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What are you going to use now that ALL will not be ready

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I was planning to use ALL for my 6th grade ds who is dyslexic. He has done fabulously well with the FLL series and has started the ALL sample. Now that it is not going to be published any time soon, what should I use with him ? He has never done anything else except FLL and ALL so I am not sure what to do. What curricula are similar?

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Do you have the longer sample? We have about 20 weeks or so. It is due to be published in January.


It's not helpful for next year, but you should be able to get through this year.


Unfortunately, publication has been cancelled indefinitely. :crying:


I have no idea what we will do. A few choices I'm thinking about are: Growing with Grammar, Hake Grammar and Voyages in English/Exercises in English. These programs all have diagramming.

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Unfortunately, publication has been cancelled indefinitely. :crying:


I have no idea what we will do. A few choices I'm thinking about are: Growing with Grammar, Hake Grammar and Voyages in English/Exercises in English. These programs all have diagramming.


This is a sad day, but I'm grateful that the writing program will continue to move forward.


I guess we'll go back to GWG, we tried it a few times and my kids did ok, but wanted more teacher interaction. I guess I'll have to tweak it so that I present the lessons instead of it being independent.

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Thank you for posting the link. I think splitting ALL into TM and Student makes more sense, anyway. At least the writing is on track....


Of the 3 you mentioned, I have used GWG and Hake.


I think GWG might be the better choice after FLL because the layout of clean pages, straight to the point explanations and plenty of review will be familiar. HOWEVER, many people find retention low. I would suggest going over the lesson with your child first rather than turn the thing over to him with a smile and a "Here you go. Teach yourself." I found this worked better. We did 3-5. She did not have the other levels available at the time. As a bonus, you can do one stop shopping with her Spell/Vocab and Writing programs available. I have been sorely tempted.


Hake is just like Saxon Math. I had my son write directly in the text. Hake has a great deal more added to it that I felt was unnecessary such as dictation, journal prompts, and more practice pages. We tried the writing but it typical for public school type sequence. The jumping around drove my son nuts. Needless to say, we did not enjoy it. We used Hake 5.



If you are doing VIE, I do think you need EIE to go with it. I have no experience with this program as it is too expensive for us.

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I just purchased VIE and EIE and I am pleased. If you go to Loyola Press they have almost the whole book online to see the samples. Homeschool Buyer's Co-op runs a special about 2 times a year. Once in the Spring and Summer from what I recall.


Do you feel that EIE is a necessary supplement to VIE? Or are the exercises in the text sufficient?

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Do you feel that EIE is a necessary supplement to VIE? Or are the exercises in the text sufficient?


EIE might be overkill since I also have the VIE workbook. It will take me a while to figure that out. Loyola Press said some schools use EIE as a stand alone product. What I found attractive with VIE (we have the 5th grade book) is many of the sentences are from history or science plus fun stuff. The grammar seems to comprehensive. VIE also has some diagramming and the Teacher's Edition has a lot more diagramming. I also happen to think the writing instruction may not be so bad but of course I think WWE and WWS are better. I bought the 2011 edition.

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I think my plan for this year is going to be to finish what we have of ALL and then finish up the year with the free workbook at Macmillan




So, then I will pick up with VIE for next year.


I just don't feel like purchasing a program when we are only going to use half of it.


Thank you for the link! It looks like a great resource. I think I am going to use it in combination with the ALL samples starting in January. (We're doing light grammar until then, reviewing FLL4 just to cover basics and skipping over a lot. Dd likes PHP grammar and she's doing it in combination with WWS and VFCR for Semester 1.) But with ALL samples and the McGraw-Hill workbook, that should get us through the year.


Next year, well....I guess I'll be looking at R&S just for the grammar again. :001_unsure:




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First, I will need to cry for about 36 hours and then I'll be able to start researching what to use.


Then I'll probably cry some more.





I was planning to use ALL for my 6th grade ds who is dyslexic. He has done fabulously well with the FLL series and has started the ALL sample. Now that it is not going to be published any time soon, what should I use with him ? He has never done anything else except FLL and ALL so I am not sure what to do. What curricula are similar?



My ds is also dyslexic and FLL has been great. He loves FLL and diagramming.



Maybe I'm nuts, but 1400 pages would have been fine with us. :lol:


I guess we will continue with MCT grammar (which we are enjoying also).



Raising hand for the 1400 page book too.


I've looked at MCT over and over and over. The 4 level analysis makes me go :001_huh:. I'm not sure how ds would take to it since he loves diagramming so much.



By the way, you used the word "darn" to express your disappointment, something a bit stronger came from my mouth.

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EIE might be overkill since I also have the VIE workbook. It will take me a while to figure that out. Loyola Press said some schools use EIE as a stand alone product. What I found attractive with VIE (we have the 5th grade book) is many of the sentences are from history or science plus fun stuff. The grammar seems to comprehensive. VIE also has some diagramming and the Teacher's Edition has a lot more diagramming. I also happen to think the writing instruction may not be so bad but of course I think WWE and WWS are better. I bought the 2011 edition.



Thanks, Priscilla -- very helpful!

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I'm not sure what we will do now.


We used RS 4 last year, but we definitely preferred the 3 years prior with FLL. I was going to start ALL in a few weeks with my DD. All I have is the 5 week sample. I never asked for the 15 week sample, because I thought it would be out in Jan.


I wonder if I can still receive the 15 week sample? (I will post the question on SWB's ALL sticky.)


I have looked at all the recommended grammar programs. They are either not appealing (RS) or too expensive (VIE, Abeka). (I actually was going to purchase VIE, until I saw the price.):sad:


I want something strong, but unique. I thought maybe MCT Grammar would do, but it seems to not cover what I consider the essentials and appeared too expensive, as well.


Oh, what to do? :confused:

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We are using Analytical Grammar.


Does one need the teacher book for Voyages in English? Because it is over 100 at Rainbow. Jeepers.


I bought the student text and TM for the 5th grade 1995 VIE used. I can't recall what the differences were between the later editions and the '95, but I doubt it's difficult to find. FWIW, here is the 5th grade 1995 TE at amazon or here at abebooks, ISBN 0829407596, and the corresponding student text at abebooks, ISBN 0829407588


According to Follet:


6th grade 1995 VIE student text ISBN 082940760X, TE ISBN 0829407618


7th grade 1995 VIE student text ISBN 0829407626, TE 0829407634


8th grade 1995 VIE student text ISBN 0829407642, TE 0829407650

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I wonder if it's too late to get the ALL pdfs.....


I posted that very question to SWB. She just replied back that all we need to do is e-mail and ask them for the 15 week ALL sample. Here is her assistant's e-mail address: executiveassistant@welltrainedmind.com


We were just about to start ALL, and we still plan to! After the 15 week sample is complete, we plan to use Part 2 of Intermediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl. (We can't go wrong with classical methods and free on Google books.)

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Does one need the teacher book for Voyages in English? Because it is over 100 at Rainbow. Jeepers.


I recommend it but I have heard of others who don't use it. It is cheaper to get it at Loyola Press directly and even cheaper to wait for the sale at Homeschool Buyer's Co-op which has the sale twice a year. Loyola did tell me when they were which was the Spring and Summer from what I recall:tongue_smilie:

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This is a sad day, but I'm grateful that the writing program will continue to move forward.


:iagree:I really thought I was going to have one of those years where I wasn't going to have to research curriculum. So, now this gives me something to do.


We really have loved FLL. It just seemed so perfect to move right into ALL.

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I've looked at MCT over and over and over. The 4 level analysis makes me go :001_huh:. I'm not sure how ds would take to it since he loves diagramming so much.


When we were doing MCT, I let my dd diagram each sentence that we did the 4-level analysis on. There is a blank space at the bottom of each workbook page for writing comments. It's just the right size for a sentence diagram. ;)

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I think we are going to finish using the ALL sample and then move to Analytical Grammar. Still thinking about it though. Another that I'm considering is the Saxon/Hake grammar program.


I am considering AG as well. I think ds may need some review of usage, capitalization, puctuation etc since AG doesn't cover that until season 3. Any suggestions for this that is free or cheap?

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I went ahead and bought Hake/Saxon Grammar and Writing 5 for dd9, who will be finished with FLL4 in a few short weeks. :001_smile: I showed her samples of GWG, VIE, Shurley, and Hake, and she decided that Hake was the most like FLL. She's a grammar nerd and was disappointed that ALL will not be available. Because she is still in 4th grade, I will probably work through the lessons with her as I do with FLL4. Then she can do the review on her own. She's excited to give it a try.



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I went ahead and bought Hake/Saxon Grammar and Writing 5 for dd9, who will be finished with FLL4 in a few short weeks. :001_smile: I showed her samples of GWG, VIE, Shurley, and Hake, and she decided that Hake was the most like FLL. She's a grammar nerd and was disappointed that ALL will not be available. Because she is still in 4th grade, I will probably work through the lessons with her as I do with FLL4. Then she can do the review on her own. She's excited to give it a try.



Hake looks good!

My ds is in 6th grade. He is currently doing the 15 week sample of ALL. He is in week 5. Do you think he should finish the sample or go ahead and switch to Hake? I'm not sure whether to put him in the 5th or 6th grade book. Also do you do the writing exercises if you are using WWS? BTW He finds ALL challenging. We have to go slowly with it but he is doing well.

Edited by Lori in MS
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I'm not sure whether to put him in the 5th or 6th grade book.


I couldn't say because we haven't actually used Hake yet, and I don't know how solid your child's grammar base is, but I know that they say Hake is challenging. They say that a child with a solid grammar base can probably begin at grade level but that if the child doesn't have a solid foundation in grammar to begin a year back or even go back to Hake 5 for older students (7th or 8th grade).



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If I wanted to buy Hake, what do I need if I am only going to use grammar and not the writing component?


Just the student book and the TE, if you need the TE. The writing is all contained in the Student Workbook. I went ahead and bought all three because it was only about $2 more to buy the complete package ($44.95 at Rainbow Resource), so I figured what the heck (or what the Hake, as the case may be). :)



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Just the student book and the TE, if you need the TE. The writing is all contained in the Student Workbook. I went ahead and bought all three because it was only about $2 more to buy the complete package ($44.95 at Rainbow Resource), so I figured what the heck (or what the Hake, as the case may be). :)




So you bought

1.student textbook

2.student workbook

3.Teacher Packet


It looks like the student workbook mostly has the writing lessons and something they call "extra practice" for grammar. I am thinking that if I don't need the writing lessons I would not need the student workbook.

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I'll be doing MCT; Story Grammar/Sentence Composing; Abeka (selections). My kids like workbooks (or discussion). Abeka is familiar... and we use it mainly for reinforcement/diagramming. I will have at least two in Abeka at that point... one in FLL4. Here's HOPING it will be ready for him!


My next one is just starting FLL 1/2...I'll probably cry if it's not ready for her!

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Is FLL ahead or right on track? Does anyone have an idea?


When I was looking around last week at samples, it seemed to me that FLL was ahead. I saw several things that 5th grade curriculums seemed to be introducing that dd9 was already working on in FLL4.


Hake Grammar 5 is expected to arrive today. I already warned dd that she will faint dead away when she sees how thick the book is (600+ pages). She said, "Tha's ok. I like grammar!"



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Okay, so Hake or VIE?


That's the question.


Can someone tell me which one, if either, has more SPIRAL review? I would love to find something like GWG (which we're using) but with more challenge and more review interspersed throughout. Right now, I make tests up that randomly mix up questions like "Find the predicate and underline the preposition in the following sentence" followed by "Underline the appositive" followed by a capitalization exercise...and i just keep mixing it up. If we didn't do this, I'm afraid GWG would get to be a "fill in the next blank" sort of thing, where he's not thinking at all.


It would be nice if I could find something that is more spiral and more rigorous; if not, we'll continue with GWG and my self-made quizzes. ETA: GWG does have quizzes now, and we use those too.

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