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It's MY Nook!

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I just got a Nook a couple weeks ago. I love it. Love it. Unfortunately, so do my boys. They both pounced on it.


Here's my struggle. I do not want to share. I want it to be all mine. Mine!


I also want my boys to read, love to read, and become good readers. My oldest (dyslexic) has for the last week, walked around non-stop with the Nook in his hands, reading. He has never ever before sat for hours reading. Yet, he is now. Yesterday, he sat for 2.5 hours reading and didn't once get up. He begs to read all day.


I picked up my Nook last night to read and cringed when I saw the sweaty, grubby, sticky finger prints all over it. My kids are blessed with sweaty hands. I wanted to cry when I saw my pretty Nook covered in dried sweat grim.


I feel like Gollum. I want to hover over my Nook while stroking it saying, "My precious." Yet, I know for the greater good, I should let go and.....gulp......share.


Do you feel my pain and struggle?!


Oh, the life of a mother.

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Do you feel my pain and struggle?!




I do feel your pain! When my son finished The Red Pyramid one night, he wanted Throne of Fire immediately. I told him we'd go get it the next day. He asked, "Can't you just download it to your Kindle right now?" NOOOO! Because then I'd have to hand you my Kindle. Can't. Let. Go.

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I just got a Nook a couple weeks ago. I love it. Love it. Unfortunately, so do my boys. They both pounced on it.


Here's my struggle. I do not want to share. I want it to be all mine. Mine!


I also want my boys to read, love to read, and become good readers. My oldest (dyslexic) has for the last week, walked around non-stop with the Nook in his hands, reading. He has never ever before sat for hours reading. Yet, he is now. Yesterday, he sat for 2.5 hours reading and didn't once get up. He begs to read all day.


I picked up my Nook last night to read and cringed when I saw the sweaty, grubby, sticky finger prints all over it. My kids are blessed with sweaty hands. I wanted to cry when I saw my pretty Nook covered in dried sweat grim.


I feel like Gollum. I want to hover over my Nook while stroking it saying, "My precious." Yet, I know for the greater good, I should let go and.....gulp......share.


Do you feel my pain and struggle?!


Oh, the life of a mother.




Umm - I do NOT share my kindle. Period. It is mine. We have the kindle app on my iphone - which I will share. We have it on the computers - which they are free to use. But my kindle is MINE. There isn't any single other thing in this house that is mine without question, but that's it.

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There are few things I set extremely firm boundaries on, but the Kindle is one of them. It's MINE.


DS is allowed to use it only when I give him explicit permission. The only times that happens are 1) during sermons at church (I know--bad mom! But, he gets bored, and it's silent, so I let him read or play games on it rather than acting up) and 2) once in a rare while at night when he's reading in bed with me, before he goes into his own bed, and I'm ready to fall asleep before he is.


Otherwise, the Kindle is off-limits.


I am considering getting him an e-reader in a year or two, though. He reads a lot, and I love that you can look up words so easily on the e-reader.

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I completely feel your pain! Although my dc have never left it dirty, I often find it occupied when I want it. They have discovered Ballantyne and Henty and all sorts of other good freebies from gutenberg. I am thinking we need another one for them, now if I can only convince DH. :001_smile:

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Or is there some great free website? Because it surely could get pricey!


I downloaded a bunch of classics that are free. And there are daily freebies on the Amazon website. Not all are worth having just because they're free, but I found a few enjoyable mysteries. Also, I use Swagbucks to earn Amazon gift cards, then use those cards for Kindle books. I'm pretty sure Barnes and Noble has freebies too, for Nook owners.

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Yes, B&N had a lot of free books. Plus, there are a ton of eBooks in my library system. Then there's my mom's library system as well. Gutenberg books are free.


I've already told DH that the boys are getting Nooks for Christmas. That just seems so long away.


They do have to ask me before they use my Nook. As of this morning, they have to wash their hands as well. I also told my 10 yr old, whose hands sweat all the time, to wipe his hands quickly, before handling the screen *and* to hold the cover of the Nook instead of the Nook iteself. I may just buy him white cotton gloves to wear. :lol:


Yes, I love that he is reading. He loves the dictionary feature too. I just wish I could have my Nook to myself and the boys had their own. Hopefully, they will go on sale for the holidays.

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well... just get a iPad2 and give the kids the Nook. :)


That is what my friend just did- now of course I WANT an iPad. :)


I have been wanting a Kindle/Nook for a while and now seeing her iPad- I think I might hold out for it.

I want an iPad too. But it's just too much money. I am thinking of asking for a Nook for my birthday in August. And I doubt very much that I will share it. :sneaky2: I figure if it becomes a big enough ISSUE, I can give it to the kids next year and get an iPad then!:D

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I feel like Gollum. I want to hover over my Nook while stroking it saying, "My precious." Yet, I know for the greater good, I should let go and.....gulp......share.


Do you feel my pain and struggle?!


Oh, the life of a mother.



Some things are not meant to be shared. Good readers who love to read have been around much longer than these devices. Maybe buy another if you think it important that they have access to one. Honestly, I think it might just be a novelty right now.

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I DON'T share my NOOK!!! Never!!!


Funny story: this week I took my 2 youngest dd's to a children's museum, and I read my NOOK. I had set it down and was watching the kids play when this little boy (about 5) came running by and stopped -- really you could hear the brakes screech! He says "Is that a NOOK?" I said "Yes." He reached and I said, "But you can't touch". You could just see his fingers itching to touch.

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DH bought a Nook Color for me a few months ago. I think I've used it maybe twice. My girls have appropriated it for themselves. I don't mind, I don't really like using it anyway. If I were you, though, I'd take it back, and see if you can buy them their own Nook one of these days.

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DH bought a Nook Color for me a few months ago. I think I've used it maybe twice. My girls have appropriated it for themselves. I don't mind, I don't really like using it anyway. If I were you, though, I'd take it back, and see if you can buy them their own Nook one of these days.


To me that's different. It'd be wasteful to just let it gather dust if you aren't going to use it.


My dh bought me a DSi when they first came out. I played with it for a couple weeks, but it just wasn't my "thing". So I gave it to my dd, who was thrilled and uses it.

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I don't share my Nook. I have it password protected:lol:


Cause in my house I have to fight for "my Own" anything.




:iagree: this is me!! My DD has virtually taken over my netbook, my boys have taken over the desktops and now my 8yo. is trying to take over my Nook and he only wants to play chess on it.

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Yes, I felt your pain and that's why we have an ereader for everyone in the family. Our library is almost entirely digital (we scanned all our books) and ereaders are necessary. My youngest son knows that he'll get his own reader when he learns to read.

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