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Pregnancy and moving question

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How pregnant? What's the weather like?


For me, as I get further along, my balance gets wonky, I find it almost impossible to bend without wanting to pass out from lack of air, and heat makes me feel like throwing up/passing out or both.


Add in a husband that has a bit of a melt down if I try to do anything but direct the troops, and pregnant and moving is a bit of a disaster. We've done it, but in reality, I sat there, and he did everything.


At least with a 4 mth old, I could get things done at nap time, etc.

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My first response was that I'd rather move pregnant. I just don't do sleep deprivation well and none of my four kids were good sleepers until well past four months. Four years would be closer to the mark for some of them. :glare:


However, when our twins were four months old, DH flew across the country to start a new job and that left me with the twins and a 4yo to wrap things up for a month until we could join him. I did what I could and then we hired movers and packers to do the rest. DH, cleeeeaaar across the country, did not see the need for packers, but figured out pretty quickly that this was not an argument I was going to lose. :D


And you know what? We all survived.


So, although I stick by my preference for pregnant, it really can work with young babies. I would try to nudge it as close to 4 months as possible, if you go that route.

Edited by Melinda in VT
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I have done both. Moving during pregnacy is much much MUCH easier than moving with a baby!


Exactly this! We moved to NY ten days before I delivered DD in the July heat six years ago, and to PA a month ago with our then-3 week old (now two month old ;) ).


Hands down, moving pregnant was much easier!


(and best wishes and good luck and congratulations to you! :) )

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With a baby...


I know people may not agree with me, but I moved when I was eight and a half months pregnant with my third, and it was awful. It was nice to have everyone do stuff for you, but the stress of the move was too much and I ended up with three months of migraines before he was born. At 34 weeks, I was in the hospital with preterm labour because of the stress of trying to get everything ready to move.


I think if you can wait until the baby is four months, things will be easier. That way you don't need to pack until the baby is two or three months and you will be physically feeling much better. I am sure others will still help out too!

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Pregnant. I'd figure out ways to delegate the lifting and whatever that I couldn't do, and if it wasn't all unpacked by the time the baby arrived, no big deal; I'd get to it as I had time later. But I would want at least to be settled in the new place when the baby arrived, so that nothing would interrupt the birthing/bonding/babymooning/postpartum recovery stage. Having a deadline of packing boxes would do that, but not so much the unpacking.

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With a baby under 4 months.


I wouldn't move while pregnant as I wouldn't be able to help move things like furniture as such.


With a newborn you an put them in a swing or bouncy seat and move things around and pack.


Not to mention I have moved twice with babies less than 2 months old and not had a problem. :)

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Pregnant, hands down. I can't *stand* to listen to a new baby cry & not be able to go take care of it when I need to.


Fwiw, I've done both, & only w/ the baby (3mos old) did the move *itself* drive me to tears. I had to stop & nurse, & friends were helping dh load/unload while a distant friend watched our bigger 2. I knew the helpers w/ dh were frustrated to be working so late, I knew I'd left my big 2 w/ someone else too long, but I'd made baby wait SO LONG already. I sat on the front porch steps by myself nursing w/out any kind of cover (which I prefer to have), sweaty, dusty, & realizing baby needed a diaper change that I couldn't take care of right then.


No. way. And that's coming from someone who seems to have no limits. :tongue_smilie:

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I did it when 7 months pregnant in 100 degree weather. My husband and I had to move pretty much everything. It was the worst thing, and I'm specifically planning on having another baby under 3 months old when we move next time because of it (rather than being 8 months pregnant in 100 degree weather). I thought it would be better pregnant, but it was terrible. Plus, changing doctors and stuff was a pain.

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I did it when 7 months pregnant in 100 degree weather. My husband and I had to move pretty much everything. It was the worst thing, and I'm specifically planning on having another baby under 3 months old when we move next time because of it (rather than being 8 months pregnant in 100 degree weather). I thought it would be better pregnant, but it was terrible. Plus, changing doctors and stuff was a pain.


The way I see it, you're not at full capacity either way: you've either got a baby in your belly or your arms. W/ a baby, people expect you to put it down to help. Pg you can't. So I guess it depends on the people around you & what you expect of yourself. For ME, I can't just sit & watch or ignore the moving, so it's easier to be pg.

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The way I see it, you're not at full capacity either way: you've either got a baby in your belly or your arms. W/ a baby, people expect you to put it down to help. Pg you can't. So I guess it depends on the people around you & what you expect of yourself. For ME, I can't just sit & watch or ignore the moving, so it's easier to be pg.


Yeah, I guess in our circumstance, we didn't hardly have anyone to help at all, so I could take the time I needed and no one was waiting on us. Plus, I think there is a big difference in a 1 month old and a 3 month old. My 3 month olds are much more hearty and need less than my new, new babies. That, and when I'm pregnant, I feel horrible, but once I recover from the pregnancy, I feel much more capable of doing lots of things. That recovery takes a few weeks, and I would definitely NOT want to move in the first month or two after having a baby. Three or four months though? Sure!

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