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For those of you who need to loose weight....

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Do you ever use the excuse, "I can't afford a new wardrobe."?

As I was coming home from the Dr yesterday I was thinking, "I have finally gotten a few nice summer clothes and if I loose the 30# Dr wants me to loose I won't be able to wear any of them next summer." I then realized how many times I have used the excuse of clothes to NOT try to loose weight.:001_huh:


Well, no more. I am going to talk to dh this morning as he knows that Dr has told me I need to do this if I am going to have much life left and I am going to gently remind him that loosing this weigh is going to mean that non of my clothes will fit in a few months or less.:001_smile:


How about you? Anyone want to join me? I weighed in at 213 this morning. My goal is to loose 10# in the next 2 months. I really want it to be slow so it stays gone.

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I have done the same thing. I have just lost 15 lbs. and have 5 more to lose. I am a seamstress, so I have altered tons of my tops, skirts, and dress pants so I can still wear them. The only items of clothing that just don't alter well are jeans, so I did purchase new jeans but that's it. If you don't sew, you may be surprised how little it costs to have the waist and hip taken in on your favorite pants and skirts so you can still enjoy them. You health and well-being are surely more important than clothing. I'm glad you've decided to do it! You

won't be sorry!

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I buy goodwill regardless! They can have very nice clothes there. Sometimes far nicer than what I could afford retail.



:iagree: and frankly, the smaller size you are, the nicer the selection. To answer your question, I have tons of really cute clothes I would need to lose about twenty pounds to fit into. You would think that would be enough motivation, apparently not :confused:

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I was going to recommend Goodwill, too. It's wonderful to purge a shirt when it starts looking a bit baggy and dumpy, and then run to Goodwill and try on new shirts and take home a couple of new ones that look good *right now*. Very encouraging to have a wardrobe that is constantly improving and becoming new without breaking the bank. I'm working on losing weight, too. I've been following Bill Philip's Transformation program (fabulous, highly recommended) and doing the P90 tapes. My weight is a daily struggle because of my eating habits, but they are slowly improving.

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I have been wearing a tighly cinched belt to keep my pants from falling down (they literally fall off when I don't have the belt on - which is pretty funny!) You can just do that until you hit the 30 lbs or whatever your goal is, then buy a few things. I don't mind looking a bit funny for a while if the end result is good! :D


I've also repeatedly washed and dried a few shirts on hot so they would shrink. That was a cheap fix.

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Do you ever use the excuse, "I can't afford a new wardrobe."?

As I was coming home from the Dr yesterday I was thinking, "I have finally gotten a few nice summer clothes and if I loose the 30# Dr wants me to loose I won't be able to wear any of them next summer." I then realized how many times I have used the excuse of clothes to NOT try to loose weight.:001_huh:


Well, no more. I am going to talk to dh this morning as he knows that Dr has told me I need to do this if I am going to have much life left and I am going to gently remind him that loosing this weigh is going to mean that non of my clothes will fit in a few months or less.:001_smile:


How about you? Anyone want to join me? I weighed in at 213 this morning. My goal is to loose 10# in the next 2 months. I really want it to be slow so it stays gone.


I would LOVE to join you! I need the support! I weighed 210 this past January. I got motivated (hardest part of all for me) and lost 35 pounds! But around April, I quit exercising. Then, slowly but surely, I started adding back my old eating habits. I'm back to eating Ben & Jerry's one-serving ice cream (that's really FOUR servings! :tongue_smilie:), enjoying a whole frozen pizza and not eating any fruits and hardly any vegetables. I'm not sure how much of it I have already gained back. Afraid to find out! But, speaking of clothes, all the new clothes I was so joyful to purchase with my new weight are getting super tight and uncomfortable. *sigh*.


My excuses aren't clothes, but I've got my own. My biggest one is "I'm going to start MONDAY!" (so I don't need to start right now! ;)) And then, of course, I eat BIG and SWEET until Monday comes, because, after all, I won't get to eat like that after Monday!!!! :tongue_smilie:


Then Monday comes and there is a fresh excuse not to start that day. So I'll start NEXT Monday!


How can we help each other? Maybe checking in with updates on our progress? Sharing our frustrations? I'm game, just let me know!


We can start on MONDAY! :D:D:D

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I have done the same thing. I have just lost 15 lbs. and have 5 more to lose. I am a seamstress, so I have altered tons of my tops, skirts, and dress pants so I can still wear them. The only items of clothing that just don't alter well are jeans, so I did purchase new jeans but that's it. If you don't sew, you may be surprised how little it costs to have the waist and hip taken in on your favorite pants and skirts so you can still enjoy them. You health and well-being are surely more important than clothing. I'm glad you've decided to do it! You

won't be sorry!


I agree with this. If you have any sewing skills, alter things in the transition phase. Last summer, I'd lost between 5 and 10 pounds, so I took in the waist of several pairs of capris and a few skirts to make them work for the summer. By the time this summer rolled around, I'd lost another 10-15 pounds, and I finally had to face the fact that I needed to buy new clothes. I couldn't go taking the old stuff in again. In about 18 months, I've gone from a size 10 to a 4/6. That was too much altering! I still seem to be losing a pound or so every month (the biggest change in my diet has been cutting out all HFCS and scaling back sugar and carbs quite a bit), so it'll be a little frustrating if the new stuff I've had to buy doesn't last very long, but I suppose it's not the worst problem to have.

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How about you? Anyone want to join me? I weighed in at 213 this morning. My goal is to loose 10# in the next 2 months. I really want it to be slow so it stays gone.


I am willing to join you although I started on Tuesday and weighed 284.


What are you plans for changing eating and exercising?


I am getting back into eating low glycemic index foods. I walked for an hour on Tuesday and played in the pool some yesterday.

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:iagree: and frankly, the smaller size you are, the nicer the selection. To answer your question, I have tons of really cute clothes I would need to lose about twenty pounds to fit into. You would think that would be enough motivation, apparently not :confused:


No. It isn't for me. It is flat out depressing and demotivating. That's why I'm getting rid of most of those clothes. It's very discouraging to open the closet and over half of it is stuff that is way too small or maternity. It makes me feel fat and ugly and like I'm never going to get the weight off. And I am not normally anywhere near a self-conscious or girly-girl type either. I shudder to think how I'd feel if I were!


I'm actually the opposite. I WON"T buy myself new clothes because I NEED to lose weight. Therefore, I have nothing to wear ROFL


This is where I'm at. Half my wardrobe is too small by at least three sizes and the other half is maternity. I hate the idea if buying temporary clothing until I loose weight and I hate the idea if it not being temporary clothing if I don't loose the weight - so I basically hate buying anything! And yes, I have two bottoms and 4 shirts and that is it. Heaven help me if baby boy spits up or has a diaper explode on me faster than laundry is done bc I won't have anything to wear!

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I'm restricting my diet some due to gallbladder issues, but I'm planning on going back to my No S diet/lifestyle and doing some mild exercise in August. I lost a LOT of weight doing that before I got pregnant with baby boy and could kick myself for falling off the wagon while pregnant. I didn't fall far, but I'm finding the older I get the less leeway I have to fall off it at all. :.(


I do not do weigh ins.


I will go by size of clothes and body tone changing and feeling healthier. This is a bigger motivator to me and works for me.


If I were to weigh in, I would never do it more than once a month.


Stupid scale never shows the numbers I want to see.:tongue_smilie:

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I'm actually the opposite. I WON"T buy myself new clothes because I NEED to lose weight. Therefore, I have nothing to wear ROFL


That's where I am!

It has never taken me this long to lose "baby weight". I was fully expecting to buy a new summer wardrobe. Now I refuse to, because I don't ever intend to be this size again.


Of course, at this rate, I'm likely to be in the same spot next year @@.


My scale conked out, so I don't know exact numbers. Last time I checked, I needed to lose 30-40lbs. I have a feeling I'm a few pounds closer, but not many!

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I started weight watchers this spring and I've lost 41 pounds so far. I have 30 more to get to goal, and this time I really feel like I'll make it. I've had to ditch all my old bottoms except for a few elastic waist skirts. Ive gone (so far!) from a 22w to an 18. Shirts I have kept but they are getting huge (and I'm 6' tall, so my loss isn't so obvious). One thing I wanted to do before I started was pare down my closet, so this is helping. I have bought a couple pairs of shorts and a couple skorts to tie me over. I am hoping that when I get to goal I'll be a couple of sizes down from here and have a *whole* new wardrobe. I figure the short term cost of clothing versus my long term health care are totally worth it.

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wear a "normal" size!


BTW, you can do it! I started in Feb and have lost almost 20 lbs. I feel so good and I'm still excited to keep going! I'm one of the P90X people but I started with the baby program of Power 90 in the winter. ACtually, just graduated to P90X three weeks ago and 6 of those 20 wwer in that time period. I say this to ENCOURAGE you, not to toot my own horn!



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I am willing to join you although I started on Tuesday and weighed 284.


What are you plans for changing eating and exercising?


I am getting back into eating low glycemic index foods. I walked for an hour on Tuesday and played in the pool some yesterday.


I started doing WW (online for now, until baby is a little bigger) last Friday at 294. :eek:

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I do WW online and I've lost almost 20 and have another 20-30 to go (it depends on how close I'll get to pre-baby weight and how realistic that would be)


I have the opposite problem. I tossed my fat clothes after I had DS and slowly crept back up to needing them again. I ended up buying 2 pairs of pants to get me through until I get back into my regular clothes. I hate trendy stuff so I'm a khakis and white shirt kind of gal. I cannot wait to get back into my normal wardrobe!!


(And then I hope to get pregnant...)

Edited by Jennifer3141
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I would LOVE to join you! I need the support! I weighed 210 this past January. I got motivated (hardest part of all for me) and lost 35 pounds! But around April, I quit exercising. Then, slowly but surely, I started adding back my old eating habits. I'm back to eating Ben & Jerry's one-serving ice cream (that's really FOUR servings! :tongue_smilie:), enjoying a whole frozen pizza and not eating any fruits and hardly any vegetables. I'm not sure how much of it I have already gained back. Afraid to find out! But, speaking of clothes, all the new clothes I was so joyful to purchase with my new weight are getting super tight and uncomfortable. *sigh*.


My excuses aren't clothes, but I've got my own. My biggest one is "I'm going to start MONDAY!" (so I don't need to start right now! ;)) And then, of course, I eat BIG and SWEET until Monday comes, because, after all, I won't get to eat like that after Monday!!!! :tongue_smilie:


Then Monday comes and there is a fresh excuse not to start that day. So I'll start NEXT Monday!


How can we help each other? Maybe checking in with updates on our progress? Sharing our frustrations? I'm game, just let me know!


We can start on MONDAY! :D:D:D

I would love to have you join me. I wish I knew how to set up a group, it would be a great way to do this.

Just encourage you to not wait until Mon. but start now. When I came home from my Dr. appointment, I started with lunch. I knew I had to do that or I would be the same, next Mon. or tomorrow would never come.;)

If you know how to start a group let me know or just go ahead and start one and give me an invite.


I really wish I could shop used clothes but I can't. Both myself and my son are extremely sensitive the fabric softners and I have problems even going into those stores say nothing about taking an item home. I have tried to detox them but by the time I have washed something 8-10 times and they still smell.....well,I could have just purchased it new.:tongue_smilie:

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Yes, I gained about 10 lbs. in the past 6 months. My clothes still fit but a little tight. I am not going to go up another size, so I am determined. I joined Sparkpeople and I've lost 2 lbs. so far. 8 more to go. I just want to get back to where I was at 150 lbs. I think that was a good weight for me.

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I am willing to join you although I started on Tuesday and weighed 284.


What are you plans for changing eating and exercising?


I am getting back into eating low glycemic index foods. I walked for an hour on Tuesday and played in the pool some yesterday.


Diet change will simply be smaller portions. We already eat next to no processed food, gluten free, small dairy, only sweetener is honey, etc so I simply need to watch my portions AND stop when I am full.


Exercise, I am going to get my re-bounder set up, the sound back on my computer and work up to 30 min. on it.


I will seriously look at setting up a group for us and we can do our posting on there.

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I haven't used that excuse, but it's definitely a problem for me right now!


The really annoying part being that the baby is right about at the peak of her breastmilk needs, so there's a good chance I won't be at quite this low a weight too much longer, so I don't feel like I should actually buy new clothing.

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Do you ever use the excuse, "I can't afford a new wardrobe."?

As I was coming home from the Dr yesterday I was thinking, "I have finally gotten a few nice summer clothes and if I loose the 30# Dr wants me to loose I won't be able to wear any of them next summer." I then realized how many times I have used the excuse of clothes to NOT try to loose weight.:001_huh:


Well, no more. I am going to talk to dh this morning as he knows that Dr has told me I need to do this if I am going to have much life left and I am going to gently remind him that loosing this weigh is going to mean that non of my clothes will fit in a few months or less.:001_smile:


How about you? Anyone want to join me? I weighed in at 213 this morning. My goal is to loose 10# in the next 2 months. I really want it to be slow so it stays gone.


I have the opposite problem. I have a closet full of cute size 6 that I can't fit into because I need to lose 15 pounds. I have almost NO clothes that fit me right now. I just. can't. bring myself to buy a size 8 or 10.


Must. Lose. Weight.

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I would love to have you join me. I wish I knew how to set up a group, it would be a great way to do this.

Just encourage you to not wait until Mon. but start now. When I came home from my Dr. appointment, I started with lunch. I knew I had to do that or I would be the same, next Mon. or tomorrow would never come.;)

If you know how to start a group let me know or just go ahead and start one and give me an invite.




I just now got back to my computer to read this. But it looks like you already started a group!


I just now joined!!!! Yay!


It will help so much to have others to vent to, complain to, cheer me on and hold me accountable! Thanks mom4him for starting up such an important group! :001_smile:

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I just got back from hitting up the thrift store and Goodwill store by me. I have lost 18 lbs in the last 20 days on the hCG diet and now my clothes are starting to fall off me. I have lost a total of 38 lbs, so most of my clothes are still a size 20-22. I am now into a 16!


I have to maintain this weight for the next 6 weeks before starting back on the hCG so I thought it was time to get some new (to me) clothes. I normally shop thrift and Goodwill, so that is nothing new. I'm hoping to be down another two sizes by Christmas, and that is when I will splurge and buy myself an awesome dress to wear for the holidays.

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I would join, but I am not weighing in anywhere but the doctor's office. I am trying to get my mind straight about health and weight. Gaining 6 lbs. during pms kills me. I know I shouldn't care, but it is really demoralizing. So I'm only going to weigh at my monthly appt.

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