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Tell me what goes wrong with "Heroes" that it only lasted 4 seasons

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We personally liked every season. Inbetween the third and fourth season was the writers strike. I believe all of the previous writers were fired and they got new writers for the fourth (I think!) and the fourth season ended up being odd. (Part of the problem was they tried going with a lesbian story line that flopped.)


There were a few loose story lines as well. There were also a few supporting characters that just vanished never to be heard from again.

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We personally liked every season. Inbetween the third and fourth season was the writers strike. I believe all of the previous writers were fired and they got new writers for the fourth (I think!) and the fourth season ended up being odd. (Part of the problem was they tried going with a lesbian story line that flopped.)


There were a few loose story lines as well. There were also a few supporting characters that just vanished never to be heard from again.


Ah, good to know. Makes more sense now. It starts out so intriguing...ugh!

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Ah, good to know. Makes more sense now. It starts out so intriguing...ugh!


I wouldn't give up on it--I really enjoyed the first 3 seasons. The 4th was still fun *enough*--but it was obvious it wasn't going to go any further because the writing had started to...wander.


Nothing like the crash-landing that was LOST. :glare:

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Same here. Really enjoyed the first. Tolerated the second. But it was really just all downhill after the first season.


:iagree: The first season could have ended the story and it would have felt complete. It felt like they tried to stretch and add to storylines that were never intended to be stretched or added on to. The plot holes started to become quite visible, and when a good story about superhumans becomes ridiculous, you've jumped the shark.


On a side note, I'm just getting caught up on The Office from last season, and seeing Jack Coleman guest star in a show about paper salesmen cracks me up.

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I just finished watching it a couple of days ago. The only part I really hated was the first half of season 3 (Daddy Petrelli's episodes plus a future and present version of all main characters). Although it's 4 seasons, it's 5 volumes. The 3rd season is split into 2 separate story arcs. If I had to do it over, I would skip the entire first half of season 3 but watch the rest. Overall, there are some gems in season 2-4, but even when it's good it doesn't quite live up to the first season.

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Short of a public hanging, I'm not sure how you'd muster *forgiveness.* There are some crimes that fall beyond the realms of grace. ;)


I do believe you and I could have done a much better job on the ending. I asked my ds the other day how he became so smart. He told me it was because he quit watching TV. :lol: Smarter than me, who gave up six season of our lives, six seasons of fan fiction, dreams of being on the island and hanging out with Kate, learning to throw knives with Locke, and eating peanut butter with Charlie.


All the literary, philosophy ties-ins and what do they do with it!!! Frustrate the population of America that THOUGHT they had for once got sucked into an intelligent show. For once they said, no,no, it's not purgatory, they're not dead, the writers said they have the answer and that's not it.


Seriously six seasons of build up, six seasons to love Sawyer and Desmond, six seasons to film in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Best line of the show? See you in another life, Brother! That's right, because you won't get the answers in THIS LIFE OR ON THIS SHOW.


No, I'm not bitter at all. I have never dreamt about the number 4 8 15 16 23 42, no never played those numbers in a lottery. Never thought that Hurley and I could get together and exchange hair care tips. NEVER! NO, I'm not bitter.


What did I do, I started watching cop, FBI, CIA, and lawyer shows. Dagnabbit, because that was all that was left on!!! So, yes, my dearest dearest son, there is a smart one in the house. It is YOU the teen who quit watching TV.at.all. You are my pride and joy.


They could have sent some of those Heroes over to the island and saved them. What's his name could have flown them off, one by one. It would have been a better ending. :lol:

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They could have sent some of those Heroes over to the island and saved them. What's his name could have flown them off, one by one. It would have been a better ending. :lol:


LOL There was a lot of fan talk of a Heroes and Lost cross over! That would have been..... SHAMEFULLY awesome. :lol: I actually loved Lost too and enjoyed the ending, minus a short list.

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Seriously six seasons of build up, six seasons to love Sawyer and Desmond, six seasons to film in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Best line of the show? See you in another life, Brother! That's right, because you won't get the answers in THIS LIFE OR ON THIS SHOW.


No, I'm not bitter at all. I have never dreamt about the number 4 8 15 16 23 42, no never played those numbers in a lottery. Never thought that Hurley and I could get together and exchange hair care tips. NEVER! NO, I'm not bitter.


Ha HA!! :lol:


I loved LOST. I thought it was fun. Last winter when February rolled around I felt the absence of LOST.


I guess the Purgatory thing never bothered me b/c it was only the last season - everything else happened in 'real' time. ;)

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All the literary, philosophy ties-ins and what do they do with it!!! Frustrate the population of America that THOUGHT they had for once got sucked into an intelligent show. For once they said, no,no, it's not purgatory, they're not dead, the writers said they have the answer and that's not it.


Dh told me early on that it would end badly. He told me not to hope.


And I'm a pessimist. I don't trust easily. But ea new season was so good, so much better than the last, so much beyond even MY imagination, that I did--I gave myself over to the ride. I trusted the writers.


Never. again.


I'll write my own stories. I'll trust NO ONE.


And given a chance? I'll bring back the stockades or some other form of public consequences for traitors.

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Ha HA!! :lol:


I loved LOST. I thought it was fun. Last winter when February rolled around I felt the absence of LOST.


I guess the Purgatory thing never bothered me b/c it was only the last season - everything else happened in 'real' time. ;)


The last season, the ending, represents the contract w/ the audience, the trust and love and time that they have given to you, the authors, in good faith.


To violate that is the worst crime a writer can commit. I have suggested elsewhere that writers should be licensed, so that at least there's something to revoke when they behave so irresponsibly.


Would you forgive a dr who only messed up the last 5 min of your surgery? Maybe he did a great job until sewing you back up, when he accidentally left something nasty inside & killed you.


Writers have a responsibility, too. People need to stand up for their rights as readers and demand standards. I mean, if the pen is mightier than the sword, we can't let juvenile writing be swung around irresponsibly like this. YOU KNOW??? ;)

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The last season, the ending, represents the contract w/ the audience, the trust and love and time that they have given to you, the authors, in good faith.


To violate that is the worst crime a writer can commit. I have suggested elsewhere that writers should be licensed, so that at least there's something to revoke when they behave so irresponsibly.


Would you forgive a dr who only messed up the last 5 min of your surgery? Maybe he did a great job until sewing you back up, when he accidentally left something nasty inside & killed you.


Writers have a responsibility, too. People need to stand up for their rights as readers and demand standards. I mean, if the pen is mightier than the sword, we can't let juvenile writing be swung around irresponsibly like this. YOU KNOW??? ;)


Ok. I guess I don't really think it was that bad. The 'flash forwards' kept us hopping and guessing all season long, and although I completely disagree with the theology presented re: the afterlife, I did think it was sweet how the Losties were reunited.


I really enjoyed the mystery of the show and the process of figuring out what tied into what - and the ending didn't take any of that fun away for me. But that's just me. ;)

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Yeah, the lesbian storyline bugged me. If they had started with that, ok. But Claire had already had meaningful relationships with boys, so it didn't seem in character. I liked her as a character. But the whole "confused teenager" thing got old. She's saved the world, (insert spoilers here), yet hasn't grown at all as a person and still doesn't know any more about who she is? We can do better than that with character development, can't we? And how many times are we going to save the world, anyway? A lot of things bugged me. THey lacked a clear direction on where they wanted to take that show.



While we're at it, Peter's Irish girlfriend bugged me too. I love her sooo much. She's awesome. But I travel to the future, loose her, and then forget completely that she even exists.

Edited by Scuff
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The biggest problem with Heroes was that the original concept was to have an all new group of characters with the next/each season, but they decided not to.


Yeah, the lesbian storyline bugged me. If they had started with that, ok. But Claire had already had meaningful relationships with boys, so it didn't seem in character. I liked her as a character. But the whole "confused teenager" thing got old. She's saved the world, (insert spoilers here), yet hasn't grown at all as a person and still doesn't know any more about who she is? We can do better than that with character development, can't we? And how many times are we going to save the world, anyway? A lot of things bugged me. THey lacked a clear direction on where they wanted to take that show.



Both of these issues are sort of examples of where it really went wrong for me with Heroes. They were afraid to let the show grow and change so they kept the same characters then tried to make them replay all the same dynamics, leading to ever more bizarre twists and turns to try and make it all make sense. Even when people changed, they kept getting reset. A show can only really work when it takes risks and lets characters and relationships evolve.


That's why I think it's different from Lost. Lost did take risks. It did change things and let the show evolve... it just had some really weird detours and a totally crap ending. Different problem, at least to me.

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Heroes was a convoluted totally-unthought-out completely BS mess. They had no plan, they kept changing the rules and changing the characters' motivations and personalities. Just totally awful awful writing. The many great actors did what they could with the material but it was terrible stuff.


The final season of Lost was so awful. I'm really glad that I was pregnant/delivering/nursing that season, because it meant I was too distracted to really care about how they destroyed what was once my favorite show.

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