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Did you spell your DC's names normally?

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Look at my name in my signature and just guess how I feel about weird spelled names.....


I've been called "Chili" or "Ch-elly", when it's actually just Shelly because my mom (who I'm assuming had too many drugs during labor) decided to take the end off of Michelle and turn it into Shelly, but spelled like Michelle.


Needless to say my children all have classic old fashioned names that are spelled exactly the way they are supposed to be.


I am constantly telling friends, "Please do not spell your child's name that way. It is such a pain growing up with a normal name spelled in a completely wacky way!" Pretty much 100% of the time they don't listen. But I've noticed that the parents who want to give their child an odd name or a creative spelling are usually people who have super normal names like Bill or Mary.


Just my perspective from living with this mess my whole life :D

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By best friend's name is Elisabeth. Her mom hated "Liz" and would sometimes call her "Elissa" for short. She much prefers to be called Liz.


Yeah.... my Elisabeth seem to be leaning toward Lizzie as well, but she hasn't found anyone to actually call her that. I'm trying to convince her to go with Lissie at least.

Edited by piraterose
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None of my kids' names have traditional spellings - one is found in a couple of different books, and it's spelled like it is in one of the books (but I didn't even see that til after he was born). His gets mispronounced a little, but they pronounce it nothing like it is spelled, imo, when they say it wrong. They try to turn it into a girls' name that I've NEVER seen spelled like that... One I made up, but it's spelled exactly how it sounds. The other is from a video game and it's spelled the way it is in the game. That one is the one most likely to get mispronounced, but I really can't see why...

I don't think it'll hurt them at all. Growing up I had a relatively strange last name and spelled it all the time. Now I have a not so strange last name that people still misspell constantly - and even my first name, I get asked, 'c or k?' constantly. People will say and/or spell almost anything wrong.

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All traditional except our middle dd is Elisabeth instead of EliZabeth. We thought it looked beautiful and was closer to the original name of Elizabeth from the Bible (not the English translation!) and we take all of our kids' first names from the Bible.


Not sure how annoyed dd is about having to correct people on one little letter all the time, but it is what it is. LOL I think her name is so pretty.

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Gaelic is one of the most confusing and difficult languages I've ever tried to study. Chinese was easier... :lol:


I think "Ceilidh" is pronounced like Kaylee or maybe Kaylay; is that correct?


My three children all have traditionally-spelled names. The only one that has ever been problematic is my littlest's - lots of people spell her name, Bridget, with an extra T or TE at the end. OTOH, there are quite a few variations on the name, and Bridgette and Brigitte are both acceptable alternatives, I think.



Yes that is correct about ceilidh. We have both gotten used to just listening for her name and when people give that pause interrupt and tell them how is it pronounced. I am not the one that chose that spelling, her father was, it was important to him that it be spelled that way (he plays pipes and drums). Funny story though. Grade 1 she went to ps. There was 3 kaylee's in teh class, with her being 1 of them. they all spelled it differently. So when they had helpers/subs in the class each knew to tell the person which one they were. so girl a would say I'm kaylee with a k. Girl b would say I'm cayleigh with a c. Ceilidh would say I'm ceilidh with 2 i's. No mention of the 'dh' at all.



And you reminded me of my youngest. Her name is Isabelle. Pretty standard spelling and yet it gets spelled wrong all the time. People often drop the le, or instead of an s they put a z.

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Yes, having grown up with a made-up name that I constantly had to spell out (and people will misspell even if I spell it for them), I tried to spare my children that ... for the boys, it worked (William -- Will and Andrew - Drew), the girls still have minor problems ... older dd's name has two standard spellings (Teresa/Theresa), and younger dd is Eleanor, but she gets all sorts of variations, even on the shortened form -- Ellie.

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Mine are spelled traditionally, though my family, bless their hearts, cannot spell Nugget's name.

My first girl may seem un-traditional, but it has greek roots, so, in that sense, it is traditional.

Though, I really do not know how you would spell them 'creatively'. Their names just......are what they are.

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ER's name is a Bible name, and we spell it the usual way. It's not an obscure name, but for some reason, many people can NOT spell it or pronounce it correctly. EK's name is a traditional name, but the spelling is slightly modified: instead of using a "y" on the end, we used "ie". People have no trouble pronouncing it when they see it in print, but when she gives her name for someone to write it down, they will misspell it 100% of the time unless she spells it for them before they start writing.

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My kids all have traditional spellings with the exception of my oldest's middle name, Jayne. I don't think that is way out there. I just thought Jane was a little too plain. Her first name is Katherine, and she goes by Katie. All the other names in our family are common names with standard spellings.


I really dislike the odd spellings. My opinion is that they look like the parents were immature, especially with names like Payshunce, an actual name I have met.

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I dislike creative spellings, but have no problem with traditional, non-English variations.

I have one child with an uncommon name (Aline) and one with a traditional French spelling (Luc instead on Luke). DH and I realised that both of those names would be difficult for others to spell, but felt we had good reasons to choose them. What really surprises me is when people ask how to spell DD 13's name. Are there really variations on Hope? :001_huh:

Two of my children's middle names are common English names spelt the French way (Julien and Alexandre), one is a traditional Scottish spelling (Alasdair), one is a less common but still correct form (Elisa), and the other two are perfectly normal.

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The craziest we got was spelling Kelsie's name with an ie instead of an ey. The biggest reason we did that was because up until fairly recently Kelsey was considered a boy name. I thought the ie made it a bit more feminine. Yes, I did the same thing to my child that my mother did to me...:lol: The other two have very normal spellings.

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My kids have pretty normal English names and they are spelled in a conventional manner. I am all for parents choosing a name they like and that suits them or their child. I am in no way against unique, uncommon or foreign names. What is annoying (IMHO), and may become annoying to the child in the future, is not having a unique name but a normal name spelled unusually. For some names there are often a couple variations but having a name that no one can spell (or pronounce when read) even though everyone knows it would just seem irritating and may make the parents look less intelligent rather than more creative.

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Yes, I made all of children's names difficult. =) I put a K in Erik, an H in Nichole and my baby girl's first name is Jamie-Lynn. I can never find anything with thier name on it. Why did I do it? I just liked the way it looked. :D


I like it :) And they aren't weird or different, they are the less common spelling.


We chose Zoie. There are 3 traditional spellings: Zoe, Zoey and Zoie. We chose Zoie. In the end, it makes more phonetic sense, but we just like the way it looks :D

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I always had to spell my maiden name for people and everyone assumed that my first name was short for something else. As a kid I learned that when someone asked me my name it was easiest to pronounce it and then immediately spell it.


That's what I still do now. I took the last name that DH uses most commonly, he's from Mexico and has two. It isn't a common Spanish name like Gonzalez. Our dds have traditional Spanish names, but they are not very common. We sometimes meet someone with their names. We chose the names because they seemed right for each of them and because they aren't too hard to say in English. We have dd3's name picked out with a very strong feeling that this is her name. But it's also used in English and I hate how it sounds in English. Maybe we will have that be her middle name.

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My three children all have traditionally-spelled names. The only one that has ever been problematic is my littlest's - lots of people spell her name, Bridget, with an extra T or TE at the end. OTOH, there are quite a few variations on the name, and Bridgette and Brigitte are both acceptable alternatives, I think.


People do the same to my Bridget. :001_smile: We deliberately chose the Celtic spelling to go with our last name. The other two variations are generally considered the French versions.

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My 2nd son is named Alijah, obviously with an "A" instead of an "E". All of our kiddos have "A" names, but he's the only one that we changed to make it fit. We saw it done before and that's where we got the idea. Now I'm not too sure I like it that way, but it's kinda too late to change it, and ya know, it's him now :)

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