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If you had a $100 gift card to Amazon...

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You can buy so many things on amazon these days . . .


books, dvd's, organization items (I've been having lots of fun doing that lately - but those are more "house" things than "me" things).


I don't know. I'd have to really think about it. I've had a hard time over the years buying things for myself.

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You can buy so many things on amazon these days . . .


books, dvd's, organization items (I've been having lots of fun doing that lately - but those are more "house" things than "me" things).


I don't know. I'd have to really think about it. I've had a hard time over the years buying things for myself.


I have a hard time buying for me too. I did buy a CHI for myself recently and I love it.

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I have actually been thinking about learning how to knit lately. Any ideas to get me started?


Yeah, join our monthly craft thread and be inspired by my knitting brilliance. :lol:


(That's funny because I'm also learning to knit and take, on average, 26 days to knit a measly, misshapen, little square.)


I'd go to the library and see if they have a book of blocks for afghans or something like that. They usually have variations on the same stitches, so you can practice without getting too bored and increase your skills by learning one new thing at a time. So, once you have the hang of knitting and purling, you can try a pattern that requires only knitting and purling, but in two colours, for example.


If I had $100 to fritter away, I'd get the Einstein Syndrome book I really want, a new seaweed cookbook and spend the rest of craft books to add to my collection. Completely impractical, but droolworthy books like this: http://www.amazon.com/Polish-Folk-Embroidery-Jadwiga-Turska/dp/8371410050/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I11C6H65GRRIOR&colid=2LE2RDPS10Z04, and this: http://www.amazon.com/Embroidered-Textiles-World-Traditional-Patterns/dp/0500288585/ref=pd_sim_b_7.




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So I had to read the "What are you waiting for from Amazon?" thread. I was intrigued by the Bento lunch boxes. So that's what I spent the $100 on. I got one for myself and each of my kids. We are gone all day on Wednesdays and I swore I would be better about making healthy lunches this year. I hope this helps. Not exactly what I was originally thinking, but I am excited. I am such a geek.

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