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Exercise and screen time

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How much exercise (sweat producing) do your dc participate in on an average day?


DH is the only one who actively exercises, or IOW, exercises on purpose.


How much screen time (school time included) do your dc participate in on an average day?


We have no screen time restrictions. If I had to estimate, I would say 8+ easy between school (online), computer, video games, or tv.


Are your children overweight, underweight, or average?


All 3 of my children fall in the healthy weight range for their height/age, which I suppose fits the definition for average.

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Well, now my kids do whatever they want...


However, we didn't follow the rules when they were kids. My kids had limited screen time (well, once it was necessary...we went years without needing to limit it). They played hard outside hours and hours per day AND were heavily involved (2+ hours per day plus private practice) in a sport. Those were two big reasons we homeschooled! My daughter was pretty average sized and my son has been overweight since he was 8.


ETA: My littles play hard all day every day. They watch one show at 4pm and sometimes one before bedtime. On weekends hubby will let them watch a couple shows. Two are very underweight and the other three are healthy. They came to be those ways though.

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How much exercise (sweat producing) do your dc participate in on an average day? My kids never stop moving. They go for my morning walk with me (about 2 miles). They roller blade, bike, climb trees, run around, help in the garden, etc. for hours every day. I'd say they are outside at least 4-5 hours a day.


How much screen time (school time included) do your dc participate in on an average day? No more than 1-1.5 hour of watching dvds a day UNLESS they are ill. They have no other screens. Usually they watch very little, but with it being 110 outside, I do let them watch something during the hottest time of the day.


Are your children overweight, underweight, or average?

My kids are both in the 40% for their weight. My daughter is 95% for her height (5'5" and 95lbs) and my son is 60% for his height (not sure how tall but about 57lbs). I'm not sure what that makes them but there is no way they are overweight.

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How much exercise (sweat producing) do your dc participate in on an average day?


How much screen time (school time included) do your dc participate in on an average day?


Are your children overweight, underweight, or average?


On an average day, either 1-2 hours of sweat-producing exercise plus an additional 30-60 minutes of sweat-producing active play. During fall, winter, and spring they'll have an additional 90 minutes of sweat-producing exercise four days each week (three practices, one game).


Screen time varies. We'll go days without it at my house (no t.v., computer, video games) but they probably average 1-2 hours combined (the iPad is the killer!) when they stay with my parents, which is 2-3 nights a week, sometimes more.


My son is average. He's shorter than most of his peers, but has a very solid, sturdy physique. I think he favors my side, which is petite and not quite muscular but not really slender.


My daughter is on the bigger side of average, both in weight and in height. She's five, weighs 55lbs, and wears a size 7 clothes but looks proportionate (most people take her for older, rather than an overweight 5 year old). She favors her dad's side, which is farm stock - squat, bulky, and very muscular.


Both are natural athletes and personality-wise love to be active and outdoors. I think my daughter will eventually struggle with her appearance, if not her weight, which is interesting because she is usually the first one to realize we haven't watched t.v. for a few days (my son is never the first to realize this, even though he's older and has free access.)

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Mine are outside running, jumping, climbing, riding bikes, tossing balls, etc just about all afternoon, every afternoon. They only get directed exercise during lacrosse season or if we're training for something else (ie a family 5K).


10yo daughter may get 30 minutes screen time for school a day. Maybe. They may or may not watch a documentary together once a week, or a movie.


They're all skinny, but have well defined muscles.

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My little guys never stop moving but don't currently do any deliberate exercise, except doing Wii Fit with me. We do go to the pool most days in the summer, they do gymnastics once a week during the school year and soccer/t-ball/whatever is in season. They play on the computer quite a bit, play on Wii quite a bit and the television is on a lot but they almost never sit and watch it unless it's late in the day when they are getting tired.


DS is underweight, younger dd is average - dd only weighs 3 or 4 pounds less than ds and is about 5-6 inches shorter.


My oldest has gym 4 days a week during the school year, cheer 5 days a week in August and September, then 2 or 3 days a week until November, dances 4 days a week for 2 1/2 to 4 hours at a time from September to July. She has unlimited screen time and usually is watching television while on the computer when she is home. She is average weight for her height with a lot of muscle.

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How much exercise (sweat producing) do your dc participate in on an average day? ds13 does 20+ hours/week gymnastics and walks the neighbors dog daily, including at least one 3 mile walk per week. He also plays four square with the neighbor kids at least weekly. dd8 does gymnastics 10 hours/week and plays outside for a couple hours/day with the neighbor children. ds15 does 6-10 hours per week of tae kwon do and/or weigh lifting and not much else physically active. ds11 does 6-7 hours week of tae kwon do and plays outside a couple hours/day a few days per week.


How much screen time (school time included) do your dc participate in on an average day? I don't limit screen time per se, however, we school year round which in combination with their sports has the effect of placing some limits on it. They do have a bedtime after which they can read books or kindle but not use computers.


Are your children overweight, underweight, or average? My daughter is almost underweight, and ds13 has very low body fat for his age (sufficiently low to need monitoring and insist he eat more often), but the they are all within the healthy weight ranges for their heights.

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How much exercise (sweat producing) do your dc participate in on an average day?


Intermittent. They play soccer, 2-3 seasons a year. Sometimes do dance or gymnastics class. Swim, go to the park, play tennis, jump on the tramp, ride their bikes, go running with my dh, etc.... They get at least an hour a day, but it can be 2-3. Its a mix of higher and lower intensity. I just try to keep them active.


How much screen time (school time included) do your dc participate in on an average day?
1-2 hours


Are your children overweight, underweight, or average

Older is 75% height and 50% weight, so slim. Younger is 75% height and weight, so average.

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is 75% height and 50% weight, so slim. Younger is 75% height and weight, so average.]

this makes me ponder - not about your children at all, just in general: as childhood obesity becomes more and more prevalent, how will that skew that curve?


My guys are built like my dad - 5'6", 150# of lean muscle - and are always at the bottom of the charts anyway, and then add that they were breastfed (charts are not infant feeding specific) and twins (generally smaller than the larger pool of singletons)... Nobody has ever been particularly alarmed because they remain on the same trajectory but, wow, if the charts were updated today, I doubt they'd even be on them!

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My boys used to average an hour a day of exercise Monday to Friday. They only had screen time at weekends: two hours a day, so four hours a week. Calvin only just crept onto the bottom of the BMI charts - he's usually around 80% for height and 20% for weight. He definitely looks thin. Hobbes is usually about 40% for each; he has no extra fat, but has always been solid and muscular, not skinny..


Now that they are at school, Hobbes gets 270 minutes of exercise a week through school, plus an extra hour of Karate. Calvin gets 225 minutes of exercise a week through school, plus an extra hour of running. They are still on the same weight/height lines as when they were home educating, except Calvin has put on a little muscle.



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this makes me ponder - not about your children at all, just in general: as childhood obesity becomes more and more prevalent, how will that skew that curve?


I've wondered this. My older dd, 75% height and 50% weight, looks slim. Not underweight or abnormal, but slim and healthy.


My younger dd, 75% for both, is ....not fat, but she has a little chub on her. Always has. Even accountingn for age, older dd was already needing slims. And they just have different body types. Younger's foot is even a hard-to-fit extra-wide, while older is a hard-to-fit extra narrow.


As a side note, both exercise about the same. But, older is higher energy. She does not stop moving, even in the house. She's quick and impatient, and I figure she burns extra calories just existing. Younger is slower, more methodical, and is just "still" more.

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I'm to tired to think of a answer.


Through a special deal we got to go to a waterslide park with a wave pool and a super duper big playland, indoor rock climbing, mini putt... but my dh needed the car today. So he dropped us off and after 6 hours at the park we biked 9K home.


I can tell you I am done in. But my boys are eating a snack right now and having trouble sitting still. I think I'll try some screen time now and hope that keeps them still.


My boys are average in height, they are both a little more then recommended for there height, but it's muscle. They have good stamia for exercise. My eldest who is a new 7 year old ran a 3K last month in 18 minutes. He didn't do any training before hand.


I think I'll go lie down now.

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How much exercise (sweat producing) do your dc participate in on an average day?


How much screen time (school time included) do your dc participate in on an average day?


Are your children overweight, underweight, or average?


Kids are underweight.


'bout 2 hrs. of exercise a day.


'bout 2 1/2 hrs. of screen time a day.


Almost everything eaten is organic and from scratch (hence their screen time....)

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Thanks for the responses! My kids eat healthy and get a fair amount of exercise (although not as much as some of your kids are). Their screen time is probably greater than it should be though. I've been on track to maintain their weight as they grow, but changes in diet and exercise alone haven't been entirely successful at weight maintenance. I'll try limiting their screen time and increasing the active play time. They don't watch much TV, but they are in love with the computer.

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How much exercise (sweat producing) do your dc participate in on an average day?


How much screen time (school time included) do your dc participate in on an average day?


Are your children overweight, underweight, or average?



Well, it's so hot that just going outside produces sweat. They run around the yard like wild animals every day. As far as structured exercise, they do that 3x a week at karate.


My boys have a total of about 4 hours of screen time a week. So what would that be per day?


My 10 yr old weighs 53 lbs, 7 yr old 48 lbs, and 2 yr old is 23 lbs.

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exercise ~2 hours per day during the school year (often more in summer)

screen time ~none on school days (1/2 hour or so taking notes from video lectures for ds, rising 8th), couple of hours over the weekend (they watch more in summer)


Both kids are very slim and muscular, but not underweight.

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