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Do you stick to a budget for HS materials?

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I spend as I need. I am in awe of those who can homeschool for free or cheap, but... I'm not very good at that!




I tried the free/cheap thing and I was TERRIBLE at it and I played catchup for an entire summer and part of a school year because of the free/cheap stuff and my LACK of confidence and able to use it to it's best...


So I tend to buy as needed BUT I will buy used first and even wait til nearly last minute to see if I can still get it used.


I do however resell what I can to pay for what I need. Unless it's somethign I need to save to reuse with an upcoming child.


We save some of the tax return for homeschool registration and a couple hundred for books and such.

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I have no set budget, but I'm pretty frugal about spending.


Most years, I spend in the neighborhood of $300 per child (less in the early years). If I were going to spend a lot more than that, I'd need to consult with my husband and make sure we were ready to pay for it.


A lot of my spending goes toward PaperbackSwap and BookMooch, used materials purchased here and items from the Barnes and Noble bargain tables.

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I have no budget, but buy very cheaply - all books used, for fractions of the original price (just got Sister Wendy' story of painting for under $2!)

We also use the library a lot; I do not buy fiction that is read only once.


The only expensive thing this year is the chemistry lab set (about $200)

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No. I start planning ahead for the next year midway through the current year. I have a general idea of what courses I need material for. Then the catalogs start coming and I am always tempted to change my mind. I think and plan a lot before I actually order anything. I have to admit though that I fairly often tend to buy things that catch my eye at the bookstore when I browse just because I think they may be educational. Some of those unplanned purchases have turned out to be very successful. Some, not so much.

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I have a budget, and stick to it fairly well. I had two curriculum purchases this year that I decided to shelve for use another year, so I have gone over budget a smidge. However, I sweetly reminded DH that I will spend less next year. (Like he'll remember by then! :tongue_smilie: )

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I don't have a budget, but after 16 years of this, I pretty much know how much I'm going to spend. I do try to shop around and buy used when I can. I also try to pass down from olders to youngers, but I've found that I have to change it up sometimes due to learning style/personality differences.

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