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Excercise In Futility?

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Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only woman to ever feel this way, so I thought I'd ask here. :D


I have *another* OB, u/s appt this afternoon, bumped up from Friday.


I'm 35 wks. I feel like yet another u/s isn't going to help anything...just confirm what the OB has been saying for over a month, that this kid is big...which really does nothing for me. I won't agree to a csection based on u/s sizing, and its not like the OB is going to induce me any more than a week early if need be...so what's the point? It really isn't going to change diddly.


Honestly, I feel like the OB appt is a waste of time too. There's no issue that they're able to do anything about. I mean, its not like they can wave a magic wand and stop the BH from happening, and he doesn't do an actual exam until 36 wks.


So, what the heck is the point in this? I'm sure there is one, but for the life of me, I can't think of it...

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This will be my 4th u/s. Last one was only 4 wks ago.


I mean, he'll be bigger, but unless he's morphed into a girl, or grown an extra appendage, there really isn't going to be that much different, kwim?


I'm not looking forward to my OB yapping about a csection again, based on u/s sizing. Simply, I will.not.agree.to.it. U/s can be off by up to a pound, and I will not go through the reaction of RSD from recovering from a csection based on a 'maybe'. I can't imagine how p!ssed I would be if I were sectioned on the basis of him being 10 lbs +, and have him only be 8!


If baby is positioned wrong, if our lives are at risk, then use a rusty spoon if need be...but I refuse to choose a csection.

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The nice side of me thinks he is doing what he thinks is reasonable and prudent for your particular situation. I'm sure the doc is monitoring you very closely.


The cynical side of me wonders if he'd just want the money for another visit. Or another chance to talk you into a more expensive birth procedure for his own benefit.


Either way, you're my hero for being strong and being your baby's best advocate.


Hope you are feeling well. :grouphug:

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I'm not looking forward to my OB yapping about a csection again, based on u/s sizing. Simply, I will.not.agree.to.it. U/s can be off by up to a pound, and I will not go through the reaction of RSD from recovering from a csection based on a 'maybe'. I can't imagine how p!ssed I would be if I were sectioned on the basis of him being 10 lbs +, and have him only be 8!


If baby is positioned wrong, if our lives are at risk, then use a rusty spoon if need be...but I refuse to choose a csection.


FWIW, my 10 lb 13 oz baby was the easiest delivery. My 10 lb 1 oz by far the hardest, my 8 lb baby I thought would be a breeze, not so much!


Please no rusty anything though.:tongue_smilie:

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The only point is for him to listen to the heartbeat, and measure your belly to see if it is on track. Oh, and my midwife would palpate the baby's position, to let me know where things where. That way if baby was not in a great position I could do exercises to try to correct it. But I LOVED my appointments, as they were peaceful, encouraging, and educational. The 35 week one we talked about delivery stuff...birth plans and such. But if it was going to be more stress than help, and I knew baby was moving around well, I'd be tempted to skip it. And I see no need for a vaginal exam at 36 weeks, that seems crazy to me. Why??? What information would be gained from that? Seems like a great way to introduce infection for no real reason.

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Well, I'm a cranky woman when pregnant, so if I were in your position, I can imagine myself calling the office and faking a good "barf" on the phone while I cancel and tell them I'll be in when I'm feeling better!


Ultrasound techs and docs, in my experience, do not like barf and react negatively to it!!!! :D



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FWIW, my 10 lb 13 oz baby was the easiest delivery. My 10 lb 1 oz by far the hardest, my 8 lb baby I thought would be a breeze, not so much!


Please no rusty anything though.:tongue_smilie:



My 9lb baby was easy compared to my under 8lb baby. It's all about the positioning. And I'm only 5ft tall. (my license says 5ft1, but I lied). I was only 6lbs at birth, and my mom was flabbergasted that i was able to push out a 9lb baby with no problem.

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so you're going in next week for an exam anyway? I could see not making the appt today..... Sorry you're not feeling well.;)


I remember feeling as you do right now. I really do.


35 weeks!!!!!!!!!!! :party::party::party:

Next wk would be the appt to skip, since my OB isn't going to be there, but someone else covering for him. "Hi, nice to meet you, drop yer pants..."


I loathe the molested Muppet feeling. :glare:

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The point? Because medical professionals need to feel that they're DOING something, and it's hard for them to sit on their hands and let mamas and babies naturally do what they do.


I don't do routine ultrasounds, internal checks, weight checks, or anything else that is useless and/or not medically required. The only reason I went to my prenatal visits was to chat baby/birth stuff with my fab midwife.

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Both of my boys were 9 pounds and past due date. Nothing to it really.


But my little 7 pound girl, born a week early, was hell on me to push out. :lol:


There's no point in all the u/s. If the heartbeat is fine...and if they are saying the baby is fine. Other than worries about size which have very little to no merit---just stop having them. What would happen if you said you didn't want anymore?---it's your body right? :001_huh:

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First 2 u/s were for good reason...1st, I have had an ectopic pregnancy. 2nd was for the anatomy scan. My nephew was born with congential heart issues, so I was good w/that.


3 and 4 are due to concern w/size.


Irony of it all is, this OB is known to NOT be csection happy. He's actually recommended by the VBAC association!

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Size... I'm 5ft nothing much, and my babies have been 8lb 12oz (longest labour and pushing), 9lb 15oz, 9lb 11oz and 9lb 8oz (fastest/easiest -- water birth). The smallest (first) was the only one that required any stitches (small tear). The day after my largest was born, you wouldn't have said I'd even given birth.


I think any doctor that wants to perform a section for baby size doesn't know what s/he is talking about. (Baby heads will shift! Fat squishes!) I would be concerned about that lack of basic understanding of the birth process.

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Another petite mom of a 9lb baby who was out in 2 pushes, no tearing. He was my third baby, and my largest (other two were a little over 8 lbs each)


If size is the only reason for the US, I would decline (for myself). The more US, the more likely IMO it will be used against you to press for a section.


If they were tracking for a specific concern (other than weight) I'd be okay with the US.


I had internals with my oldest, which were meaningless as I walked around 2-3 cm dilated and 80% effaced for weeks before going into labor.


With my 2nd I finally consented to an internal on my EDD. I was 1 cm dilated. I went into labor the next day.


I never had any internals with my third until I was in actual labor, and I only had one when the m/w arrived.


I don't think that repeated routine US when there aren't other concerns is even consistent with ACOG's own policies, but I could be wrong. Just going from memory.

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I loved my doc for many reasons. I only had a second ultrasound b/c I was within a couple of days of my due date and they couldn't tell if dd had turned yet or not. He won't due VBAC's but he is very much in favor of doing it naturally if at all possible otherwise. Not even any pressure to take drugs from him or the hospital staff.

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:grouphug: at 35 weeks, an ultrasound can show position and you can work on helping the baby move the other way round if that seems necessary. with dd number 2, they discovered i had a kidney stone at 35 weeks. with dd number 4, they discovered her heart beat disappeared sometimes.


the internal at 36 can show if you are dilating already.


and if your darling "wee" one decides there's not enough room in there, this could be the one week or two weeks before delivery ultrasound! (says the woman who had all four of hers at 37 weeks)


on the other hand, for most babies most of the time, it would be fine for you to stay home. you just have to sort out how you would feel if it turned out that this wasn't one of the "most" times....:grouphug:




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According to the OB, its not head size or fat he's worried about.


Its shoulder size. He's had problems with babies 11 lbs + and their shoulders.


Anecdotal again, sorry, but... with my last baby she was facing sideways when she came out, then did that little turn thing they do and I ended up delivering her shoulders transverse. Again, this was my 9lb 8oz baby, no tears at all... I didn't even need to use a peri bottle afterwards. So even with a big baby, with shoulders in a weird position that makes it much more of a strain on mama, it doesn't have to be a problem. Also, the midwife could have helped with that if it seemed that I needed her to. Oh, and baby also had a cord wrapped around her neck, as did two of my others. None of that is reason to do a section in and of itself. (Imp, I know you're not signing up for the section just because of an ultrasound guess on baby's size and I'm preaching to the choir there... but I can't help myself from ranting about it a bit anyway!)



the internal at 36 can show if you are dilating already.



But that information is pretty much useless. Many women walk around dilated for weeks, especially when they've already had previous births, and some go from nothing to delivery within hours. Unless you're checking to see the viability of an intervention -- i.e. is baby's head engaged and cervix softened enough to support recommendations for attempted induction -- then what's the point?

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Soooo, I went, mainly b/c I don't want to deal with seeing a stranger next wk.


u/s showed a big baby, (6 lbs, 5 oz) *and* a higher amniotic fluid level that what they might prefer.




So, I have to have a biophysical profile done in 2 wks when my OB is back.



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Soooo, I went, mainly b/c I don't want to deal with seeing a stranger next wk.


u/s showed a big baby, (6 lbs, 5 oz) *and* a higher amniotic fluid level that what they might prefer.




So, I have to have a biophysical profile done in 2 wks when my OB is back.




I read through all the responses and my right hand to G-d, my suggestion was going to be that he wants to check amnio levels -- I had excess fluid with DS when I had the twins -- it is something they like to know about. There was a study done when I was pg with the twins, and the conclusion was that 'sometimes' excess amnio levels are due to large babies -- plain and simple.


Excess Amnio levels can impact post partum care -- let's give the guy the benefit of the doubt.:grouphug:

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I read through all the responses and my right hand to G-d, my suggestion was going to be that he wants to check amnio levels -- I had excess fluid with DS when I had the twins -- it is something they like to know about. There was a study done when I was pg with the twins, and the conclusion was that 'sometimes' excess amnio levels are due to large babies -- plain and simple.


Excess Amnio levels can impact post partum care -- let's give the guy the benefit of the doubt.:grouphug:

Yeah, the amnio levels were a concern today. But, they'd been fine before...so, as I understand from what googling I've done, baby should be ok, since it hasn't been an issue from the get go.


Wolf, the charming guy he is, when I explained what I learned about high amnio levels, said, "Sooo...you're just going to explode like a water balloon?"


Thanks, Honey. :glare:

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Yeah, the amnio levels were a concern today. But, they'd been fine before...so, as I understand from what googling I've done, baby should be ok, since it hasn't been an issue from the get go.


Wolf, the charming guy he is, when I explained what I learned about high amnio levels, said, "Sooo...you're just going to explode like a water balloon?"


Thanks, Honey. :glare:


"Well, Wolf, as a matter of fact, you night want to wear your wellies to bed.";):lol:

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Yeah, the amnio levels were a concern today. But, they'd been fine before...so, as I understand from what googling I've done, baby should be ok, since it hasn't been an issue from the get go.


Wolf, the charming guy he is, when I explained what I learned about high amnio levels, said, "Sooo...you're just going to explode like a water balloon?"


Thanks, Honey. :glare:


:lol: POP! LOL! Poor thing. Guys just go weird at the end, don't they?? I just wanted to chime in that my "OH MY GOD it's going to be HUGE baby" was on track at 7 months to be a "you'll never be able to deliver her" because she was all ready 5 pounds. She came out 5 lbs 12 oz.:confused: at 37 weeks. I didn't even push. She just popped out cause she was so tiny. She never put on any weight those last few weeks. I was horribly sick that last trimester and she was not much bigger at birth than on that sonogram. Long and SKINNY, SKINNY SKINNY. They actually had a debate in the hospital with the ob and the peds and neonatal guys about whether she was full term and actually a few weeks behind because she was so small. Seems the ruling would affect discharge. SO don't worry. THey can be very wrong.

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"Well, Wolf, as a matter of fact, you night want to wear your wellies to bed.";):lol:

I suggested water wings :tongue_smilie:

:lol: POP! LOL! Poor thing. Guys just go weird at the end, don't they?? I just wanted to chime in that my "OH MY GOD it's going to be HUGE baby" was on track at 7 months to be a "you'll never be able to deliver her" because she was all ready 5 pounds. She came out 5 lbs 12 oz.:confused: at 37 weeks. I didn't even push. She just popped out cause she was so tiny. She never put on any weight those last few weeks. I was horribly sick that last trimester and she was not much bigger at birth than on that sonogram. Long and SKINNY, SKINNY SKINNY. They actually had a debate in the hospital with the ob and the peds and neonatal guys about whether she was full term and actually a few weeks behind because she was so small. Seems the ruling would affect discharge. SO don't worry. THey can be very wrong.

Honestly, I *feel* like this kiddo is big. Or at least, *I* am way bigger than I was with the last 2, which ever. So, we'll see.


His head measurement put him over 38 wks :confused:

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I suggested water wings :tongue_smilie:


Honestly, I *feel* like this kiddo is big. Or at least, *I* am way bigger than I was with the last 2, which ever. So, we'll see.


His head measurement put him over 38 wks :confused:



:) I would not be surprised if you birthed a babe close to 10 lbs. It's your 5th and whatnot. I am thinking 9. 9. 21.5 :) I am really thinking 22', but that is really outside norms. lol

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:) I would not be surprised if you birthed a babe close to 10 lbs. It's your 5th and whatnot. I am thinking 9. 9. 21.5 :) I am really thinking 22', but that is really outside norms. lol

My eldest was 9 lbs 6 oz, and 22 inches. On his due date.


Diva was 9 lbs, 1 oz, and 22.5. She was 10 days late though.

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Well, if you normally birth 9+ lb babies then what do they expect? It makes sense baby would be big. And you have a proven pelvis, so there's no reason for them to think you wouldn't be able to deliver him.


What's the head measurement that puts a baby at 38 weeks? My biggest had a head measurement of 39 cm, which I understand is large. So now I'm curious for what they consider "normal"...

Edited by MelanieM
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Well, if you normally birth 9+ lb babies then what do they expect? It makes sense baby would be big. And you have a proven pelvis, so there's no reason for them to think you wouldn't be able to deliver him.


What's the head measurement that puts a baby at 38 weeks? My biggest had a head measurement of 39 cm, which I understand is large. So now I'm curious for what they consider "normal"...

My first 2 were over 9 lbs, but the Littles were 7 15 and 7 5.


I honestly don't know what the actual number was, I just looked at the 'week' column for what wk that puts him at.

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