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Pep talk desperately needed

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I am packing to move for the second time in a month. In other words, we moved into this house a month ago, and are now packing to move out of it due to asbestos in the basement. (The asbestos is dusty, friable, breathable, and therefore dangerous.)


I am struggling with two things:


--I have a sinus infection and feel awful.


--I am really resentful of this whole ugly situation. My feelings are not entirely rational. I'm just deeply unhappy about the work and the disruption to school and other things. It's just a TON of work.


Can you cheer me up? Funny stories? Jokes? Hugs? Cheerleading? Help. :crying:

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I'm sorry I don't have a pep talk for you right now, but I'm really sorry you have to deal with all this. And sinus infections are awful - everything is a million times worse when you don't feel well.


Drink lots of water and take something - I like Zicam Extreme Congestion Relief - so you can concentrate on the work you have to do.


More :grouphug:

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where are you moving to? i hope the work and time away from home is fast and easy and that the cleanup is fabulously successful!




ps. from youngest dd.....

"what did the dog say when he sat on the sand paper?"


"ruff ruff!"


we're sorry its so rough for you right now!

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Why are there no penguins in the UK?







Because they're afraid of Wales.


I told this joke to DD a few weeks ago and her response was, "Mama, penguins aren't afraid of ALL whales. Just killer whales. But blue whales and sperm whales are no threat to them so your joke is only really half good."


She also thought the idea of a place being named, "Wales" was hysterical and I'm pretty sure she thinks I made it up for the purpose of my own half-good joke. :lol:

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The joke I tell my science classes:


A neutron walks into a restaurant and orders a sandwich and a Coke. When she's ready to leave, she asks the waitress, "What do I owe you?"


The waitress replies. . . . . . .







"For you, no charge!"




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I have to say, I LOVE corny kid jokes. It's such a fun stage when they're trying hard to be funny.


My dd used to use her surroundings for inspiration. When she was a little one, one day she was taking a bath, for example, and made up a joke:


"Why did the hair dryer cross the road?"


"Because he wanted a towel!!!"


She laughed and laughed. I laughed and laughed too, just because she was so delighted with her joke.


Keep 'em coming . . . a smile helps everything feel better.

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Did you get things straightened out with the landlord?



For something funny.....hmmm...


DD blames the dog for everything:


Did you break bubby's lego ship?

My doggie did it.


Who spilled your drink?

My doggie did it.


Where are your chicken nuggets?

My doggie was hungry.


Did you tear bubby's new need dart?

My doggie did it. (We believed her that time and doggie went to the garage. He started crying, yes our dog cries. She confused.)


Why did you jump on bubby?

My doggie made me do it!

What did you do with the carrots?

I hide them under the bed so doggie can't get them. He chased me ove bubby's head, that made me jump on him.


At least she no longer blames the hips hoop!


DS used to blame his bad attitudes on pepper jack cheese :)

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We live in an area littered with old farm barns. Many of them have been standing perilously for years. Today we passed one that was caved in. I told ds it was celebrating the season, fall. He groaned.


Here are some I've entertained ds with recently, keep in mind we had a long week and my mind was half gone.


If a fly flies, does a cat cat?


Does a chimney stack?


Does a stone wall?


Does a brick lay?


Does wine whine?


If you drink milk that you milked from a cow, where does beer come from? a beard?

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I don't have any good jokes but some funny/strange things my niece has said. She's known for saying funny things in our family.


When my niece was about 3 yo I lived with my grandmother and she'd stay with us frequently. My grandmother at the time was in her late 70's and was prone to asking things like "How did you sleep?" at breakfast time. My usual response was "Like the dead". One morning at breakfast my grandmother asked my niece that question and with very serious big eyes looked at her and replied "I slept the deadest". :D To this day we use the term "sleeping the deadest" to describe someone who is sound asleep.


Niece also loved horses when she was very little. Loved isn't a strong enough word to use really. She adored horses and everything horse related with ever fiber of her being. When we'd drive somewhere and she'd see a horse she'd ask, "Can I be that horse?". She'd even ask that if we just saw the outline of a horse shape on a subdivision sign. She's 7 yo now and doesn't ask that anymore but if we're driving along and see a horse we usually tell her that she could be that horse if she wants too.

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I am packing to move for the second time in a month. In other words, we moved into this house a month ago, and are now packing to move out of it due to asbestos in the basement. (The asbestos is dusty, friable, breathable, and therefore dangerous.)


I am struggling with two things:


--I have a sinus infection and feel awful.


--I am really resentful of this whole ugly situation. My feelings are not entirely rational. I'm just deeply unhappy about the work and the disruption to school and other things. It's just a TON of work.


Can you cheer me up? Funny stories? Jokes? Hugs? Cheerleading? Help. :crying:


Have you had someone check the asbestos out? We had friends whose house had dangerous asbestos and they had to leave immediately. A crew was able to clean and salvage some of their things, but they lost nearly everything and could not return to the house. It was stripped down to the bricks and then rebuilt.

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Did you get things straightened out with the landlord?


He is releasing us from our lease.


He doesn't see what the big deal is and said so. He did offer to put in a carpet, but scoffed when we explained that the disintegrating vinyl and presence of airborne fibers means that a carpet will not remedy the issue. Believe me, I wish a carpet would fix this issue--if the vinyl were not actually disintegrating like this (which is somewhat uncommon) a carpet would be fine.


We don't know how he feels about our damage deposit. The plan right now is to meet him at the house when it's empty for inspection, and request our money at that time. If he is not forthcoming, we sue.


He does not yet know that we have reported the house. I think he'll hit the roof when he is made aware. Fortunately the inspectors have been really sympathetic and are withholding action until my possessions are out.

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When I'm doing a task that mindless and boring I put on some hits from the 80's and 90's. That music makes it difficult to be unhappy.


"Jessie's been a friend, yeah I know he's been a good friend of mine."


I also suggest singing along at the top of your voice.

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The joke I tell my science classes:


A neutron walks into a restaurant and orders a sandwich and a Coke. When she's ready to leave, she asks the waitress, "What do I owe you?"


The waitress replies. . . . . . .







"For you, no charge!"





Oh.my.goodness, I'm so telling dss this one. He'll love it!

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Have you had someone check the asbestos out? We had friends whose house had dangerous asbestos and they had to leave immediately. A crew was able to clean and salvage some of their things, but they lost nearly everything and could not return to the house. It was stripped down to the bricks and then rebuilt.


A village inspector came out. She's not qualified to assess asbestos though. On the one hand she supports us breaking our lease and felt strongly that our family could not be on the premises for removal. On the other hand she said it would be okay to turn on the heat. (We have not, because the asbestos guy at the lab that tested our samples was clear that that would be unwise.)


I am in the process of submitting pictures and so forth to the county. I doubt this is that dangerous though. There are several cracks in the basement vinyl floor that contain asbestos powder. I cannot imagine it spreading that much. It would be different if it were spray on pipe insulation or a deteriorating popcorn ceiling. I'll admit, though, that the possibilities have literally been giving me nightmares.


Edited to add: What type of asbestos did your friend have? Now I'm really curious (and hyperventilating).

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A village inspector came out. She's not qualified to assess asbestos though. On the one hand she supports us breaking our lease and felt strongly that our family could not be on the premises for removal. On the other hand she said it would be okay to turn on the heat. (We have not, because the asbestos guy at the lab that tested our samples was clear that that would be unwise.)


I am in the process of submitting pictures and so forth to the county. I doubt this is that dangerous though. There are several cracks in the basement vinyl floor that contain asbestos powder. I cannot imagine it spreading that much. It would be different if it were spray on pipe insulation or a deteriorating popcorn ceiling. I'll admit, though, that the possibilities have literally been giving me nightmares.


Edited to add: What type of asbestos did your friend have? Now I'm really curious (and hyperventilating).



Oh Strider, this is so hard!


I think having to pack up to after having done it so recently would just about kill me.



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I like to think of the "It could be worse scenarios."




It could be raw sewage flooding the basement...that you have to clean your belongings up out of.


It could be a house you OWN. (Ouch!!! I can't imagine what it costs to fix it!)


It could have been found a year from now...





And for a funny from my 8yo:


"Why do birds have to sit on their nests?"


"b/c they don't have chairs"

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Do you have a Neti Pot? That will help with the sinus infection. If not, you can get one at the drug store.


I'm sorry you have to be disrupted again so soon! I hope the transition goes as smoothly as possible and that he gives you your security deposit back with no fuss. Tell him to go visit some lung cancer patients in the hospital if he thinks it's no big deal. What an idiot!


This may not be funny to you, but yesterday morning, my ds2 (age 7) comes into my room at 6:00 AM- unusual because he likes to sleep in. He stands over my side of the bed with both hands extended out and says, "The tooth fairy totally ripped me off!" Apparently, he only found 50 cents of the usual $1.50 that the tooth fairy leaves. He was so incensed about it! After a thorough search of the bed linens, he and the tooth fairy were on good terms again.

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When I'm doing a task that mindless and boring I put on some hits from the 80's and 90's. That music makes it difficult to be unhappy.


"Jessie's been a friend, yeah I know he's been a good friend of mine."


I also suggest singing along at the top of your voice.




Try this version of Jesse's girl! Listen close to the lyrics. You will roll!! Bur remember, he only had 2 hours to learn the song from first heard it to singing it.

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