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I saw it with 6 others ladies for a Mom's Night Out and loved it! I hadn't heard anything about the book or movie until last week but it looked intriguing. I laughed a lot and cried a bit. I'm trying to decide whether I can wait to read the book or if I'll just buy it--my library system has 343 requests!

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I LOVED the book.

Wondering if the movie would appeal to our dc. They can handle most things and we're probably more liberal than many when it comes to movies. I looked up the parental guide for this movie and there isn't anything inappropriate it seems. Would this movie interest them? Does anyone know? Or is it more "chick-flick"? Thanks.

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I LOVED the book.

Wondering if the movie would appeal to our dc. They can handle most things and we're probably more liberal than many when it comes to movies. I looked up the parental guide for this movie and there isn't anything inappropriate it seems. Would this movie interest them? Does anyone know? Or is it more "chick-flick"? Thanks.


Bumping because I want to know this for myself. :001_smile:

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I LOVED the book.

Wondering if the movie would appeal to our dc. They can handle most things and we're probably more liberal than many when it comes to movies. I looked up the parental guide for this movie and there isn't anything inappropriate it seems. Would this movie interest them? Does anyone know? Or is it more "chick-flick"? Thanks.


I think it would depend on their ages and if they have some background knowledge of that time period and the racial inequality thereof.

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There is some language (using the Lord's Name in vain) which is a big issue for us, but otherwise, any violence is not seen, only heard or alluded to, there's an issue of a quick view of blood from a miscarriage. Otherwise, it would be whether they really understood the implications of the relationship between the races and the movement at the time.


Its not a typical chick-flick at all, IMO. It happens to be about women and families and their relationships, but it's not a chick flick.

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I LOVED the book.

Wondering if the movie would appeal to our dc. They can handle most things and we're probably more liberal than many when it comes to movies. I looked up the parental guide for this movie and there isn't anything inappropriate it seems. Would this movie interest them? Does anyone know? Or is it more "chick-flick"? Thanks.


My 15 y.o. loved it, 12 y.o. wasn't interested in attending, 17 y.o. was also not interested and would have thought it was torture at age 11.

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We are pretty conservative, but I took my 13 yr old dd to see it. I felt like the message of the movie was important for her to see. It does have some language issues, but not too bad (and as my dd said, it was mainly just one word they said over and over about one specific "pie" topic). It was the first movie with a "grown-up" theme that she had seen and she liked it.


I was pleased with the actresses they chose. I think they were spot on with the characters of Abilene and Minnie. The movie had a few differences from the book, but not many. It was well done.

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Glad to hear good reviews! My mom and I both loved the book, and we are going to see the movie together this afternoon.


ETA: Well, we saw it! And we both really enjoyed it!! It was very well done, even though they had to leave out parts I thought should have been in there. (I guess it was hard to get all that in there though, it was already a 2 hour and 17 minute movie and none of it seemed unnecessary!)

Edited by NanceXToo
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I'm almost done reading the book now. My sister and I both have birthdays over Labor Day weekend, so we're taking each other to see the movie as our gifts to each other. Neither of us can wait to see it! She's already read the book (because she's such an over achiever ;)), hopefully I'll be finished by then. I'm a slow - whenever I can catch a minute - type reader. :lol:

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I LOVED the book.

Wondering if the movie would appeal to our dc. They can handle most things and we're probably more liberal than many when it comes to movies. I looked up the parental guide for this movie and there isn't anything inappropriate it seems. Would this movie interest them? Does anyone know? Or is it more "chick-flick"? Thanks.




Oldest dd (16yo) wants to see it with me.

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We are pretty conservative, but I took my 13 yr old dd to see it. I felt like the message of the movie was important for her to see. It does have some language issues, but not too bad (and as my dd said, it was mainly just one word they said over and over about one specific "pie" topic). It was the first movie with a "grown-up" theme that she had seen and she liked it.


I was pleased with the actresses they chose. I think they were spot on with the characters of Abilene and Minnie. The movie had a few differences from the book, but not many. It was well done.



I am thinking of taking my 12 year old to see this. (13 very soon) I loved the book, but rarely see movies anymore that aren't G or PG. My daughter has never seen a PG-13 movie, but I think this might be a good one to start with as it should lead to some good conversation between us.

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I think it would depend on their ages and if they have some background knowledge of that time period and the racial inequality thereof.

Thanks, Tina.

They've seen all of Roots, so I'm sure they can handle this.


Its not a typical chick-flick at all, IMO. It happens to be about women and families and their relationships, but it's not a chick flick.

Great to know. Thanks. :)


It does have some language issues, but not too bad (and as my dd said, it was mainly just one word they said over and over about one specific "pie" topic). It was the first movie with a "grown-up" theme that she had seen and she liked it.


Yes, this is fine with us. They hear more foul language on the streets here. Foul language is all too prevalent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saw this tonight w/ a pal & really enjoyed it. I haven't read the book (yet).


I did cry (a lot) throughout different parts of the movie. I figured that would be the case going in, though.... Two kleenex were not enough, at least for me. :tongue_smilie:


Well done. Thumbs up.

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