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Odd poll for the day

Do you believe in true evil, demons and/or possession  

  1. 1. Do you believe in true evil, demons and/or possession

    • Yes, I believe in demons but not possession
    • Yes, I believe a person can be possessed by demons
    • Yes, I believe there is an evil that exists in the world
    • Other, yes. Please expalin
    • No, I do not believe in deamons
    • No, since I do not believe in deamons I can't be live they possess people
    • No, I don't belive in possession
    • No, I don't belive evil exists in any form
    • Other, no. Please explain

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I have been diagnosed with MPD Multiple Personality Disorder, (now know as DID).


I have had more then one Christian say something along the lines that a exorcism might help. :glare:


I am sorry to hear this.


I believe that people of all faiths can be subject to a mental illness; either by virtue of genetics, bad chemistry, trauma in life, or a combination. These conditions are every bit as 'legitimate' as any other illness.


I understand that some feel otherwise, but I do not believe that demons cause schizophrenia, depression, or DID any more then I would believe they cause cancer or muscular dystrophy or a cold.




Our ds is a great example of this: he has all the mix. He is the victim of a genetic tendency (from both bio parents) towards a particular mental illness. He has 'bad chemistry' and he has had a childhood full of trauma. All of these have contributed to the man acronyms he has been labeled with.

Edited by jewellsmommy
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I used to also think that actual presence of such things in peoples' lives was a rare occurrence. I don't feel that way at all any more and I'm not really sure if it's that I've changed my mind about the rate of occurrence, or whether I feel that the world is such today that people have opened themselves up more to evil (or maybe some of both)....

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I voted yes for demon possession. I don't know anyone personally, but someone I trust has had personal experience with someone whom he believed was demon-possessed. It did not appear to be a case of mental illness as there was paranormal activity involved.

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Yes I believe that there is evil that exists. Yes I believe that demons (devils) exist. I believe that demons/devils have possessed people and animals in the past. BUT I do not believe that they can possess anything now. Just like I believe that the time for miracles from God is over, the time for demonic possessions is over.

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Yes, I believe in demon possession, but I do not believe a genuine Christian can be demon possessed. I also think it is a RARE event.


I believe the Bible when it says our fight is not against flesh & blood, but against principalities. Also, I've had some very unique personal experiences that make me say that yes, there is evil, there are demons, and people can be possessed. Do I think all mental illness is demonic? Certainly not, but some may be, and it's not my place to make that judgement. I also don't think that those who are possessed/influenced by demons necessarily show signs of mental illness either.


:iagree: with both of the above.


Years ago, I worked for an agency that worked with chronically mentally ill adults. We had one client who was dx'd with MPD (back then, it was MPD). I won't go into details of all she shared with me, but let's just say her childhood was far more horrendous than any of us could probably imagine. She was the only person I'd every met IRL who had this dx. Anyway, I'd often pondered whether her dx was the result of demon possession (it would make sense given her history) or if it truly was a gift, in a sense; her brain protecting her soul, so to speak. Either way, she was an amazing woman and overcame obstacles that would make the strongest of us tremble.


I believe in demon possession, and I also believe in mental illness, just as I believe in physical illness. Could demons cause illness? Possibly, maybe, but I wouldn't assume a mental illness is automatically a demon possession or sin issue, just as I wouldn't assume a physical illness would be the result of demon possession. I was raised by a mentally ill mother and I don't believe for a nanosecond that she's demon possessed.

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I'm not really sure what I believe. I believe a bit in the supernatural so that would mean I do believe there could be evil/possession out there. I think I've experienced a good kind of supernatural (ghosts/spirits/???). I have no explanations for a few things after my dad and brother died. I know many will just say stress but I felt it was God helping me out. He knew I needed it and He apparently helped out a cousin also. A cousin who wasn't even sure he believed in God until this time. It's still weird and confusing for me and I'm not sure exactly what I think.


I do think there is a difference in mental illness and possession. I've honestly never met anyone who thought mental illness was just possession undercover.

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I believe we create our own demons. I believe that "demon" is symbolic for mental disturbance, not a possession by a sentient being. I'm not saying we are consciously responsible, but that our minds have great power over our bodies and our lives that we do not realize or understand.


I believe that evil exists because humans create it, much of the time without realizing what they are doing. When they do realize it and do it anyway, it becomes wickedness.


Knowing yourself, coming to terms with your past, and learning to love yourself as you are and extending that love to others, realizing that you have value as a creation God and a spiritual being, these things help us to cast off our demons. Sometimes it is hard work.


JMO, I haven't read any other replies yet.

Edited by Onceuponatime
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The Exorcism of Emily Rose (AKA) Anneliese Michel is a TRUE story. She was Catholic, therefore Christian and was possessed. So, yes Christians unfortunately do get possessed too.





FTR, I voted YES. I believe in demons and that they can possess. Although I must admit that my curiosity is piqued.


I guess I wonder though if she believed, which means that she asked and received Jesus into her heart. Many people go to my church but that doesn't mean that they believe in God, so even though she is catholic does that mean she automatically is a Christian? Just asking. A person who has the Lord residing inside of them cannot also have demons there. There is not way that can happen. That is all.

Edited by Mosaicmind
wanted to make myself more clear without offending
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I have been diagnosed with MPD Multiple Personality Disorder, (now know as DID).


I have had more then one Christian say something along the lines that a exorcism might help. :glare:


I also have DID but an exorcism would not help. Geesh!!! Your personalities are not demons, they are other parts of you. That is not to say that they cannot be oppressed or influenced by demons but if you are a Christian and inhabited by Christ than you are not demon possessed.


How long have you had your diagnosis. I am well known here and many know that I have DID. I do a form of prayer counseling and I do believe that other parts of me have invited demons to help them do their jobs and influence them but they are not possessed by them.


I am just saying that people intend well but don't really understand DID. I am so sorry that you had to hear this. I am here if you need a sounding board.

Edited by Mosaicmind
more information
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Given that I *do* believe in demonic possession, I will also say that I do believe that it is possible, if not probable, that there are/have been cases where possession has been mislabeled as mental illness.


HOWEVER...that is not the same as saying that mental illness doesn't exist, or that *all* ppl diagnosed as having a mental illness are actually possessed.


Not at all.

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That is very insulting to anyone suffering from mental illness and those who love and care for them.




Thanks for this. I had to catch my breath when I read this and I was going to respond but saw you did. Even though you and I believe differently in other things I felt somewhat connected to you when you wrote this. Thanks from ALL of me!!

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Given that I *do* believe in demonic possession, I will also say that I do believe that it is possible, if not probable, that there are/have been cases where possession has been mislabeled as mental illness.


HOWEVER...that is not the same as saying that mental illness doesn't exist, or that *all* ppl diagnosed as having a mental illness are actually possessed.


Not at all.


I agree. You wouldn't believe the number of people who said that I must be demon possessed and that all my alters were just demons. AACCK!!! I am so sick of hearing this from people. Yes, I grew up in a Satanic cult and yes I have had demonic "INFLUENCE" but not possession. I know alot of demons and what they can do.


Yes, I have DID but I am not demon possessed!!

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Just because she was a Catholic doesn't mean she was a Christian, which means that she asked and received Jesus into her heart. A person who has the Lord residing inside of them cannot also have demons there. There is not way that can happen. That is all.


Are you kidding me?! :001_huh:


Jesus himself started the Catholic Church, you can trace that back through the records. How are we not Christian? Jesus was welcomed into my heart the day I was conceived,the day I was born, the day I was Baptized, the day I was Communed, the day I was Confirmed, the day I was married. With each Sacrament that I receive Jesus is welcomed into my heart. That's a very hurtful blanket statement.

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Are you kidding me?! :001_huh:


Jesus himself started the Catholic Church, you can trace that back through the records. How are we not Christian? Jesus was welcomed into my heart the day I was conceived,the day I was born, the day I was Baptized, the day I was Communed, the day I was Confirmed, the day I was married. With each Sacrament that I receive Jesus is welcomed into my heart. That's a very hurtful blanket statement.


She may have been a catholic but did she believe? Do we know that for sure? I go to a Christian church but does that make me a Christian? No. You and I believe differently and I am just saying that just because she was Catholic does not mean that can or cannot be demon possessed.


I do not know alot about the Catholic faith but I do know according to my faith that you have to personally ask the Lord to come into your heart and ask him in and to forgive you of your sins and then turn from your ways. Please tell me what you believe as a Catholic, I really do want to know so I do not make anymore wrong assumptions.


I am sorry for offending you, honestly.

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Interesting. I think pretty much the opposite.


I believe that many mental illnesses that modern medicine claims to understand are actually demon posession.


She said many, not all.


I don't think she is saying everyone who suffers from a mental illness is possessed. I think she meant sometimes these cases are actually possessions. That's the way I took it anyway.

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I would say that many times mental illness..... eventually... might be linked to dietary issues and environmental issues. I've started to read a bit about food healing... and also, it makes sense when you look at animals that have the wrong food.... for a few generations... and what happens to them. Just a thought that food might be a problem.

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