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I think I'm going to quit keeping up with the news

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I gave up TV news when the kids got old enough to listen but I still checked internet news daily. I think I'm giving it up. There is nothing I can do about most of the stuff I see and I end up feeling just awful. The poor boy murdered while asking for directions has sent me over the edge. I can't stop thinking about it and I wish I didn't know anything about it. Does this make me a bad American? Is it irresponsible to not know anything about current events?

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No, much of the news is reactive, inflammatory, sensationalist & is not real journalism/news anymore anyway. For your own sanity, it's best not to check it (at least not all the time). You can still keep up w/ news, but instead focus on actual news resources (rather than sensationalistic ones).

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No, much of the news is reactive, inflammatory, sensationalist & is not real journalism/news anymore anyway. For your own sanity, it's best not to check it (at least not all the time). You can still keep up w/ news, but instead focus on actual news resources (rather than sensationalistic ones).


:iagree: I don't watch news or read online blurbs anymore. It's too hyped with too little information.


I do listen to WAMU (American University's NPR station) online while I make supper, though. All Things Considered is about 2 hours of all sorts of stories, not just the shocking headlines, and they take the time to flesh out stories when they can (not breaking news, obviously, but current events). And I love Marketplace. My dog knows it's time for her supper when she hears Kai Ryssdal, lol.

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No, much of the news is reactive, inflammatory, sensationalist & is not real journalism/news anymore anyway. For your own sanity, it's best not to check it (at least not all the time). You can still keep up w/ news, but instead focus on actual news resources (rather than sensationalistic ones).



I totally agree with this. So little of what on TV news actually qualifies as news. It's all hype and getting in people's faces for a dramatic and reactionary sound blurb. The story about the young boy is horrible and very sad.


I do listen to NPR though.

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I don't follow news. I get bits and pieces from overhearing the conversations of others, but for the most part I have no idea what is going on in the world unless someone I know specifically briefs me.


I can't always contribute to grown-up conversations around the ballfields or in the grocery store line, but I've not found that to be a deterrent LOL. Most of those conversations are really more about how right that specific person is, and how wrong anyone else is, and -even if I agree with that person- that's a total social turn-off for me.


It's like being a whale. I spend a lot of time under water, but will occasionally pop up for some air (news).

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I gave up TV news when the kids got old enough to listen but I still checked internet news daily. I think I'm giving it up. There is nothing I can do about most of the stuff I see and I end up feeling just awful. The poor boy murdered while asking for directions has sent me over the edge. I can't stop thinking about it and I wish I didn't know anything about it. Does this make me a bad American? Is it irresponsible to not know anything about current events?


Like you, I stopped watching the news when the kids could understand. At the time, there was awful, awful stuff out of Iraq that I certainly didn't want them seeing.


We also stopped taking the paper when they started reading. We actually started to take the paper in our new state and received our first copy on the very day that a dad gunned down a mom leaving four daughters completely alone. The dad, of course, being in prison. They were having car washes to raise money. So, yeah, we cancelled.


And I'm totally with you about not watching or reading the news. The only reason I like to keep an eye on it a little bit -- and I did nothing more than read the headline of the poor boy in NY -- is to keep abreast on what the heck is out there.


For various reasons I didn't have the "stranger danger" talk with them. But after I saw that headline on the NY boy I talked to my boys about finding a policeman or a mom w/ kids or an older woman if they're ever lost.



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No, much of the news is reactive, inflammatory, sensationalist & is not real journalism/news anymore anyway. For your own sanity, it's best not to check it (at least not all the time). You can still keep up w/ news, but instead focus on actual news resources (rather than sensationalistic ones).


:iagree: Exactly. I quit most of the news when I realized it's not really news anyway.

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I gave up listening, watching or reading the news about 5 years ago, I have been much, much happier ever since !


I used to worry all the time, used to have tons of anxiety and then one day I started reading Dr. Weil's book " 8 steps to Optimal Health".


One of the major things he said in his book is get rid of the news programs. He talks about how they only add to your sense of worry, helplessness and emotional turmoil, especially when you are inundated with it all day long from every media source (radio, internet, tv, newspapers ) for hours and hours on end.


Even my children had been growing more anxious with the news media and their constant bombardment with "scary news stories".


We also gave up cable/satelite and we just have Neflix streaming now, which saves us in our mental state as well as our pocketbook.


Truthfully, I love this way of living now. I am a much more positive person and I have much less anxiety then I have ever had in my life simply by eliminating so much negativity in my life from outside sources and living a more peaceful existance.


Even now sometimes when I come across a news program unexpectedly, like when dropping something off at my mother's home last week (she has the major news networks running in her home 24 hours a day) and is a total news junkie, I happened to come in when she was watching the Caley Anthony Trial verdict. Of course, I had no idea about this trial or what went on and she quick tried to give me a run down. I asked her to please not to do so, I had already began to feel the tension in my body from just hearing all that negativity and horror involved in that awful situation. I felt my body instantly reacting to it and I knew I could feel the anxiety and tension inside me just build. I couldn't wait to get out of there and just go back to my regular life of "ignorance is bliss".


No, I am not up to date on who is on Dancing With The Stars, nor do I care. I also am not "in the know" on what my neighbors or friends are discussing or what the water cooler gossip is all about that was seen or heard on the news from the night before. And I am not up to date on the latest this or that sensationalism news, but I have incredible peace in my life and that is worth the price of giving up all this negativity and media bombardment.

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I stopped watching after 9/11. After listening to months of speculation on how the terrorists were going to attack us again, I realized that the news reporters were the real terrorists for me.


I do enjoy listening to NPR sometimes, though.



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We watch national news every night (local news is too gruesome), and I do try to stay on top of some of the news (debt stories and the economy), but I do tend to absorb too much of the grief of the stories and it can be overwhelming. When that happens, I take a break.


There are some stories I just don't follow, like Jaycee Dugard and Caylee Anthony. It is enough to know it happened; I don't need details. I can usually tell by the headline if I need to continue reading/watching, and I act accordingly.


I do think that it is important to be somewhat informed, but if you can't handle it, you can't.

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Honest question, no snark: if you do avoid all news (newpapers, television news, internet news sites, etc.) how do you stay abreast of politics and other important world events? I feel like I have to stay up to date with such things in order to be an informed voter and to stay in touch with things that affect my life such as the current issues with the federal debt ceiling, new laws being passed and so forth.


It just strikes me as ironic that we spend so much time teaching our children history yet don't keep up with history as it is being made!

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I don't follow news. I get bits and pieces from overhearing the conversations of others, but for the most part I have no idea what is going on in the world unless someone I know specifically briefs me.


I can't always contribute to grown-up conversations around the ballfields or in the grocery store line, but I've not found that to be a deterrent LOL. Most of those conversations are really more about how right that specific person is, and how wrong anyone else is, and -even if I agree with that person- that's a total social turn-off for me.


It's like being a whale. I spend a lot of time under water, but will occasionally pop up for some air (news).

:iagree: I used to watch/listen to the news a lot and it didn't bother me at all. In the last few years, I have lost both of my parents and that has set-off a lot of anxiety, anxiety that is made worse by watching/listening to the news.

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I gave up listening, watching or reading the news about 5 years ago, I have been much, much happier ever since !


I used to worry all the time, used to have tons of anxiety and then one day I started reading Dr. Weil's book " 8 steps to Optimal Health".


One of the major things he said in his book is get rid of the news programs. He talks about how they only add to your sense of worry, helplessness and emotional turmoil, especially when you are inundated with it all day long from every media source (radio, internet, tv, newspapers ) for hours and hours on end.


This is part of why I don't watch local news. I feel like national news isn't as bad, and international news is usually quite good. But local news, at least in my area, is just terrible story after terrible story, none of which make me any better informed about the actual issues affecting my city and state.

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I used to check Drudge Report but haven't in two years or so. Just the headlines were disturbing to me and it felt more like reading a tabloid. I will glance through the newspaper every other day or so. I don't watch TV news. Part of it is that I am so busy and so much of what is reported is just unnecessarily awful. My stress level goes way down when I don't dwell on that stuff. I try to keep up on local news and we are involved in the community. I figure if something was BIG news I would hear about it. I guess I do read World Magazine. That comes out every two weeks and focuses on national and world news.

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Honest question, no snark: if you do avoid all news (newpapers, television news, internet news sites, etc.) how do you stay abreast of politics and other important world events? I feel like I have to stay up to date with such things in order to be an informed voter and to stay in touch with things that affect my life such as the current issues with the federal debt ceiling, new laws being passed and so forth.


It just strikes me as ironic that we spend so much time teaching our children history yet don't keep up with history as it is being made!



We don't watch, listen, or read "regular news", but we do stay up on politics, laws and ecomonics. Those subjects to our family are not "anxiety producing" they are fascinating !


What we keep out of our lives is "sensationalized stories", war media, hollywood junk, CNN, MSNBC and FOX news 24 hour a day bombardment with news that brings our lives nothing but emotional turmoil.


We do keep constant abreast of politics, economics and laws. I just use websites that don't have a partisan "agenda" and just "report the news" without bias so we can be "informed" but not "agenda-ized".


Politics is such a big subject in our homeschooling day and we are constantly discussing it. My children from ages 6 to 12 can all recite by heart the Preamble to the Constitution as well as the First 3 Amendments to the Bill of Rights (we are still working on the rest). They also have memorized the names and job descriptions of all our past presidents as well as our current one, our vice president, chief of staff, secretary of defense, secretary of state, speaker of the house all the way down to our white house correspondant and local goverment leaders. My children are more abreast of politics and government then most adults in the USA.


My children are all taught to correspond with our local government and representatives through email or letters and voice their opinons on matters that effect their futures. Currently we are working on emailing our local representatives about the change to the PDE website.


They all go with me to the voting booths and we spend months before each election discussing our voting options and the importance of our "right" to vote.


In terms of Economics, we also google websites that inform but do not preach an agenda. My kids and I constantly discuss our national debt, laws and how we feel the US should handle the situation (makes for some interesting round table discussions in our own home) LOL !


Economics is also done in our home by teaching my children about bugeting, saving and following the Dave Ramsey steps to living debt free. I want them to understand that budgeting begins at home, we can't expect our government officials to do something we cannot do in our own lives.


Basically, I find ways to teach my children about the world around them, the laws, the economy and politics through education rather then fear mongering. I give them the facts and let them make their own decisions without bias on my part either way. Same as we do for Science, I teach them both creationism and evolution and I explain all the various theories surrounding them both and I let my children decide what "they" want to believe in how the world was created. I am their guide in their education, but in the end, they make the decision as they grow in how they want to believe and how they want to see the world.

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I hear you, and I've often felt like giving it up myself.


I am a bit of a news junkie. I like to have the tv on when I am home alone and CNN is just easy noise. However, stories like the boy you mentioned just break my heart. I woke up last night and immediately thought of him and went and checked on my boys.

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We don't read, watch or follow the news. Too depressing and I do not want my kids hearing about all of the junk in this world. We don't have a television which takes away the temptation. If I hear about something interesting, I search and read on the Internet.

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Honest question, no snark: if you do avoid all news (newpapers, television news, internet news sites, etc.) how do you stay abreast of politics and other important world events? I feel like I have to stay up to date with such things in order to be an informed voter and to stay in touch with things that affect my life such as the current issues with the federal debt ceiling, new laws being passed and so forth.


It just strikes me as ironic that we spend so much time teaching our children history yet don't keep up with history as it is being made!


Daily I read a website that mainly devotes itself to national and international news. Also, dh is extremely well informed -- much better than the network news people -- and I ask questions a lot.


I also read in depth magazines like the New Yorker.


But knowing about the NY boy or Lacy Peterson or any of the other tragedies provides nothing to my life. In fact it just drains me.


We have to be very selective about watching/reading news. Coming from a news background I agree wholeheartedly with, "if it bleeds, it leads."



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"The real terrorists=media"


Boy did you ever add a brain cell for me today! Thank you!


It's a problem in our house, media. I read way too much news, but am getting better about it.


I've been **told** (and I don't mean asked to) "stop it." It really impacts me emotionally, I take it all way too personally - I don't know if I'm an empathy type or simply cannot be desensitized to strife in the world, but this has been a difficult arena for me to exert self control and good choices consistently.


I stopped using CNN, moved "up" to the Washington Post; the journalism there is a little better.


I agree very much with BBC being a good choice along with NPR.

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I gave up TV news when the kids got old enough to listen but I still checked internet news daily. I think I'm giving it up. There is nothing I can do about most of the stuff I see and I end up feeling just awful. The poor boy murdered while asking for directions has sent me over the edge. I can't stop thinking about it and I wish I didn't know anything about it. Does this make me a bad American? Is it irresponsible to not know anything about current events?


I don't watch/read the news for the same reason. It ruins my day, nothing I can do about it anyhow. If it's significant, DH will tell me about it.

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