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Renting a house--do I tell them ahead of time that I homeschool?

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I'm normally very matter-of-fact and totally unapologetic about the fact that we homeschool. I haven't experienced any overt hostility over our choice, though there have been people who have expressed concern to me.


I am hoping to close a deal on one of two rental homes today. Both prospective landlords were careful to mention the great school district. I just smiled and said that's good to know. I am finding myself unexpectedly insecure about schooling discussion with the prospective landlord.


I know that legally they cannot object to anything. I do not want to set up an unhappy tenant-landlord relationship though--should I mention it or not?

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As a former landlord, I don't think you need to say anything. This is the sort of thing that is none of his business.


On the other hand, I don't think you need to be worried about it slipping out, either. I honestly don't think either landlord would care. A good school district is usually a selling point with tenants, which I'm sure is why they mentioned it. If it's not for you, that's fine too.

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I see no reason to mention it. I also feel the naming of the district is just a selling point. You have kids so they must assume that you send them to public school.


If you do mention it, no big deal either. You never know, they may be pro homeschooling too.

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I have just signed a lease on a new place, and I don't share that information, as it is not pertanent information.


Now, when we moved in to this house, the management company learned that we homeschool, and she shared it with the home owners. The wife was SO excited, because she was glad to know we were a Christian family. :lol: (We are Christian, but I was careful not to share that not all homeschoolers are Christians.):lol:

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I'm sure the landlords mentioned it because they thought it would be a selling point for YOU. They're just trying to show their property in the best light possible......I very seriously doubt that they care about how you educate your kids.

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For most people with kids in public school, if they have any leeway, the school district is the number one consideration when moving. My friend is a real estate agent and it is by far the first question asked by clients. It is the norm for people to house shop by school district.

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It has nothing to do with your ability to qualify/disqualify as a renter.

However, it will make you stand out!

As in, "That's the weird family that HS's" or "I want to learn more about HSing - I'll ask these guys..."


We rented a house upon first moving to SoCal. The landlord mentioned the quality schools and asked what grades our kids would be in...I said that we did school at home.


She began HSing.





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Thanks everyone! Spoke to both prospective landlords this morning. One asked point blank (he said he overheard us talking about it--I must have said something about the school setup while walking through). He seemed fine with it and is quite eager to rent to us. I did not mention it to the other landlord.

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