 3. His dr suggested that he should get the booster since he already had it but I don't know. We're completely anti-vax now.

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Just an added point of reference, people with immunity can also transmit it. I (and my oldest daughter, and my friend's son) got it after my friend transported somebody with chicken pox to the hospital (for something unrelated - an allergic reaction, I think). It was not awesome having chicken pox at 26, two weeks before Christmas.


So, moms of the infected, you should be careful who you come in contact with, too.

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Please warn any pregnant women who may have been exposed to your children. When I was pregnant with my first child, I went shopping with my sister (something we never do!) and she got chicken pox a few days later and was hospitalized. I called my doctor and told him I was exposed to chicken pox and was told by the nurse, "Oh, everybody your age has had them. You just don't remember." until I told her that my older sister was in the hospital with chicken pox and none of the kids in our family ever got them. They sent me to the ER for an immediate immunoglobulin shot because, apparently, it can cause blindness or other issues in unborn babies.

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I'm hoping we have cp for the holidays too. Someone I know exposed her kids last week and I hope they get it so I can bring mine over to play. And then hopefully they actually catch it...DS1 has been exposed three times and still hasn't got it. He didn't even catch it from DD when she had it last summer.

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Evidently you can get them from someone who has shingles even though you don't have skin to skin contact. :tongue_smilie: I feel betrayed by google!


My dad has shingles and he had an outbreak about 2 weeks ago. My nephew and my daughter both have chicken pox, as of Friday.


I'm surprised that dd doesn't feel ill. Some of the pox itch, but not all. It's mainly on her face a few on her stomach & back. Nephew has them all over.



I had about three pox when I had it, and yes, it can convey immunity. (three of my children had cp at three different times, I never got sick. I was also exposed to a friend's children before I married.) 2dd also had a fairly mild case, and had mild shingles when she was seven.


I'm hoping we have cp for the holidays too. Someone I know exposed her kids last week and I hope they get it so I can bring mine over to play. And then hopefully they actually catch it...DS1 has been exposed three times and still hasn't got it. He didn't even catch it from DD when she had it last summer.


he may be immune, not everyone has to "break out" to develop immunity. before having the vaccine, absolutely do a titer to check immunity FIRST.

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Brings back memories...


We wanted our children to get chicken pox naturally. After several years two of the children finally got a vaccination. Ironically, that same week a daughter who was 16 and was going to leave for Mexico on a trip came down with chicken pox and she had to miss the trip. She got the pox from a friend who had shingles. One by one the others fell... except the two who had just been given the vaccination. One day one of the boys sat up and said, "get me out of here! they're dropping like flies!"


I had two teens who ran high fevers for 3 days and that was not fun...

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Thanks for all your empathy! :001_smile:


We purposefully exposed the other kids really good last night in the manner dh's Dad had him & his sibs do. :001_smile: The clock is running....


My dd 12 was angry about that, "I can't believe you want me to get cp!" She's our only one who has the cp vaccine. I'm hoping she'll still get some.


We've notified everyone we were in contact with last week.

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Oh please, oh please, oh please! My mother has shingles and I'm praying all the dc will get them and get it over with. It would make for a nice, quiet Christmas, too :lol:


Have titers done if they don't break out - my DS was exposed twice to shingles and we had his titers done, he's immune to chicken pox and never had even a bump, anywhere, that we could find!

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Definitely too late then. :tongue_smilie:


Is it dangerous at 15 or just more uncomfortable than at a younger age? I'm thinking it would still be better than to get it now than when older - no?


It can be as simple as profoundly more uncomfortable. or, it can be very dangerous. My friends 13 yo daughter nearly died.


the fact is, you won't know which until they get sick. If a 15 yo hasn't had them, I'd do the vaccine.

Edited by gardenmom5
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