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It took me 52 weeks, but I finally lost 10 pounds!

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Only 67 pounds to go. It took me 12 weeks of blood, sweat and tears at the start of this journey to lose 9 pounds only to gain it all back. Now that I discovered my insulin resistance and am monitoring my bloodsugar, it took me 4 weeks and no blood or tears. Still some sweat though! I am confident that this time I won't gain it back and will keep losing.


Now to go eat 10 pounds of chocolate! (Just kidding.) Actually I've promised myself one new item of clothing for each 10 pound loss.

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Remember it's not just about weight. I'm still the same weight as I was in June but I've lost inches.


Good Luck on your journey!


I know. I'm also rejoicing that my clothes are fitting better. What was derailing me big time before was that insulin is a fat storer. So no matter how how little I ate, since I had my carb ratio all wrong, my body was storing it as fat anyway.

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