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Do you all get invited to a lot of these kind of parties?


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Awww! I'm so sad for all the vehement non-party responses. I LOVE a party :biggrinjester:, whether they're selling something or no--it's free food (usually) and a chance to hang out with friends and maybe even be something other than a mom for a few minutes.


And I still get invited to things whether I buy anything or not--sure, I try to buy something when I can to support my friends, but there's never any obligation or friendships damaged when I can't/don't. Everybody around here just does it for fun, and it's always a hoot.


My only negative experience was as a school teacher when a student's family invited me to dinner, but it turned out it was only to lure me into a long-distance phone company pyramid scheme. I'm still rolling my eyes over that one; if they'd told me up front, I probably would've gone and at least had a great time. The only plus from that night was the mom made, hands down, the best gumbo I've ever had in my life. So even there, not a total loss.


Maybe party experiences are a regional thing? Or maybe it really is all about the food. :D

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I've been to one or two because:

1. I felt sorry for the party-giver

2. I thought it would be fun to hang out with friends

3. I thought I might buy something


One children's toy/game party was kind of dull --until our hostess brought out a huge pitcher of vodka lemonade! After that we had a good time socializing, but ordered more items than we intended to order, and they were not that great quality. I said to myself, Never again, unless it is a product I am really interested in (without any adult beverages on board) and I would bring only a certain amount of cash.


I would go to an Usborne book party though, if they have parties. I see they hire reps and sometimes I wonder about being one, if I ever had the strength to do anything more in this life!

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Oh, my goodness. I stopped receiving those invitations several years ago but I never noticed or thanked the Lord or anything!


The key is probably to dress more shabby. Look poor. If you aren't quite poor, fake it, because the target demographic is solid middle-class.


That won't work; then you'll be hit up to host. I used to go, but not buy, just to socialize. I will sometimes go now, if it's someone I haven't seen in awhile or family. I don't feel bad about not buying. (Dave Ramsey probably helped that. I just don't feel like my finantial decisions should be based on social pressure.) Really, if you think about it, You're inviting your friends over, to hear a sales pitch for over-prices junk they don't need, so they can spend $ they may not have, so that you can get free stuff. In that light, it looses all appeal.

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I never get invited to anything. But....if I would be invited, I probably wouldn't go because I couldn't afford anything anyway.


Hmmmm....maybe that's why I never get invited. People know.


Nope, this wouldn't be why, because our extensive training provides us with some detailed techniques to get you to take your eyes off your financial situation in order to purchase a lot of product that you can't afford! All just so we can get rich off you! :001_rolleyes:




Edited by milovaný
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I actually thought about going to the Scentsy party because my mom's birthday is coming up and she loves candles. But then I looked at the catalog. :svengo: I'm not paying $35 for a candle wax holder. That doesn't even include the wax. Geez!


Let me tell you, GET her the warmer and some wax! Its awesome stuff. :) I use to sell, but I don't have a car to get out there and work the business properly but I still love the product. I was never into candles or any type of "house scenters" but I really and truly love scentsy. It doesn't bother our allergies or my asthma. My one warmer can make my whole house smell fantastic depending on the scent I use.

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Go...eat all the treats....buy nothing....it's amazing how fast people stop inviting you. :)





I was invited ONCE, 15 years ago.

It must be the kind of friends I have; nobody is selling stuff via parties.


I was invited to a Mary Kay party 6 years ago. I'm not very cool. :lol:


Yeah, this is sort-of me, I think. I've been invited to only a few things like that (many eons ago). Overall, my circle of friends is not the type to sell/do parties like that. (Though I do buy the occasional thing from my friends' dc who are selling stuff for their schools or extra-curricular activities.)


I got my fill of the party sales stuff when I was growing up. My grandma was a Tupperware lady (she was the ultimate saleslady) & she loved to have me tag along to parties when I was in town. I would help her set up, load the car, etc.... I also spent a lot of time helping her sort orders. So, I've probably attended more Tupperware parties than most people w/out actually being a seller, party-holder, or guest.... :tongue_smilie::lol:

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I've been invited to some over the years, but it has been quite awhile. Years ago, when the kids were little, I would go to them because I loved having an opportunity to get out of the house and be around some adult women.


Now, I usually don't go because I just don't have the time and it's all so expensive. I hate the pressure of feeling like I need to buy something.

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I *HATE* this with a passion. I always get the "oh come but don't buy anything! We just want you there!" and I *never* leave without buying something. I feel obligated to buy when everyone else does, and I'm sick to death of buying things I don't need.


I won't go anymore. I simply tell them "no" and forget about it. Many claim to do this just as a social get together (which benefits them financially) but I wish people would not do this. It isn't true. If you just want to be with friends, have a potluck.


If you're REALLY passionate about something, that's different. But of all the people I know, and they're all friends I truly do adore, this is not why they have the parties, and most claim it's a "friends night" or "ladies night out." No thanks. I'll do dinner and/or dessert/drinks/coffee instead.

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Want to be in a really uncomfortable situation? Get invited to a Passions party.


I got invited to one as part of a bachelorette party....all of us, including the hostess were extremely shy. I don't know how the heck she got into that business. It would have been hilarious if it weren't so darned uncomfortable. And yet, by the end of the party, some people ended up spending hundreds of dollars (not me). :confused:


I ended up buying a tiny bottle of perfume. I actually really like it, it's very mildly scented. But I don't envision myself going to another party to get another bottle. :lol:

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If you don't go or don't buy you quit getting invited. :)

That's been my experience as well. I firmly but politely turn down invitations. I don't bear the hostesses any ill will, but it's *not* my thing and I'll like them more as friends if I'm not pressured in those situations. (And if we're only friends so that they can invite me to those things, well, then it's just not a "real" friendship anyway.)


And now hardly anyone invites me to those things anymore. ;) No need to go into a tirade about how I *don't* do those things -- most people pick up pretty quickly after a couple of, "Thanks, but I won't be able to make it"s...

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The reason we don't care if you come without buying is, yes, we hope you will host the next party. We want to meet your friends, family, and you can earn free product (that's how many of my friends and myself have been able to afford to "shop" in the past). I had a Partylite consultant that loved to play games. We went mostly because her parties were so fun. I became a PL consultant so that I could do the same...create fun as well as bring in income. Unfortunately, I've found many people feel the way most of you on this thread feel...wanting to run as though direct sales people are out to get ya ;) One dear lady I know dang near ran from me as soon as she heard I had signed up with a company. I told her that I could take "no" for an answer and promised that I would never bother her about it. Really, I know that some are pushy, but not all of us.

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Want to be in a really uncomfortable situation? Get invited to a Passions party.


I got invited to one as part of a bachelorette party....all of us, including the hostess were extremely shy. I don't know how the heck she got into that business. It would have been hilarious if it weren't so darned uncomfortable. And yet, by the end of the party, some people ended up spending hundreds of dollars (not me). :confused:


I ended up buying a tiny bottle of perfume. I actually really like it, it's very mildly scented. But I don't envision myself going to another party to get another bottle. :lol:


I've been to two Pure Romance parties (similar to Passion), and I actually quite like those. :D

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Nope, this wouldn't be why, because our extensive training provides us with some detailed techniques to get you to take your eyes off your financial situation in order to purchase a lot of product that you can't afford! All just so we can get rich off you! :001_rolleyes:





Oh. Then in that case....I'm really glad I don't get invited to anything.


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This week alone, I can go to a 31 party, a Scentsy party, a Kelli's Kids party, and/or a Pampered Chef party. I get invited to anywhere from 4-6 of these type of parties a month. Is this common in other areas? It's beginning to drive me nuts.


Pampered Chef, I love! Can't stand Scentsy, but do like Partylite candles. I'll go to the party if it's not a crazy day, and I like or think I'll the product. Or it's a good friend hosting. I'd guess I get invited to 5-6 a month, and go to two. Facebook has definitely increased the invites.

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I always get the "oh come but don't buy anything! We just want you there!" and I *never* leave without buying something. I feel obligated to buy when everyone else does, and I'm sick to death of buying things I don't need.



See, but -- this isn't the hostess's fault, right? Just don't buy anything. Seriously. If you're buying things you don't want or need, you can stop doing that. Please don't feel obligated to buy something. MOST of us don't want you to if it's out in your budget (I'll speak for me and mommaduck anyway :D). And truly "everyone else" does not buy something. I'd bet half or fewer of the people at my parties buy anything at all. They come for the free food and fellowship like the confessed hangers-on who posted above.


Obviously, I'm not in this to get rich. I'm not a ladder climber trying to become Superior Silver Coolchick Director. I just love the product that I sell, and know others do, too.

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See, but -- this isn't the hostess's fault, right? Just don't buy anything. Seriously. If you're buying things you don't want or need, you can stop doing that. Please don't feel obligated to buy something. MOST of us don't want you to if it's out in your budget (I'll speak for me and mommaduck anyway :D). And truly "everyone else" does not buy something. I'd bet half or fewer of the people at my parties buy anything at all. They come for the free food and fellowship like the confessed hangers-on who posted above.


Obviously, I'm not in this to get rich. I'm not a ladder climber trying to become Superior Silver Coolchick Director. I just love the product that I sell, and know others do, too.

:iagree:Many times, the point is also to have fun. The more, the merrier. If 30 people are invited, roughly 10 to 15 people will probably show up. Out of those people, perhaps 5 to 7 people will place an order. This is just my experience, and that's on a good party.


I will agree that I don't like getting invited to dinner or a "job offer" and find out it's for a ponzi pyramid scheme either. I've had that happen. With direct sales parties, you know what you are in for and you have an out by saying no if you really need to.

Edited by mommaduck
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Women are always having those kinds of parties around here too. I just say no. It drives me crazy. I don't have money to spend on frivolous things that I don't even really want. I am amazed that so many people do have money to spend on this stuff! At a Bible study I go to there is always either a 'magazine' that I could buy something from (ooh aah), or someone has something new to show off (gag!). It's a little ridiculous.

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