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Favorite Home-Cleaning and Organization Method?

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I am utterly impaired when it comes to cleaning my house, and currently our home looks like it was ransacked.:blushing::willy_nilly:


To cut myself some slack, I do have Fibro. However, I am really good at walking out the door to go do something and just ignoring the overwhelming mess at my feet.


At this point, I am freaking out about school starting in 5 weeks and not being anywhere near ready-once school starts it will only get worse.;)


What works for you and WHY does it work?



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I'm a big fan of the Family Involved Just Do It style of cleaning and organizing.


The most basic of chores needs to be done Every. Single. Day. But you didnt' make the mess on your own for yourself so Every. Single. Member that is mobile needs to help out Every. Single. Day.


Even a toddler can throw toys in the toy box or a cup into the sink. They also know where the trash can is. The person who cooks a meal for the entire family shouldn't have to be the one to clean up from that meal - the rest of the family should be on it together.


Make rules. No breakfast until beds are made and everyone is dressed with PJs put in the appropriate place. No dessert until the dishes are washed and the house tidy for the next day. No outside time until breakfast is cleaned up. No snacks until you've put away your toys.


Then stick to the rules like glue. There should be natural consequences for not following the rules. And the natural consequences are built into the rules.

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Oh, I want to add that you need to have a clean and tidy place to start. Do what it takes to get that first. If that includes baby sitters for littles, dh taking a day off work or devoting his off days to helping out and hauling trash then just plan on it.


Don't be afraid of trash bags. They are your friends. So is the city dump. If you are the type that will pile up bags and boxes of stuff to give away but never seem to get it to the Salvation army, just throw it away.

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You might try the Fly Lady. She has basic principles that work - if you follow them! I'm kind of in the same boat you are so I hesitate sharing what works as at the moment it isn't! I think getting the family involved is key. I've got people in my house who throw stuff on the floor where the trash can is supposed to be but wasn't put back after garbage day. :001_huh: Sometimes it starts with just pointing out what should be the obvious!

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I like Flylady (although haven't done this in quite a while) and also Parrothead's method. You don't mention how old your kids are, but you may need to cut yourself some slack. I've found that kids don't really help more than mess up until they reach about 8yo. I've finally gotten hit equilibrium ;).


My kids have basic chores every day - but it's my older 3 who really do the necessary stuff - emptying/loading dishwashers, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. My littler ones can do basic things like pick up toys, set the table, sort-of dusting, maybe put away laundry, give the chickens fresh water, collect eggs. We have "after breakfast" chores and "after lunch" chores which are done every day if I'm consistent in reminding them :tongue_smilie:. This is more of the Flylady style, which I need to revisit because I've found myself also ignoring some basic cleaning tasks that really wouldn't be that difficult or time consuming to get done (like clean out/wash the fridge or sorting through that huge pile of books in the corner of the living room).


But we also do "everybody pitch in for the next 20 or 30 minutes and get the house in order" cleaning sessions at least 3 or 4 times per week. Dh is actually extremely helpful in this. This is usually done right after dinner or before bed.

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I know I get overwhelmed when there is a HUGE mess and so I procrastinate doing anything. What we do is make a list of everything that I want cleaned in my house (however clean that is for you - some people need to dust every week, others could care less about dusting and are good with it done once a month, for example) and how often I want it cleaned. We divide it up by days and week and months and then just.do.it. - every single day.


If you are overwhelmed by getting the mess cleaned up to start with you can probably just start with the list and everything will get mostly caught up, probably by the time school starts. You just have to get into the mindset that you just do today's work today and make sure you DO today's work today. Little by little, day by day.


I agree that the trash is your friend. So is the Goodwill or whatever charity you can donate to. Get yourself some boxes or bags and just put some stuff in them every day. Give yourself a number - say five give aways and five trash and five put a way - and do that many things every day until it is under control.


Eat the elephant one bite at a time and then just keep up with it a few minutes every single day. We dedicate 20 minutes of chore time.


We also had the clutter patrol army when my kids were little. When things started to get out of control during the day I would yell out "clutter patrol" and everyone would have to pick up an assigned number of things - 10 or so. I didn't see how old your kids were though so that not be helpful if you have teenagers :lol: Little kids are a lot more amenable to making it a game.

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Oh, I want to add that you need to have a clean and tidy place to start. Do what it takes to get that first. If that includes baby sitters for littles, dh taking a day off work or devoting his off days to helping out and hauling trash then just plan on it.


Don't be afraid of trash bags. They are your friends. So is the city dump. If you are the type that will pile up bags and boxes of stuff to give away but never seem to get it to the Salvation army, just throw it away.


I honestly can not ask anymore of my dh. I just can't. On days when I am bed-ridden he is working over full time and then comes home to do my work.


But you are right. I have often thought if I could just rid our home of 50% of what's in it-half my problem would be solved!


Then I could really have a doable starting place, and maybe not feel so overwhelmed. Maybe do what you are suggesting-go all out with the four of us cleaning our bums off.


I have attempted FlyLady's method, and failed. I am her biggest nightmare and most pathetic drop out. I dunno, I am a person of extremes-I go all out, full throttle on something-then burn out.



My youngest is 10 and both kids do a lot of cleaning up, it's more that the way we go about it is backwards. But they are very capable of working hard. It's more me than anything-I need more self-discipline.

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This is just part of what I wrote on my blog(private).....



I feel incredibly overwhelmed....


House is a war zone.


No one picks up after themselves.


Everyone blames each other


Meals are not being planned or made by me


Clothes are thrown everywhere


Windows are still left uncleaned from spring cleaning that got dropped.


I am constantly barking at kids to take care of animals.


We have no rules, no schedules, no rhyme to anything.


The schoolroom is a war zone.


I want window coverings on every window


Can not get myself together to make gluten-free meals


Can't even begin to manage finances-don't know where to start.


Need to sit down and plan out school schedules



College-educated, raised by a mom who was fanatical about keeping a clean house-it must be in my genetic makeup somewhere! And yet, this is where I am at.

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I am a flylady dropout.


It's too much. Looking at Flylady's pictures, I'm guessing they are WAY past the "MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMMMM! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! (over and over and over.....) stage of their lives.


Just a few months ago, I set the timer for 60 seconds. Every time I was interrupted, I reset the timer. Did this for almost 30 minutes. I could not go 60 seconds ONE TIME without SOME kind of interuption.


The constant interruptions, the cleaning one room to find another room trashed.....


I was having anxiety attacks over it. Seriously, what she said would take 1 hour to do was taking me 8 hours to get done. And that is if I was truly dedicated at getting it done.


And if hubby is home? Forgetaboutit. He's worse than the kids!


My friend-- ALSO a Flylady flunk out-- has a routine that seems to work well. One room a day. That's it. And once or twice a day do a quick pickup of the other rooms. Kitchen gets a dish/trash/countertop cleanup (as fast as possible) daily. Kids do their own rooms-- if they are not done to mom's satisfaction, then mom goes in with a trash bag and throws everything on the floor away. EVERYTHING.

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How old are your kids? I have responsibility lists for all of us. All the basic daily chores are divided up amongst us and it gets done surprisingly fast. I do have to inspect, cheer, and push the kids to get things done. Then on Friday we all have bigger lists. Yeah, the kids don't love Friday, but I do.


As far as organization goes, the number one key is to toss as much stuff as possible. If you don't love it or use it - it is gone. If you are unsure about something put it in a box and date it (use this technique sparingly). If you still haven't used it then toss it.


If I am behind in decluttering or organizing I will break down the jobs into how much time I think it will take and multiply by 2, then I try to make a plan to get it done. Often, once I start the project I keep going and so much more gets done. It may be different for you since you have fibro.


To be honest cleaning and organizing was very hard for me when my kids were all little. A lot of moms handled that time way better than I did and had cleaner homes. :)

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I like Motivated Moms. I'm in a season of life with a 7yo, a 4yo, and a 15 month old. I can't do a full-fledged Fly Lady routine without burning out.


MM doesn't include *every* possible thing that can be cleaned, but it really is helpful and motivating to me. It breaks things into manageable chunks, which works well for me in this season of life. Instead of cleaning the entire fridge in one day, you clean one shelf one week, another shelf the next week, etc. and then cycle back around agan. The upside to that is that it lets me bite off things I can handle in 5 min chunks, which is great with 3 kids underfoot.


It also includes silly but helpful things like "cut children's fingernails" once a week ;)




The first time I purchased, it was in the fall and I think I only had to pay 2-3 bucks to try out the rest of the year (prorated). Right now it is probably about $4 or less for the rest of the year.


My DH likes it because he finds it helps him figure out how to help me if he finds himself with a few extra minutes.

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I like Motivated Moms. I'm in a season of life with a 7yo, a 4yo, and a 15 month old. I can't do a full-fledged Fly Lady routine without burning out.


MM doesn't include *every* possible thing that can be cleaned, but it really is helpful and motivating to me. It breaks things into manageable chunks, which works well for me in this season of life. Instead of cleaning the entire fridge in one day, you clean one shelf one week, another shelf the next week, etc. and then cycle back around agan. The upside to that is that it lets me bite off things I can handle in 5 min chunks, which is great with 3 kids underfoot.


It also includes silly but helpful things like "cut children's fingernails" once a week ;)




The first time I purchased, it was in the fall and I think I only had to pay 2-3 bucks to try out the rest of the year (prorated). Right now it is probably about $4 or less for the rest of the year.


My DH likes it because he finds it helps him figure out how to help me if he finds himself with a few extra minutes.


I like mm, too. That is what got me into a good rhythm at home. Even with mm, split those chores up with kids that can do them. :D

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I use Bootcamp for Lousy Housekeepers. I printed out all of her lists/worksheets and keep them in a binder. I just open it up to the day if the week and work through the list. It helps keep me on top if things I usually forget to do (cleaning out cabinets, baseboards,etc).

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I like the Speed Cleaning model. I start at one corner of the room and move clockwise (I think I'm screwed that way, others might do counter). For a more deep such thing, I start in the corner just to the left of the closet, for I find getting things out of the closet and throw out and organized makes the rest of the room easier.


If you have fibro, pace yourself and get others (I would even stoop to paying children) to do the heavier stuff. Piling everything, e.g. on your bed with a chair next to it and boxes of toss, give, clean/repair, put back/relocate at your feet. Sit down and start sorting while another person sweeps out the closet, de-webs it, wipes the baseboards, and wipes down the shelves. When one box is full, cope with it: in the bin, in a drawstring bag and into the trunk for goodwill, etc. If the kids have a lot of junk, start in their room, to feel like you've really gotten somewhere.


Do your drawers pull out? I sometimes do one drawer at a time, while watching an old Britcom, empty, wipe out, put back what belongs there and put the other things in the trash or the drawer they belong. If I have a lot going to one specific drawer, that is the one I do next.


I sympathize. If you hear gun-fire, it will be at our house. I "halved it all" last year when we moved and swore hubby to do the same. He didn't. He "stashed stuff" secretly. Now that our old house is closing in a week, the garage has become overcome with all the J-U-N-Q-U-E I thought he'd long gotten rid of. He is a hoarder, and melts down over this. I don't know who is going to shoot whom, but if we live, I suspect I will be sneaking one item at a time out in the early hours before he is awake. For a man I've never seen iron, he has 3 irons. All 2 bucks from GW, but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Edited by kalanamak
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I use Bootcamp for Lousy Housekeepers. I printed out all of her lists/worksheets and keep them in a binder. I just open it up to the day if the week and work through the list. It helps keep me on top if things I usually forget to do (cleaning out cabinets, baseboards,etc).


I have this sitting right next to me.:blush5: My dd printed it out, put it in a binder and decorated the binder for me.:001_rolleyes:


I remember it being rigid-do shopping on this day, baking on that day, etc..IOW-I glanced through it and it has sat on a (cluttered) shelf ever since-until this AM.:glare:


You make is sound so easy! Maybe I will take a peak and see what I can pull from it.:001_unsure:

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I have this sitting right next to me.:blush5: My dd printed it out, put it in a binder and decorated the binder for me.:001_rolleyes:


I remember it being rigid-do shopping on this day, baking on that day, etc..IOW-I glanced through it and it has sat on a (cluttered) shelf ever since-until this AM.:glare:


You make is sound so easy! Maybe I will take a peak and see what I can pull from it.:001_unsure:


Well, I usually do my shopping on Tuesdays anyway, so that works for me:). It makes me think a little harder about what I need to get while I'm out (prescriptions, gas, library books,etc.). I do like having days dedicated to certain areas of the house. Like on laundry day, I go crazy grabbing everything I can throw in the machine including rugs, misc. family room blankets, bedding, etc. It's easy to focus on one area when I know I will be getting to the other areas a different day and still jeep up with daily maintenance stuff:). Good luck! None of it is fun....haha!!

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I like motivated moms, it is nice and simple. I am a huge into decluttering though, you have to be ruthless about it! Right now would be a good time to work on setting a routine before school starts back. I love Parrothead's rules idea, sounds great.

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I feel incredibly overwhelmed....


House is a war zone.


No one picks up after themselves.


Everyone blames each other


Meals are not being planned or made by me

Clothes are thrown everywhere


Windows are still left uncleaned from spring cleaning that got dropped.


I am constantly barking at kids to take care of animals.


We have no rules, no schedules, no rhyme to anything.


The schoolroom is a war zone.


I want window coverings on every window


Can not get myself together to make gluten-free meals


Can't even begin to manage finances-don't know where to start.


Need to sit down and plan out school schedules



College-educated, raised by a mom who was fanatical about keeping a clean house-it must be in my genetic makeup somewhere! And yet, this is where I am at.

You really, really, REALLY need to get your kids on board. Until you do that, anything you do will be undone before you can do it. Not even the best cleaning system can accommodate kids ransacking the house every day.


This is not hard. You just need to figure out age-appropriate chores (I'm sure there are lists online) and then give them proper incentives. I pay my kids well, but I also require them to pay for at least half of their clothes, as well as birthday presents, video games, toys, craft stuff, etc.--stuff that I would be paying for anyway, but now they have to learn that you have to work if you want $$.


I don't know how many kids you have or what their ages are, but for us, these three things are enough to keep on top of the bulk of the mess:

1) everyone's room is clean every day (sometimes we slack on this--when we stay on top of our rooms it only takes 5-10 to pick them up)

2) everyone does one chore every day (younger DDs empty the dishwasher, DS folds a load of laundry, and older DD loads the dishwasher)

3) at the end of our school day we do a 5 min. pick up--I set the timer for 5 min. and everyone puts stuff away


On Friday or Saturday we do more extensive cleaning, that is usually done in under 2 hours. Like Chucki said, a specific system isn't super important as long as *everyone* is working.


Since it sounds like your kids aren't used to this, I would start slow--maybe do a 5 min. pick up in the morning, one in the afternoon and one before bed. Try to make it fun--tell them it's a race or a contest or something, or give everyone an Otter Pop or some fun treat when the timer beeps. You'll be amazed at how quickly a little work pays off, and also the kids will start being more aware of when they're leaving stuff around once they're the ones who are cleaning up.

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I too battle Fibromyalgia; as well as CFS & Epilepsy.


My method that has finally worked after all these years.


Put your house on the market for sale. :lol: My house is SPOT-LESS nearly everyday! And I only have to spend 30min each day doing a quick tidy and do a load or two of laundry to keep up.


I tried having a set schedule and follow certain methods but nothing has worked quite as well as this. LOL! I know it's not realistic, but I had to reply because it's what has finally worked..hehe

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You really, really, REALLY need to get your kids on board. Until you do that, anything you do will be undone before you can do it. Not even the best cleaning system can accommodate kids ransacking the house every day.


This is not hard. You just need to figure out age-appropriate chores (I'm sure there are lists online) and then give them proper incentives. I pay my kids well, but I also require them to pay for at least half of their clothes, as well as birthday presents, video games, toys, craft stuff, etc.--stuff that I would be paying for anyway, but now they have to learn that you have to work if you want $$.


I don't know how many kids you have or what their ages are, but for us, these three things are enough to keep on top of the bulk of the mess:

1) everyone's room is clean every day (sometimes we slack on this--when we stay on top of our rooms it only takes 5-10 to pick them up)

2) everyone does one chore every day (younger DDs empty the dishwasher, DS folds a load of laundry, and older DD loads the dishwasher)

3) at the end of our school day we do a 5 min. pick up--I set the timer for 5 min. and everyone puts stuff away


On Friday or Saturday we do more extensive cleaning, that is usually done in under 2 hours. Like Chucki said, a specific system isn't super important as long as *everyone* is working.


Since it sounds like your kids aren't used to this, I would start slow--maybe do a 5 min. pick up in the morning, one in the afternoon and one before bed. Try to make it fun--tell them it's a race or a contest or something, or give everyone an Otter Pop or some fun treat when the timer beeps. You'll be amazed at how quickly a little work pays off, and also the kids will start being more aware of when they're leaving stuff around once they're the ones who are cleaning up.


Bingo!! My dc can be really hard workers, but if *I* am not consistent with my expectations, then slowly things slide out of control.

I just finished typing up a daily chore list, and they will be alternating the big chores. I'm hoping this method will eliminate pointing fingers and encourage picking up after themselves.

At the bottom of the list I clearly stated what consequences they will face if chores are not done and I need to remind them.


I too battle Fibromyalgia; as well as CFS & Epilepsy.


My method that has finally worked after all these years.


Put your house on the market for sale. :lol: My house is SPOT-LESS nearly everyday! And I only have to spend 30min each day doing a quick tidy and do a load or two of laundry to keep up.


I tried having a set schedule and follow certain methods but nothing has worked quite as well as this. LOL! I know it's not realistic, but I had to reply because it's what has finally worked..hehe


Ha-ha. :lol: We are stuck in our house until the money tree starts blooming-think Money Pit.;):glare:

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Bingo!! My dc can be really hard workers, but if *I* am not consistent with my expectations, then slowly things slide out of control.

I just finished typing up a daily chore list, and they will be alternating the big chores. I'm hoping this method will eliminate pointing fingers and encourage picking up after themselves.

At the bottom of the list I clearly stated what consequences they will face if chores are not done and I need to remind them.

That's terrific! Sounds like you're on the right track! Just stay consistent, and don't expect miracles overnight. Just tell yourself they'll thank you for it someday. :)

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I honestly can not ask anymore of my dh. I just can't. On days when I am bed-ridden he is working over full time and then comes home to do my work.


But you are right. I have often thought if I could just rid our home of 50% of what's in it-half my problem would be solved!


Then I could really have a doable starting place, and maybe not feel so overwhelmed. Maybe do what you are suggesting-go all out with the four of us cleaning our bums off.


I have attempted FlyLady's method, and failed. I am her biggest nightmare and most pathetic drop out. I dunno, I am a person of extremes-I go all out, full throttle on something-then burn out.



My youngest is 10 and both kids do a lot of cleaning up, it's more that the way we go about it is backwards. But they are very capable of working hard. It's more me than anything-I need more self-discipline.


This book was a huge motivator for me: The Joy of Less You really can throw or give away half of what you have and have an easier house to clean and be happier. In the beginning, it was really hard giving things away that I might need someday. I find it fun now. Consider reading this book. It's an easy read and it just may change your life.



PS: I have to agree with the other comments about enlisting the help of your children. Your kids need to do their fair share around the house. Especially since you have an illness. You aren't doing them any favors by letting them mess up the place with no consequences.

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For those that use the BOOTCAMP method (I just read the PDF book), can you please show me how your binder looks? I'm having a hard time figuring out how to organize it/lay it out... Hoping a visual helps.


Would love help wtih that.




Yes, yes! I need a kick in the pants (and so do my kids). And I LOVE notebooks. :)

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I like this site. It's very simply laid out each day for the regular stuff, some special stuff daily, and lists of bigger projects if you want to do them.


I like that! How does it work, though? I didn't see a place to sign up for notifications. Do you just check the site each day?


For those that use the BOOTCAMP method (I just read the PDF book), can you please show me how your binder looks? I'm having a hard time figuring out how to organize it/lay it out... Hoping a visual helps.


Would love help wtih that.




When my dd put ours in a binder, she just stuck the whole thing in as it came off the printer.:lol:

I would also love to hear of a way to organize it.

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This is just part of what I wrote on my blog(private).....



I feel incredibly overwhelmed....


House is a war zone.


No one picks up after themselves.


Everyone blames each other


Meals are not being planned or made by me


Clothes are thrown everywhere


Windows are still left uncleaned from spring cleaning that got dropped.


I am constantly barking at kids to take care of animals.


We have no rules, no schedules, no rhyme to anything.


The schoolroom is a war zone.


I want window coverings on every window


Can not get myself together to make gluten-free meals


Can't even begin to manage finances-don't know where to start.


Need to sit down and plan out school schedules



College-educated, raised by a mom who was fanatical about keeping a clean house-it must be in my genetic makeup somewhere! And yet, this is where I am at.




Small steps. You're burning out because you're doing too much at once.


Can mom come help? I know there can be lots of baggage in this, or distance of miles, but I thought I'd put it out there.


ETA: Children learn habits, and cleaning is one of them. It's hard reteaching good habits but it can be done. They're not allowed to play with something until what they used last is put away.


Pick one room to do first. ALL do it. They helped make it that way, they can help clean it up. Do the schoolroom last. A centered life is going to give you more control for school. House first, then the school stuff.

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I like that! How does it work, though? I didn't see a place to sign up for notifications. Do you just check the site each day?





I've never signed up for the account, but I just did to give it a try. I've just printed off the daily list and the monthly list which has all the weekly tasks and special tasks by day. I'm going to try it with the account (which is free) and see if I get notifications. I only saw a place for the weekly newsletter, so I'm assuming I'll still need to check the site if I don't print.

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This is just part of what I wrote on my blog(private).....



I feel incredibly overwhelmed....


House is a war zone.


No one picks up after themselves.


Everyone blames each other


Meals are not being planned or made by me


Clothes are thrown everywhere


Windows are still left uncleaned from spring cleaning that got dropped.


I am constantly barking at kids to take care of animals.


We have no rules, no schedules, no rhyme to anything.


The schoolroom is a war zone.


I want window coverings on every window


Can not get myself together to make gluten-free meals


Can't even begin to manage finances-don't know where to start.


Need to sit down and plan out school schedules



College-educated, raised by a mom who was fanatical about keeping a clean house-it must be in my genetic makeup somewhere! And yet, this is where I am at.




You have so much on your plate. My only advice is to take it one bit at a time (choose one month for each issue), make a plan that is doable, and then do some and distribute the rest to your family. Sometimes just having a direction makes all the difference.


Every couple of years, I bag up 80% of the kids' toys and get rid of them. I'm somewhat ruthless. I've given up on the neatly organized bins of toys - we're going with the huge toy box method of storage. If they want to play with a toy, they'll have to dig through and find it :D.


Finances? See if you can get a copy of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace book at your library. He gives baby steps on getting your finances in order with sheets for making out budgets and stuff. Even if you don't plan to get out of debt, it's a decent plan.


Forget the windows. I've NEVER cleaned my windows.


Can you give your pets away?


Start throwing out clothes that you find on the floor. I do this with dd's shoes that she leaves all over the place. I will let her collect them if she spots them in the trash, but she is finally getting the idea. And honestly, how many clothes do they need? If they have to wear the same outfit for the season and do laundry every night, well, it's at least less clothing to take care of.


Gluten free meals? Forget it for now, but in a month or two...


Scrambled eggs, yogurt, and fruit

Warm broth, GF tortilla or corn chips, and apple slices

Baked chicken pieces, broccoli, salad

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I've never signed up for the account, but I just did to give it a try. I've just printed off the daily list and the monthly list which has all the weekly tasks and special tasks by day. I'm going to try it with the account (which is free) and see if I get notifications. I only saw a place for the weekly newsletter, so I'm assuming I'll still need to check the site if I don't print.



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Here is our new schedule!! The idea is for the kids to keep the house running smoothly as I get caught up in other areas....


The first is for our 10 yo ds, the second for our 14yo dd....

S'S Chores----(Subject to change as our schedules change)


*Mornings* (3,4, and 5 can be done after Golf League)


~(1)Feed Dog, give her fresh water, let her outside.

~(2)Rinse off your breakfast dish, clean up after yourself

~(3)Gather any clothes and put them in laundry.

~(4)Tidy bathroom(empty trash,take laundry to basement, wipe off sink, pick up floor)

~(5)Sweep Stairs and upstairs hallway






~Responsible for keeping TV and Big Room clean during day(clearing surfaces, vacuuming, picking up floors). Last clean up done before dinner.





~Responsible for keeping kitchen clean during the day (washing dishes, clearing/cleaning counters and stove, vacuum floor, take out trash)

~Help Mom clean kitchen after dinner


**Saturday-Deep Clean Day-TBA(To Be Announced)**


One reminder=loss of extra golf other than league.

Two reminders=loss of all golf for a week.



A's Chores----(Subject to change as our schedules change)


*Mornings* (3-6 can be done when home from VB)


~(1)Make sure cats are fed and watered

~(2)Rinse off your breakfast dish, clean up after yourself

~(3)Make sure cats are fed and watered.

~(4)Clean out cat boxes.

~(5)Tidy bathroom(empty trash,wipe off sink, pick up floor)

~(6)Walk and brush Dog(walk is 30 mins.)




~Responsible for keeping kitchen clean during the day (washing dishes, clearing/cleaning counters and stove, vacuum floor, take out trash).

~Help Mom clean kitchen after dinner.




~ Responsible for keeping TV and Big Room clean during day(clearing surfaces, vacuuming, picking up floors). Last clean-up done before dinner.



**Saturday-Deep Clean Day-TBA**


One reminder =loss of iPod for 24 hours

Two reminders=loss of iPod for a week


I am SOOOO proud of myself!!!:hurray: And, I actually enforced it today!!:D


Thanks for your encouragement!!

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