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If your child takes piano lessons....I'm trying to compare what we pay to others


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If you will, please specify

your child's age/grade_____ Three in piano: 12/7, 10/5, 7/3


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.)________ Degree in music (Bachelor's or higher)


Lesson length _____ (30 minutes, 45, 60?) - 30 minutes (though she has done many 45 minute lessons for oldest ds at no extra charge)


Lesson frequency(once/week?)______ once/week


Monthly cost $ ______ (per child) $14/lesson


Region where you live______ Midwest


Our piano teacher is incredible and I feel so blessed to have found her.

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North Texas.


Teacher holds a diploma from one of the two superior music institutes in Russia, and is a concert pianist. Over thirty years of experience.


$60.00 for an hour lesson. Lesson length depends upon student's age.


I consider her rates appropriate.

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If you will, please specify

your child's age/grade 7 yrs/2nd grade


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.) BA piano/piano pedegogy


Lesson length 30 min


Lesson frequency(once/week?) once/wk


Monthly cost $120 (not including bks)


Region where you live East coast

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Child's age/grade: 2nd


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.): BA in music, professional opera singer, teaches piano in a local music conservatory


Lesson length: 30 min


Lesson frequency(once/week?): once a week


Monthly cost: $60


Region where you live: TX

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Just a suggestion for a wonderful group class for a kinder age student is the Harmony Road music classes. They are 1 hour weekly and the children learn so much more than just how to play the piano. This teaches all of the fundamentals of music really creating a foundation to take them into playing any music.They learn ear training, singing, solfege, playing piano along with other instruments, theory, music history. It is really a wonderful program. They program is 4 years and only for young children. Mine are in the 4th year of the program, the parent goes in with the child and I have learned an amazing amount. These classes are taught all over the country. Don't underestimate them because they are group classes. One thing the teacher does regularly is test their ability. The teacher can hit any note on the piano and any child in the class can tell her what note is it with their eyes closed just from hearing it because of the amount of ear training. These classes are wonderful for younger students and I have seen the results of many students of this method. We pay $115 a month for 2 students I'm not sure how it breaks down, I know the 2nd child gets a small discount. Our teacher does have a music degree and over 30 years experience. I think you can find the harmony road website if you are interested in checking it out in your area. We are also south - in cajun country.

I am soooooo glad I decided to do this rather than traditional piano lessons for my boys they are 6 and 8 now and in the 4th year, and both totally love music and they don't come from a musical family.

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If you will, please specify


your child's age/grade: 10 in 4th and 7 in 1st


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.): Masters


Lesson length _____ (30 minutes, 45, 60?): 30 min per child


Lesson frequency(once/week?)______: once a week


Monthly cost $ ______ (per child): per child $90 per month


Region where you live______: South east

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If you will, please specify

your child's age/grade_____ K,3,5


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.)________Masters


Lesson length _____ (30 minutes, 45, 60?) 30 min


Lesson frequency(once/week?)______ 1 x week


Monthly cost $ ______ (per child) Have paid between 65-85


Region where you live______ S.E./ FL


(lucky me, she gave us a scholarship so now we go to four 1/2 hour lessons a week [2 each for the older two with little guy playing here] and there for $45/week. )

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your child's age/grade: 11 & 10


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.): Bachelor's, at least

Lesson length (30 minutes, 45, 60?): 30 min per child

Lesson frequency(once/week?): once a week


Monthly cost (per child): $20 per lesson, so $80-$100 per month

Region where you live: Southeast

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your child's age/grade 8.5, third year of piano


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.) Ph.D., performer


Lesson length 45 min.


Lesson frequency(once/week?)1x/week


Monthly cost $ approx. $200


Region where you live: Pac NW

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your child's age/grade: 6 & 10

teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.): Bachelors in music, working towards Masters

Lesson length (30 minutes, 45, 60?): 30 min per child


Lesson frequency(once/week?): once a week


Monthly cost (per child): $18 per lesson, $72-90 per month, per child


Region where you live: California

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We're about to start piano lessons.

My son will be in K this fall.

The teacher has a PhD in piano.

Her rate is $160/month per person (not including supplies/books/etc) for a 45-minute weekly lesson.

We live in the deep southeast.


I'm curious as to what others pay.


If you will, please specify

your child's age/grade_i have dd8 and dd11. both started at age 7. the teacher won't take them before that. ____


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.) don't know. think masters. his wife also has a degree. his daughter plays in an orchestra professionally. his son plays in a band recreationally (he is studying to be a doctor)________


Lesson length _45 minutes____ (30 minutes, 45, 60?)


Lesson frequency(once/week?) once a week or so. we are both VERY casual, and don't pay for missed lesson due to illness, vacation, holidays.


Monthly cost $ _$35 per lesson per child per week_____ (per child). our 'sibling discount' is that he buys the new books when needed.


Region where you live_NJ_____




Our teacher comes to my house which is worth a lot to me. it's one less thing I need to run my kids to. and I can do some individual work with each while the other is having a lesson. It also includes theory work.



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My boys have taken two years' worth at 10 and 11 years old now. Our teacher gives 30 min for their age. She has a masters and teaches at university. She participates in a local music association through which the boys participate in levels of progress and guild auditions. She also has studio recitals every 1 to 2 months, and they also perform at assisted living facilities.


She also plays locally with her husband who is a clarinetist and with other musicians.


We pay $19 per student per lesson. We also pay for books and levels/guild which require judges. I would not expect to pay less, frankly. She's charging $20 per lesson this fall, so depending on how many Wednesdays there are in a month, we will pay $80-100 per child not including books and special fees.


We take lessons once a week at her house. We don't pay if we miss lessons, though I do still pay sometimes if something comes up that isn't a sudden sickness. I do this out of courtesy. We take lessons over the summer as well.


We live in VA.


I guess I don't see her rates as high because I consider her a professional in her training, commitment, and technique.


I also gift her with children's lit about famous composers and Amazon gift cards at Christmas. Today is literally our two-year anniversary with her, so I made her an anniversary card and included an amazon gift card.


We're about to start piano lessons.

My son will be in K this fall.

The teacher has a PhD in piano.

Her rate is $160/month per person (not including supplies/books/etc) for a 45-minute weekly lesson.

We live in the deep southeast.


I'm curious as to what others pay.


If you will, please specify

your child's age/grade_____


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.)________


Lesson length _____ (30 minutes, 45, 60?)


Lesson frequency(once/week?)______


Monthly cost $ ______ (per child)


Region where you live______



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If you will, please specify

your child's age/grade 7/2nd grade and 4/pre-K


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.)Ph.D and uni professor


Lesson length 45 minutes- 5 of review of what they practiced for the lesson, 20 piano theory, 20 piano


Lesson frequency(once/week?)once/week


Monthly cost $ 40 (per child)


Region where you live Wyoming

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If you will, please specify

your child's age/grade_____ age 10, up and coming 5th grader. Advanced for age, started Suzuki style (well rounded now doing about half Suzuki/half outside Suzuki repertoire.)


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.)________ PhD, Suzuki trained


Lesson length _____ (30 minutes, 45, 60?) now 45 started at 30. Teacher wanted to bump to 60 this year, but due to financial constraints, we're trying to hold enough another year


Lesson frequency(once/week?)______ once weekly


Monthly cost $ ______ (per child) $45 per lesson approx. This is a teacher that does 6 recitals and throws in lots of other extras too (competitions, guild auditions, group lessons 6 times a year, large music school with beautiful facilities, and he really is a top notch teacher).


Region where you live______ Midwest, major metro area



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Child's age/grade: 9 (4th) and 6 (1st) My 9 yr old started in 2nd grade at age 7 and my 1st grader started in K at age 5 and has been taking a year now.

teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.): Master's degree in piano and music composition


Lesson length 1 hour private lesson each


Lesson frequency(once/week?): 1/wk


Monthly cost: $ 60 (per child)


Region where you live: Texas

Edited by SewLittleTime
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your child's age/grade 9, 11, and 15 (grades 4, 7 and 10)


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.)music degree


Lesson length 30 min


Lesson frequency once a week


Monthly cost $ 80.00 per child


Region where you live So. California


She comes to our house, which is wonderful!

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We're about to start piano lessons.

My son will be in K this fall.

The teacher has a PhD in piano.

Her rate is $160/month per person (not including supplies/books/etc) for a 45-minute weekly lesson.

We live in the deep southeast.


I'm curious as to what others pay.


If you will, please specify

your child's age/grade - 8


teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.) - Master's, teaches at a university


Lesson length - 30 minutes (30 minutes, 45, 60?)


Lesson frequency(once/week?)- 1x per week


Monthly cost $ 16 per lesson (per child)


Region where you live - Ohio




She also teaches my dd music theory.

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