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If you're a church-goer, what temp would you like it to be?

What temp would you like it to be during a church service?  

  1. 1. What temp would you like it to be during a church service?

    • 70* or lower
    • 71*
    • 72*
    • 73*
    • 74*
    • 75*
    • 76*
    • 77*
    • 78*
    • 79* or higher

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Every Sunday in church, there are ladies who are fanning themselves at the same time as there are ladies slipping on their sweaters & shivering. I'm amazed at what temp some of the ladies are absolutely freezing!


So, what temp would you personally like to sit in for an hour or two? Keep in mind that I'm talking about summer--the average outside temp is probably about 85*.


If the poll hasn't posted just yet, give me a second! :001_smile:

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Oh, how funny is this poll. So glad you posted it as I am "one of the fanners"! :lol:


We live in NC and it's upper 80's today. We attend a church that is large...maybe 2,000 per service. I know they are being good stewards with their monies and not cooling to my satisfaction ;) but honestly, it gets warm.


There are women who are wearing "light" knit sweaters......:confused:


I attribute the differences to body fat amount and age.

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Colder. I voted 74, but I really want to be needing to put a sweater on. I can always bring a sweater to combat coolness. There's not a darn thing I can do if I'm sweating, and often, being even a few degrees overwarm makes me dizzy and queasy (I know, what a baby!).


So my real vote is "as cold as you can make it without icicles forming and the administrators protesting the bill" :D

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Well, I personally am one of the "fanners". I like it to be 75*.

Often, it is 79* and sometimes even warmer, because of the ladies who are always cold. I'd like those ladies to please put on a sweater, parka, whatever it takes, because when you're hot there's really nothing you can do but grin & bear it! :001_smile:

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At the Kingdom Hall, the temp is generally set in view of the speaker and the men who are generally wearing suits. It makes a lot more sense for us ladies to take a sweater or blanket than for the men to sweat to death. Who wants to be around a bunch of stinky men (whether young or old) when they are trying to worship and learn?


However, I have NO idea what the temperature is at the Hall. I used to always be cold. Now I'm always hot. Hormones <sigh> Which is another reason it doesn't make much sense to try to base it off of women. It's not like we are very good at temperature regulation. Ovulation, periods, menopause, youth, elderly. They could never get it right for all of us!

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I don't attend church, but I work on an airplane and -like your church- there are always women who are fanning themselves alongside women who are freezing. I always figured it was a time-of-life "personal summer" kind of thing for those women who needed fanning because even when we have the air turned arctic and icicles are forming on my eyelashes, ... there they are still sweating and fanning themselves LOL.


If the women in my family are to be trusted, women of a certain age span just need fans - regardless of what the ambient or outside temperatures are!


(I rather err on the TOO COOL side, myself. It's easier to dress for cool, and a cooler church can be planned ahead for IMO.)

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Mostly I'd like enough ventilation that I don't choke on perfume fumes.


Almost no one in our congregation ever wears it (or lotion or hair spray or or or) because we have several chemically sensitive people. However, we share with another congregation and they WAY overuse chemicals. On odd years, we have the afternoon meeting which means those of us more sensitive are challenged a bit.

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