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Hives from All Free & Clear?

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So I've got hives and we're trying to figure out why.


Thought it might be the Lever soap we bought when we moved in. We were buying the least expensive package at Sam's club because we were in a hurry and needed something and they didn't have our usual bar.


..... nope, I'm still getting hives.



Now we're thinking it might be the All Free & Clear laundry soap. Is that possible? I ran out of Shaklee laundry detergent and didn't order any this month. Time. Money. Energy. I was completely


The hives are mostly on my stomach, chest, and arms. A few on one thigh.


My nurse sister was sitting with me this afternoon drinking tea and I'd just put on a clean shirt. As I sat I got more hives on my arms and by my neck. She's the one who thought it might be the detergent.


What do you think? The laundry detergent even though it's hypo allergenic?


Ugh. Itchy is my middle name. Benedryl knocks me out for hours.

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We can't use any of the Free and Clear products from any brand. Also can't use any sunscreen except Blue Lizard! Oddly enough, though, Purex Fresh Rain works fine, no hives! Go figure. No one ever said our bodies made perfect sense!

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Warning--thread hijack ahead.


Me too, and Ivory? I think it is.. the supposedly really gentle stuff for babies. And Woolite. And...




Ivory--the pediatric nurse practitioner we saw when ds2 was born said NEVER use Ivory on a baby. She recommended Dove or baby wash.


Woolite--I read somewhere (can't remember where) this stuff wasn't designed to wash wool. Must have been on Ravelry.


Threadjack over.


As to the topic of this post, my mom is sensitive to a lot of laundry soaps and for many years has washed her clothes without soap. You'd never know it.

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Hives are usually almost impossible to pin on anything and often are a result of combination of factor. Also, you can continue to break out for 4-6 weeks. As a symptom they are definitely the most useless and frustrating of any allergic reaction.


:svengo: ugh. I hope I'm not typical.

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:iagree: Although, the soap you mention always breaks me out.


We have used all f/c for years, but avoid any perfumed soaps and all fabric softeners.


Since you just moved in, consider any cleaning products or pesticides as potential irritants. Some water can even bother sensitive skin, my mil's softened water sends me for the benadryl.


I hope you feel better.:grouphug:


Hives are usually almost impossible to pin on anything and often are a result of combination of factor. Also, you can continue to break out for 4-6 weeks. As a symptom they are definitely the most useless and frustrating of any allergic reaction.
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:iagree: Although, the soap you mention always breaks me out.


We have used all f/c for years, but avoid any perfumed soaps and all fabric softeners.


Since you just moved in, consider any cleaning products or pesticides as potential irritants. Some water can even bother sensitive skin, my mil's softened water sends me for the benadryl.


I hope you feel better.:grouphug:


We had softened water at our old home and that did just get hooked up.


I hope it's not that because the water here is so hard and cleaning the sinks etc. after my Aunt who didn't use the softener has been horrible. Caked on white crust.


Sigh, if it doesn't go away after the other changes we'll have to try the soft water.

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I use 7th Generation Free and Clear. It's the safest one to use in my house.


I'm allergic to Tide and Bounce and Dreft. My oldest is allergic to Surf and Wisk. My youngest is allergic to All (but not All Free and Clear) and some store-brand detergent that was used at the B&B we stayed at in Maine.



The safest option at my house is to stick with 7th Generation Free and Clear.

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