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How sick do your kids have to be before you skip school for the day?

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I totally jinxed myself last night by posting a long blog post about how we started school so late because we'd been sick, and how we're finally on track now and had a great first day yesterday. DD6 woke up at 4 a.m. with a bad headache and a temp of over 101.5 :glare:


She has no other real symptoms of anything except a very minor cough from our last illness and some general grumpiness (most likely from lack of sleep). I gave her Advil, and she's well enough to be climbing around the living room while watching TV. Would you make her do schoolwork today, or just let her alone? Poor dd9 has a ton of work to do, and it will kill her to work while dd6 is parked on the couch, but that's life as a fourth grader, I guess!



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My girls get a reprieve so long as they are acting sick. Once the motrin kicks in and they're acting fine, it's back to school. My kids rarely get down and out sick and I don't give them days off except for strep throat. :D Or maybe barfing... :tongue_smilie:


So, if your situation was happening here, the oldest would begin while younger rested, but then she'd join us as soon as she perked up.

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We do a LOT of reading aloud for school (Sonlight), so that usually carries on, no matter what. If they're miserable and sniffling with fever or headache, I will usually drop seat work. For us that's Latin, math, science, and LA.


My kids are rarely sick, so this does not happen often. *knock on wood* We also homeschool year around, so I don't get too uptight if we have to take days off.

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A kid who has a fever or is vomiting stays in bed and is too sick to do school.

A kid who is not feeling fully well, but not sick enough to stay in bed, is well enough to do school - although I would forgo strenuous work and focus on read-aloud and documentaries.


:iagree: But I would not give her Advil to mask the illness.

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Thanks everyone. Just to clarify, I didn't give her the advil to get her up to par for school (in case that's what it sounded like). I gave it to her because she was crying over a headache she'd had for hours, and she was complaining about muscle aches as well. Once she had the advil in her system, it was like she wasn't sick at all--so then I didn't know what to do! I told them both we're starting in 20 minutes, so we'll see how that goes :001_smile:

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If they are well enough to say, "Mom, I'm really sick. Can I take the day off? I'll just rest in the bonus room with TV and the Wii," they are most certainly well enough to do schoolwork:glare:


Really happened here just this morning. Not so happily finishing math now.

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Thanks everyone. Just to clarify, I didn't give her the advil to get her up to par for school (in case that's what it sounded like). I gave it to her because she was crying over a headache she'd had for hours, and she was complaining about muscle aches as well. Once she had the advil in her system, it was like she wasn't sick at all--so then I didn't know what to do! I told them both we're starting in 20 minutes, so we'll see how that goes :001_smile:

I'd do what you're doing--try it and see how it goes. I have several school age children, so even if one is sick, we still do regular school but with adjustments to workload for sick child. The exception to that is today--because it's me, mom, who is sick.


Only mild academics are being accomplished here today. But it's probably going to be highly educational for my 12 yo because he really needs to learn to help out more around the house! With me pretty much knocked-out with a fever and bad cold and one very helpful child also sick, ds 12 (who is healthy) is expected to pitch in and help a lot more today.

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If my kids are experiencing body aches, fever, vomiting, sleepiness...they get the day off. If I medicate one of these symptoms and they start feeling better I still make them park it on the sofa for the day. I know when I am sick that a Dayquil will temporarily mask my symptoms even though I still need the rest terribly.


If they just have the sniffles or a drippy nose...we do school.

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Well, my ds8 vomited in the middle of the night. He feels OK enough to play, so he did school. I went easy on a coupld of things (more oral work/less writing), but we got 'er done. I don't think he was really sick(as in, with a virus)...he vomits if he doesn't eat enough and I discovered that he didn't actually eat the food I served him for dinner last night.:glare:


We usually have a couple days each year that wind up as Mr Roger's marathons while mom keeps on top of which kid is going to vomit next. It happens.


We come out ahead in the end...if he went to a PS, I would have kept him home today "just in case." As it is, not a lesson missed.

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I had this issue too today. We had science and history classes at the museum today. Ds was not into it which was strange. We got back to our subdivision and he was coughing. I started math but he looked pale so I sent him to bed. He's asleep now. 8 year old boys hate naps so I know he's sick.


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We have three modes:


1. Child is well, full steam ahead.

2. Child is half-sick, able to lie on couch and do at least some subjects. This varies depending on how well the child is able to concentrate. At the high end, most work is done but on the couch. At the low end, they do things that only require reading.

3. Child is sick enough to go to bed and sleep. No school.

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