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I Know I'm a Freak...

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But I hate balloons. Seriously. Hate them.


Of course, today being Princess' birthday, Wolf bought balloons. The squeaking, the popping (3 in less than 90 seconds) the shrieking of the da*ned sound they make when you stretch the neck and let out the air...




Hate 'em.

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I hate them, too, for different reasons. When they break, I am afraid of the little pieces choking a young child or animal. And I really don't like the negative environmental impact of all those pieces + plastic ribbon everywhere.


I don't hate them as much as those plastic airsoft pellets, though. Who wants to have little plastic BBs all over their yard? Yuk. At least biodegradable ones are available, but they are still mostly made of petroleum.

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The squeaking, the popping (3 in less than 90 seconds) the shrieking of the da*ned sound they make when you stretch the neck and let out the air...




Hate 'em.


You left out the whooshing around the room when they fill them with air then let them go. Nothing quite like a been-blown-up-five-times wet and soggy ballon whooshing to a stop against some exposed part of your body.

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But I hate balloons. Seriously. Hate them.


Of course, today being Princess' birthday, Wolf bought balloons. The squeaking, the popping (3 in less than 90 seconds) the shrieking of the da*ned sound they make when you stretch the neck and let out the air...




Hate 'em.


You can add me to the balloon haters club.

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