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A funny note to the tooth fairy

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So my daughter just turned 11 this month, and I have no idea if she really still believes in the Tooth Fairy or if she just plays along because either 1) she thinks we think she still believes and doesn't want to ruin it for us, or 2) she wants to keep getting money for her teeth and is afraid if she lets on that she doesn't believe, we won't give her any more money.


But anyway, two nights ago, she lost a tooth at bedtime. She came in to our room to show it to us, and my husband joked, "Oh, that kind of tooth isn't worth much...you'll probably only get a quarter for it."


"Is that true?" she demanded of me.


I played along and joked, "Well, I don't know, teeth lose their value. The older they are, the less they are worth, probably. But put it under your pillow and see what happens!"


So, my husband went up in the wee hours of the night to play Tooth Fairy as he always does since I go to bed earlier than he does, and he found two scraps of paper along with the tooth.


See photo, attached.

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She got a lot more than a quarter lol. More than what I would have given her. My husband is actually way too generous a tooth fairy lol. But then again she doesn't really get "allowance" often either so the tooth fairy money is kinda special. Her note cracked us up though. She got worried! Haha.

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When my son lost his first tooth, he swallowed it. So he wrote a note to the tooth fairy that said

Dear Tooth Fairy, I swallowed my first tooth, but still live. Please leave me a 10c. He had wrote 25c but crossed it out.


The tooth fairy left him a dollar. I asked him why her wrote a quarter and crossed it out. He said he didn't want to look greedy.

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OH. I would so keep that note. How sweet! And then she ripped it!


Our tooth fairy kept forgetting to come, for same tooth, other teeth, other kids, BAD tooth fairy. Most of the time she would leave the children a note, apologizing, explaining her absence with having to do with the weather or some other big event.:lol:

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Our tooth fairy once forgot to come after ds's tooth. He was indignant the next morning. That night he wrote a note to the tooth fairy stating that he understands she is busy, but business is business. He computed interest on the amount of money he usually received, and left her the bill, along with the tooth.


His math was correct, so the tooth fairy paid the interest. :lol:

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I love this thread! The tooth fairy forgot to come here the other night and she felt very badly when she remembered that she forgot. :lol: Ds#2 had left a note with his tooth ... "Do you give extra money for silver teeth" with a "yes" and a box and a "no" and a box for checking. :) (He had to have a root canal basically, poor guy.) He was very excited when she checked "yes"! I think it made up for her delay in coming in the first place.

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Our tooth fairy once forgot to come after ds's tooth. He was indignant the next morning. That night he wrote a note to the tooth fairy stating that he understands she is busy, but business is business. He computed interest on the amount of money he usually received, and left her the bill, along with the tooth.


His math was correct, so the tooth fairy paid the interest. :lol:



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We used to reply to our kids' notes by using a very small (no. 4 or something) size font on the computer & cut out a little square of writing, then fold it real small. The kids were incredulous that fairies had computers, and how SMALL the computers must be!!!:lol:

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OH. I would so keep that note. How sweet! And then she ripped it!


I think she meant to just tuck a scrap of paper in so she wrote the note, ripped it off, and tucked it in her little tooth fairy pillow, but then she decided to draw a picture too and added the other scrap. (And I confess that I found myself thinking: "Really? I KNOW you know the difference between your and you're, why didn't you spell it right?!" but of course I couldn't say that to her because I wasn't supposed to see the note LOL).


Our tooth fairy once forgot to come after ds's tooth. He was indignant the next morning. That night he wrote a note to the tooth fairy stating that he understands she is busy, but business is business. He computed interest on the amount of money he usually received, and left her the bill, along with the tooth.


His math was correct, so the tooth fairy paid the interest. :lol:


That's priceless!


I love this thread! The tooth fairy forgot to come here the other night and she felt very badly when she remembered that she forgot. :lol: Ds#2 had left a note with his tooth ... "Do you give extra money for silver teeth" with a "yes" and a box and a "no" and a box for checking. :) (He had to have a root canal basically, poor guy.) He was very excited when she checked "yes"! I think it made up for her delay in coming in the first place.


Aw that's so cute!


Our tooth fairy only "forgot" once and it was while we were on vacation, so we told her that it must be that she only comes to your own house and would probably come after we got home. Which she did, of course.

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