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OK I'm trying to not want to throw the kitten across the room

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But she CONSTANTLY goes to jump up at me while I'm sitting in my computer chair, starts scrabbling part way up which results in her nails digging into some portion of my body- my leg, my side, my chest, my hand- and it kinda hurts! (She just gave me a little bloody scratch on the back of my hand).


Sometimes she claws her way up the back of my chair instead and then jumps onto my shoulder/the back of my neck and then either jumps to the desk or tries to walk down my chest, giving me a face full of her back end.


Then she hits the computer desk and sends stuff flying- had to pick up a little container of tacks and paper clips that scattered across the floor yesterday. Then she goes and plops herself down on my desk. And it's pointless to put her down on the floor because that will result in the whole cycle starting all over again. And then she starts trying to "catch" my cursor on the computer screen, to pounce my typing hands, etc. (And, yes, she IS cute, and NO, of course I wouldn't really throw her across the room. I usually end up scratching her behind her ears instead. :P But I do find myself muttering curses under my breath sometimes lol).


P.S. We ended up naming her Hazel. And she lets my five year old son carry her around like a sack of potatoes and when she's had enough, she looks for me and meows but never scratches at him. :)

Edited by NanceXToo
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Super-duper cute kitty!


Sometimes the only thing to help you to survive wild kittenhoods is.....another kitten! Seriously!


My husband would have a heart attack if I even mentioned it to him lol. This one took some convincing. (And don't tell him I told you but he actually LOVES when she goes into his computer room late at night and plops herself down onto his chest and goes to sleep there, and I've seen him holding her like a baby and making kissing noises at her, too) hehe. But he wouldn't agree to another kitten. I'm not so sure my 10 y/o (who has litter box duty) would love it either lol.

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That very reason is why Brutie does not have front claws!:lol:


The vet happily did it for me. We could not keep her/him (long story) off of the people. Those claws hurt. The cat is an inside cat, and never goes out. We left back claws.


You may want to consider something like this. Brutie never seemed to realize what happened to the front claws either.:001_smile:

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That very reason is why Brutie does not have front claws!:lol:


The vet happily did it for me. We could not keep her/him (long story) off of the people. Those claws hurt. The cat is an inside cat, and never goes out. We left back claws.


You may want to consider something like this. Brutie never seemed to realize what happened to the front claws either.:001_smile:


It's very tempting. It would save some skin and some furniture, too. We don't plan to ever let her go outside. Not that I want this to turn into some sort of ethical "should you or shouldn't you declaw cats" thread but part of me wants to do it and part of me wonders if it would be, well, mean... or what if she accidentally got outside and couldn't defend herself or something... something to think about though!)

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It's very tempting. It would save some skin and some furniture, too. We don't plan to ever let her go outside. Not that I want this to turn into some sort of ethical "should you or shouldn't you declaw cats" thread but part of me wants to do it and part of me wonders if it would be, well, mean... or what if she accidentally got outside and couldn't defend herself or something... something to think about though!)



The vet told me that Brutie would be able to tree with back claws. This is why I left them. I don't think a whole declaw is a great idea. Accidents happen, and the cat could get outside. Although mine is weird, sits at an open door and sniffs. :glare:

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Nance, I won't hijack the thread about declawing but I'm very happy that more and more vets are refusing to do them. Please do research it.


I've got 4 cats and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why/how people have a problem with it. Yes, they can be obnoxious as babies but well, so are KIDS. :001_smile:

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Just a word of warning..............when our cats were young, the two of them were chasing each other and ran across the keyboard.....we'll never know how or what they did it, but the entire computer "froze" up and I had to take the computer in to get it "unfrozen!"



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Nance, I won't hijack the thread about declawing but I'm very happy that more and more vets are refusing to do them. Please do research it.


I've got 4 cats and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why/how people have a problem with it. Yes, they can be obnoxious as babies but well, so are KIDS. :001_smile:


I will research first if it ever comes down to seriously trying to consider whether to do it.


Just a word of warning..............when our cats were young, the two of them were chasing each other and ran across the keyboard.....we'll never know how or what they did it, but the entire computer "froze" up and I had to take the computer in to get it "unfrozen!"




Yeah that's another thing! Sometimes she jumps across my hands right as I'm typing or the keyboard and makes a different window come up or my cursor jump elsewhere and I'm always afraid she's going to delete something that I'm in the middle of typing or something lol. Hopefully it never gets as bad as your situation but if it does at least my husband is good at fixing computer problems lol.

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I will research first if it ever comes down to seriously trying to consider whether to do it.



I know. You're a thinker so I don't have to preach it to you. :)


Most people here get squicked out by circing. Declawing is worse because to the best of my knowledge, my DS has never tried to walk on his weiner. :D

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My cat doesn't end up clawing me as she jumps but lately she has been wanting mondo attention when I get on the computer. She is nearly 6.5 yrs old so not a kitten, and up until about a month ago was not a huge attention seeker. I think having so few kids in the house for a month freaked her out, because now if I sit she jumps up on the desk and starts rubbing herself on me. If I pet her she immediately flops down for a belly rub, which seems to mean she lands right across my keyboard. It's a good thing she is so darn sweet.


She has been working very hard at impressing me too. Instead of just eating her kills, she brings them to the front steps first to show them off. She meows until I open the door and stands there proud as came be until I say good girl or something. Then she chows down. THough she always leaves the heart or liver on the steps for me. It's great fun to have to check the steps and sweep them off everyday before heading outside. This summer she has been very productive at mousing (and pretty good at catching the birds too).


Once you get past the kitten stage the claws will rarely be an issue. My kitty still has hers, and like I said is a great hunter, and climber. But she has never bared them to us even by mistake. If you can survive the kitten stage that part does get easier.

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Would this work?


When kitten comes to you for attention, pick her up and give her a minute of attention, then let her go again. She is a living creature and has needs for attention and affection. (Not that you are not attentive or affectionate; I understand being interrupted when you are busy!)


We usually do homeschooling on the livingroom floor, and our beloved cat Guinea is FAMOUS for plopping down on dd's workbooks or in the middle of whatever math project or phonics game we are playing. I have found that if I PICK HIM UP AND PET HIM, he gets his "love fix" and moves on. Do not pet him in the location you do not want him (on you keyboard, etc).


Many cats are NOT affectionate like this, so value it and love her for it!




***We have 3 adult cats in the house.***



ETA: I'm sure that you also probably have a few cat toys in the house for the new kitten. Could you assign each of your children to play with her for 3 minutes a few times a day so kitty can get the attention she needs and get tired out? This is a good "chore" if you have a 4 or 5yo in the house!

Edited by duckens
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YOu need to train the kitten to behavior that you find acceptable. If you do not want the kitten doing that then put the kitten down and if it tries it again. Move the kitten from the area for a moment.


Cats and kittens are actually quite easy to train but because of their smaller size many people do not choose to train them. Whatever behavior they start doing now will continue when they are adult size and then many people have real problems with these allowed behaviors.


Tire the kitten out, play time is important but again only with allowed play time. If the kitten reacts by doing something that you want it to do then you need to stop play time and ignore or redirect its attention to something else.

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YOu need to train the kitten to behavior that you find acceptable. If you do not want the kitten doing that then put the kitten down and if it tries it again. Move the kitten from the area for a moment.


Cats and kittens are actually quite easy to train but because of their smaller size many people do not choose to train them. Whatever behavior they start doing now will continue when they are adult size and then many people have real problems with these allowed behaviors.


Tire the kitten out, play time is important but again only with allowed play time. If the kitten reacts by doing something that you want it to do then you need to stop play time and ignore or redirect its attention to something else.


I have been doing that when it comes to her trying to jump up on the kitchen table or counter. That's icky so anytime I see her trying to do that I immediately say "No!" and take her away from there and put her down somewhere out of the room.

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The vet told me that Brutie would be able to tree with back claws. This is why I left them. I don't think a whole declaw is a great idea. Accidents happen, and the cat could get outside.


When I was a child we had a cat who was declawed on the front claws. She was indoor/outdoor and one day there was a dog in our yard. She did manage to get up a tree high enough that my father needed a ladder to get her down. :lol:


When we had cats as adults, we had one of those cat trees (furniture with a sisal scratching post but also places for them to climb). Redirecting them helped a lot with scratching in other parts of the house. And they had something other than legs to climb!


Many vets don't declaw now saying it's not like trimming nails but more like cutting off fingers, so do research before you consider it. (Not trying to comment on prior post but to say what I've heard from vets.)

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It's very tempting. It would save some skin and some furniture, too. We don't plan to ever let her go outside. Not that I want this to turn into some sort of ethical "should you or shouldn't you declaw cats" thread but part of me wants to do it and part of me wonders if it would be, well, mean... or what if she accidentally got outside and couldn't defend herself or something... something to think about though!)


BTW, they defend with their back claws, from all I've read. It's the cut the toe off part that is the problem:eek::eek:

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We got a cutie kitten a couple months ago - he can be a terror, but we love him to bits!!


His most annoying "play time" antics:

- Tackling my toes when I tried to stand at the bathroom counter & brush my teeth - I started to grab a handful of water from the sink and fling drops at him each time, so he rarely does this now <g>

- Attacking my book when I am lying on the bed reading - each time, I pick him up and plop him off the side of the bed - now he just tackles my toes <rofl>, so I make sure to keep them tucked under the comforter so that I can wiggle them safely!!

- Suckling on my eyelid - eeewww... apparently we took him away from mom too early (he was a feral on the side of a busy road living out of a sewer - I managed to snag him on my way to work one day).


Gotta love kitties!!

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My cat is declawed, but is 12 1/2 and still HAS to be at the computer when I am on it. He is currently sitting on the desk blocking half the key board, one leg hanging down so he can touch my leg or arm if they come within reach. He jumps up, knocking stuff down, drives me bananas, walks across the keyboard, turns the brightness off, hugs my arm, lays on the mouse, licks my arm/hands,etc. Dropping him back on the floor never solves it. It makes me CRAZY, but all this to say, kitty or old cat, seems to be a favorite thing and you may have to just settle in. :001_smile:



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My cat is declawed, but is 12 1/2 and still HAS to be at the computer when I am on it. He is currently sitting on the desk blocking half the key board, one leg hanging down so he can touch my leg or arm if they come within reach. He jumps up, knocking stuff down, drives me bananas, walks across the keyboard, turns the brightness off, hugs my arm, lays on the mouse, licks my arm/hands,etc. Dropping him back on the floor never solves it. It makes me CRAZY, but all this to say, kitty or old cat, seems to be a favorite thing and you may have to just settle in. :001_smile:


Aw he's cute. And may I say (from the little glimpse I got) that your house and desk look so nice and UNCLUTTERED lol!

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We are new cat owners of 2.5 years. What I've come to realize and I'll share with you.....they think they rule. Seriously, they don't, but to some extent they do. They are not like dogs at all.


Our friends have a cat named Hazel.

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I recommend Soft Paws:). They work really well. I will be headed out to buy some very, very soon because DS's 12 week old kitten keeps climbing my legs. It HURTS.


Seconded. And the Soft Paws come in all sorts of groovy colors.


I won't claim they're always easy to put on a squirmy kitten (I glued myself to my Russian Blue on at least three occasions), but they were a lifesaver during that youthful scratchy phase.

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Awwwww - she loves you. :001_wub: Kitties are like that. :)


If there's a behavior you really want her to never do again, not just temporarily, you can squirt her with water to discourage her. Some cats learn quickly, others just get wet a lot. :lol:


Kitty nails are sharp! Would definitely recommend getting some good clippers and doing them often. It helps.

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Aw he's cute. And may I say (from the little glimpse I got) that your house and desk look so nice and UNCLUTTERED lol!


And THAT is the beauty of cropping photos. ;) You couldn't see the mess that is all over the rest of the desk, the box filled with papers on the floor that has been there a year (literally), the couch covered with clean laundry, the pile of kid toys by the back door, the table top that is covered in art supplies and school planning materials, and the bar top that you can't find under the clutter. :-)

My house is always in a state of disarray, but then, we LIVE here. lol


But Calvin says "Thank you". he he

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Didn't read the replies, but two kittens is the way to go! We started out with one and she was driving us batty. Got another one later in the week and now they do all that crazy stuff with each other. it is sooooo cute watching them stalk and pounce on each other. I love kittens!:D

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