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PRAYER REQUEST (cc Obviously) -- Please Pray for This Family (I am so upset)

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DD12's Classical Conversations' Teacher for Challenge is just the most wonderful, amazing mom I've met. She was due to deliver her 6th baby (their 2nd boy) this week.


We just received a text that their precious baby boy suffered IUFD - They are guessing either a cord accident or something else as they see clots in the placenta (which is what caused my dd, Stacey's, 2nd loss).


The kids and I are heartsick - and are in prayer for this precious family.


Please pray for them or keep them in your thoughts for comfort and healing-- their children haven't been told yet -- this past week at CC, the kids were so excited b/c it was one day past mom's due date and they knew their little brother's arrival was imminent.


Thank you all so much! I am so sad for them.

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Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! :crying:



Sweetie -- you weren't supposed to read this, and now that you have, you are not to give it another thought. Say a quick prayer and know that the rest of us are praying for the family and you will continue to be covered in our prayers. Much Love - and Truly, Always Sending You Tons of Prayers!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

Edited by MariannNOVA
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This is just heartbreaking...and terrifying.




Sweetie -- you weren't supposed to read this, and now that you have, you are not to give it another thought. Say a quick prayer and know that the rest of us are praying for the family and you will continue to be covered in our prayers. Much Love - and Truly, Always Sending You Tons of Prayers!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Above written for you too!:grouphug::grouphug:

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