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I just went through the ceiling

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literally! :(


I am so upset with myself.


Here I was trying to be so good and clean out the attic so we can improve our storage areas.


I was diligently pulling things like empty boxes out of the back area and accidentally stepped into an area that didn't have plyboard on it. My entire leg fell strait through the ceiling below.



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Except the attic is above it and is tall.


Otherwise, YES!


You really just wanted a skylight, right? :)



Glad you didn't get hurt too bad. Maybe take some benadryl for the itchiness? It could have been a lot worse if you had fallen through completely!

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My dh did this a couple of years ago except his whole body came through and he was only holding on by his arms. It was right above the stairwell so if he had fallen it would have been two stories. We had to help him brace his feet on the banister on the landing below him...I'm still not sure how we got him down. Mostly I remember ds5 and dd8 (3 and 6 at the time) screaming, "Daddys going to fall! Daddys going to fall!", and dd13 and dd12 standing on the stairs underneath him saying, "I'll catch him!" while I was yelling, "Get out of the WAY!" and dh yelling, "Where do you want me to go!" (thinking I was telling him to get out of the way).


I'm glad your okay and only have a few bruises. It could have been so much worse!

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My now 11 year old did this when he was 18 MONTHS old.


I was in a panic....it was only one story down, but the poor kid was hanging on with his arms and dangling his little diaper only legs.




My dh did this a couple of years ago except his whole body came through and he was only holding on by his arms. It was right above the stairwell so if he had fallen it would have been two stories. We had to help him brace his feet on the banister on the landing below him...I'm still not sure how we got him down. Mostly I remember ds5 and dd8 (3 and 6 at the time) screaming, "Daddys going to fall! Daddys going to fall!", and dd13 and dd12 standing on the stairs underneath him saying, "I'll catch him!" while I was yelling, "Get out of the WAY!" and dh yelling, "Where do you want me to go!" (thinking I was telling him to get out of the way).


I'm glad your okay and only have a few bruises. It could have been so much worse!

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Sorry to hear about your fall - that must have been scary! I can't imagine what you were going through seeing your little one do that years ago! :svengo: But I've got to say that it brings up a funny image when you read the post. :lol: I'm glad your son was okay and I hope that your leg is okay too.


Since you already have a hole, and I have no idea what room that was in, you might want to consider something like this:




There are other brands too.


Another suggestion is to add some more plywood to the sides of the attic so no one falls through again. :)

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Sorry to hear about your fall - that must have been scary! I can't imagine what you were going through seeing your little one do that years ago! :svengo: But I've got to say that it brings up a funny image when you read the post. :lol: I'm glad your son was okay and I hope that your leg is okay too.


Since you already have a hole' date=' and I have no idea what room that was in, you might want to consider something like this:




There are other brands too.


Another suggestion is to add some more plywood to the sides of the attic so no one falls through again. :)[/quote']



THAT is awesome!!!

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That wouldn't work in that particular area, but it is a cool idea.


I am planning to ask DH to add more plywood in there! I would love access to that entire room without worry.


The reason that small area isn't wooded is because that is where the rafters attach. It would require a lot of cutting of each ind. section.




Sorry to hear about your fall - that must have been scary! I can't imagine what you were going through seeing your little one do that years ago! :svengo: But I've got to say that it brings up a funny image when you read the post. :lol: I'm glad your son was okay and I hope that your leg is okay too.


Since you already have a hole' date=' and I have no idea what room that was in, you might want to consider something like this:




There are other brands too.


Another suggestion is to add some more plywood to the sides of the attic so no one falls through again. :)[/quote']

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Woah, lucky it was just your leg, hope it feels better soon. I know of two people to fall completely through a ceiling, one had severe life changing injuries and the other unfortunately died after breaking his neck hitting the beam on the way through. I am so paranoid whenever we are in the attic.

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No google needed. Dh knows how to build houses and do just about any fixing with building and electronics, as long as they aren't computers!




BTDT Dawn - don't fret. :) Yes, it is easy to fix. You will be surprised once you Google.


Use painter's tape to cover the hole with some newspaper or such. You don't want to loose your climate control.

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Yeah, he can fix cars too. However, even though he knows how to do all of that stuff.....TIME is the biggest issue! He works a lot and doesn't have the time he would like to build and do woodworking like he likes doing.




:D Awesome.
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