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smelly outside our house...

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Today I opened the windows and was hit with a very unpleasant odor that caused 2 little boys to star in their pretend death scenes. (it was BAD!!! I was doing the same inside as I closed the windows) I noticed it outside on Sunday too. Since it is a gas, I can't figure out the source. The boys promised it wasn't them.


Everything functions fine inside. I have a very sensitive nose and haven't smelled sewage in the basement or in the bathrooms. We have a clean-out in the yard that was installed a few years ago by the previous owner and our yard looks fine. We've been in the house since January.


Any ideas on what this is? Any dyi plumbers?


DH says it is the town. But I don't think so...

Edited by jannylynn
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Any industries in town? Pulp mill?





We live about 3 miles from the Ostrom Mushroom Farm. Some days it smells like a whole herd of animals died in our front yard. Or you could describe it as a ton of rotting garbage. Either way, it's pretty unpleasant.

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August was a very wet month for us here with record amounts of rain. This led to lots of mushrooms growing around around the yard. Some of them were very stinky and I had to go around the yard disposing of half a garbage can's worth of mushrooms (yuk!). Maybe it's the mushroom farm?

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I'll ask around to see if anyone knows if there is something that causes a big stink in town. I really hope it isn't my house. But I can't imagine what it could be without some physical evidence and a smell inside.


No septic system, just city sewer.

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We used to live in a small town that fertilized their wheat fields with chicken poo...and the air was very aromatic for a week. Here in parts of VA they use bio-solids (yep, reclaimed sewer sludge) to spray large crops, and the smell is unearthly. I hope that isn't what you are smelling! :tongue_smilie:

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We would get the pleasure of smelling the human waste that was being used to fertilize farms in a neighboring county. I'm talking more than 20 miles away, yet when the wind blew.... it was like smelling an overflowing septic tank!! The only reason I know what it was is because so many people called the news stations wondering what was up. The farms have since switched to chicken poo, I believe, and while it still is noticeable, it's not quite as vile smelling.


We also occasionally get smells from a paper mill that is around a hundred or so miles from here. Again, as reported on the news due to calls.


Thankfully, the smells are only here for a few days a couple of times a year.

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A couple days ago I was walking in the back yard and smelled something horrid. I thought perhaps it was a dead deer. I then noticed some creepy, phallic shaped mushrooms with flies on them. Yep-they're called Stinkpots, and they smell just like a dead animal.


yuck! I haven't seen any mushrooms though.


I think our town stinks or it is the city's drainage system. I haven't noticed it today.

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We had an animal (squirrel? cat? raccoon?) who crawled under our porch and died. We could do nothing. I ended up posting a note on the door for the postal worker so they didn't think something dead was *inside* the house. It lasted a few days and went away.

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