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I HATE breakfast

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I think its one of my least favorite "chores" of my day as a SAHM. I just have such a hard time being creative so early in the morning. I've noticed I've come to depend too much on instant oatmeal and scrambled eggs. HELP ME BRANCH OUT!!!


Please give me some SUPER EASY yet yummy alternatives!!!!



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I make tons of muffins at a time and freeze them. Coffee cake muffins, egg and bacon "muffins", cranberry orange muffins, pumpkin muffins. I take out a dozen at a time and let the kids chow down. Otherwise there's yogurt and granola or cereal. Sometimes I actually make something like baked doughnuts. But I don't usually care that much.

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I think its one of my least favorite "chores" of my day as a SAHM. I just have such a hard time being creative so early in the morning. I've noticed I've come to depend too much on instant oatmeal and scrambled eggs. HELP ME BRANCH OUT!!!


Please give me some SUPER EASY yet yummy alternatives!!!!




This is simply not a required chore!!! Take it off your list of things to do. Cold cereal for everyone.

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:bigear: I'm definitely all ears on this.


Breakfast is so hard, and I'm not a morning person. My big kids can get their own cereal, but I don't really want them cooking yet.


Breakfast is almost always cereal, fruit, milk or yogurt. . .etc


Then we eat an early lunch at like 11. Now don't even get me started on lunch:tongue_smilie:. ..

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Then we eat an early lunch at like 11. Now don't even get me started on lunch:tongue_smilie:. ..[/quote



:iagree: That was going to be my follow up question!! :001_huh:

But I am generally more adventurous for lunch and do branch out occasionally. Then again, some weeks its always just leftovers or peanut butter and jelly, maybe a grilled cheese sandwich to shake things up. :tongue_smilie:



Thanks everyone else for the suggestions. I kind of envisioned everyone here preparing these elaborate healthy breakfast feasts so its nice to know I'm not depriving my children.

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Pancakes, french toast, biscuits or muffins - cook a big batch and they will keep in the refrigerator for several days. (Or you can cheat and buy raisin bread or something like that, too! ;) ).

Bacon or sausage - also cooked in a large amount and put in the refrigerator.

Microwave the above and scramble a couple of eggs in a small skillet.


My husband loves to make breakfast for the girls as long as I have the bulk items done. It takes less than 15 minutes with a minimum of mess. It's usually pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, fruit and nuts.


My 10 yr old daughter was taught how to use the microwave when she was 8 yrs old and makes breakfast on the week-ends.


Sometimes I buy a box of cereal and that's breakfast if I need a few days break.


Oatmeal or 'cinnamon rice' is good on a cold morning.


Or you can dodge breakfast stuff completely and eat pizza. As long as they are eating something, I don't think it really matters if it is 'traditional' food or not.

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I really like doing a baked oatmeal casserole because I'm NOT a morning person. The casserole can be prepared the night before and just popped in the oven in the morning. Even better - my dh is up before me and puts it in the oven so by the time I get up it's ready! ;)


At least 5 out of 7 days at this point the kids are eating cold cereal. I'd like to bring that down to 2 or 3 but the most creative I'd get for breakfast is oatmeal/cream of wheat, muffins, banana dogs (banana and pb in a wrap), granola and yogurt - all quick things or things that can be prepared ahead of time.

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This is simply not a required chore!!! Take it off your list of things to do. Cold cereal for everyone.


Honestly, I'm just *not* that functional in the am. Plus, it simply takes a lot out of me, physically, to do a big breakfast.


I do a triple batch of pancakes when I do breakfast for supper. The kids adore Wolf's oatmeal. Other than that, its cereal, toast, and fruit for breakfast.


They're all healthy and happy. :001_smile:

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But I am generally more adventurous for lunch and do branch out occasionally. Then again, some weeks its always just leftovers or peanut butter and jelly, maybe a grilled cheese sandwich to shake things up. :tongue_smilie:



Thanks everyone else for the suggestions. I kind of envisioned everyone here preparing these elaborate healthy breakfast feasts so its nice to know I'm not depriving my children.


{{giggle, snort}}

no, I don't think they're being deprived.

We're not fancy at breakfast. . .or lunch for that matter, but there are always plenty of healthy snacks and a nice dinner.

AND. . .I feel like they're getting a good education.;)

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I make muffins/breads most mornings and if they want something else...they make it.


It is quick and easy. I have a basic recipe taped to the inside of my cabinet and then just add the fruit/veggie of my choosing. Banana, zucchini, pumpkin, cranberry-orange, apple etc.


Sometimes it is a couple loaves of bread, other times it is muffins....just depends on how much time I have for them to bake. Muffins mean extra clean up, so I prefer to make bread but that means I have to get up a bit earlier so it has an hour to bake instead of 15 for the muffins.


I used to make French toast and freeze it. I haven't done that in a while.


I cook hash browns, scramble eggs, cook meat and then let the kids reheat it for couple of days. Some eat it in a bowl, others make breakfast burritos.

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We have a weekly breakfast schedule. I'll admit to being spoiled, as dh makes breakfast most mornings (we have breakfast as a family most mornings).


Sunday - pastries & fried eggs

Monday - scrambled eggs w/toast

Tuesday - Oatmeal (put into rice cooker the night before - it has a timer so it's done by breakfast)

Wednesday - eggs of some kind, maybe bacon and/or toast

Thursday - yogurt/fruit parfaits w/granola (I make this breakfast and usually use Greek yogurt so it fills them up)

Friday - eggs and biscuits

Saturday - pancakes or cereal


Now, if I had to make breakfast every morning, I'd work at making big batches of muffins to freeze and take out the night before. We'd eat more cereal.


The pastries I get are from the grocery store's "Oops" rack - stuff they're trying to clear out for 1/2 price. I just pop them in the freezer.

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I don't do pastries or cereal for breakfast because our days would be horrible. My kids need protein in the morning. It makes a world of difference in our day.


Breakfast burritos

baked oatmeal


crepes (they are mostly egg)

boiled eggs and fruit


huevos rancheros

yogurt parfaits with homemade granola, greek yogurt (it's higher in protein and lower in sugar than regular) and fruit

waffles with peanut or almond butter

biscuits, sausage, scrambled eggs

breakfast pizza

various egg-based casseroles

french toast with bacon

Breakfast frittatas


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I just posted a recipe for Maple Pecan Granola on my blog. And I agree with the others who suggested making extra pancakes, waffles, and muffins and then freezing them for easy grabbing. You could make some breakfast burritos and freeze those, too (we don't have a microwave, so it's just faster and easier to do it in the morning). Or the over-night egg dishes and french toast dishes are nice.


Anything so I don't have to wake up and start cooking.

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My kids mostly eat cold cereal and yogurt, toast, bagels...the usual. But sometimes I'll put 1 1/2 cups of steel cut oats, 2 cups of water and 2 1/2 cups of milk and 1/2 cup of brown sugar in a pyrex bowl and stir. Then I put a few inches of water in my crockpot and set the bowl in that...so it's in a water bath. Put the lid on and cook on low overnight...the kids love it and so does my husband...it always makes for a good morning! You can also add apples and cinnamon...my husband LOVES that!

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