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Dinner for Five -- who are the 5 people you would invite for a dinner

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for interesting conversation? Let's say they have to be real people, either living or dead. Which 5 would you invite?


I'll go first. I think an interesting, intelligent, and entertaining dinner group would consist of:

Oscar Wilde


Bill Clinton

Freya Stark

the Dalai Lama


I could come up w/ lots of interesting combinations, but this would be my dinner crew for tonight. So, who's in your dinner crew?



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I've always wanted to be at a dinner party with Jane Austen and Dorothy Sayers. Their conversation would be fun to listen to, I think.


Let's throw in Mother Theresa, who would gentle their tendency to sarcasm, and Dorothy Day, who could add a perspective on the urban poor in America.


Hm. Who else?


I think either Jane Goodall or Madeleine Albright. Can't decide which.

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Oh, yes, Jane Austen, for sure. I think I would also invite Charlotte Bronte so that she could explain to Jane Austen why she didn't like her books. ;) I would then invite Berthe Morisot in the hopes taht she would paint my garden and explain to me just what was her relationship with Manet. For some testosterone and lovely dinner music, Ludwig Beethoven. So the dinner party won't be too ghoulish I should invite someone who is actually alive and the only person alive that I find interesting is Peggy Noonan.


It's actually very hard picking only five.

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#1.Corrie Ten Boon ( how did she survive the Holocaust w/ a Godly outlook?)

#2. Paul from Damascus ( who went Against all his "tradition" for Jesus)

#3. & #4. My Grandma & Grandpa ( I would love for them to meet my kids)

#5. my sister Tammy ( still living, who would benefit so much from meeting these guests)


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1. Jesus

2. Mohammad

3. the Dalai Lama

4. Buddah

5. Oprah


I would invite these folks just so that I could sit back and listen to the conversation. I think it would be interesting to witness. :001_smile:


LOL, I love your list. I'll just be a fly on the wall at your dinner. ;)

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#1.Corrie Ten Boon ( how did she survive the Holocaust w/ a Godly outlook?)

#2. Paul from Damascus ( who went Against all his "tradition" for Jesus)

#3. & #4. My Grandma & Grandpa ( I would love for them to meet my kids)

#5. my sister Tammy ( still living, who would benefit so much from meeting these guests)



Ooh, I like your #'s 1 and 2!

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Yeah, I know. That's not 5.


LOL. That's ok. Because, really w/ yourself as the host, you'd have 6 anyway. So, 5... approximately (or way off)... is good. LOL. ;)


I'm having lots of fun reading everyone's responses. They're giving me even more ideas for combos of dinner folks.

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This is a tough question, narrowing it down to just 5. Well, here are the top contenders: Jesus, Socrates, Churchill, Einstein, a famous composer (Bach, Mozart, etc) St. Francis, Mother Theresa, Corrie Ten Boom, SWB, and Charlotte Mason.


I think Edgar Allen Poe and Picasso, an Andy Warhol would be fun, but they might be a little out of place with the other guests...maybe a second dinner!?!


I would also love to have my mom meet our dds, and see how well *I* turned out, but honestly, she talked so much that even Jesus probably couldn't get a word in!

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My maternal grandfather (died in 1962) to hear him tell about immigrating from Sicily.


My maternal grandmother (died in 1975) to learn how to make homemade pasta.


My father (died in 1990) so he can see the grandchild who shares his middle name and see what both dc have done so far.


My mother (died in 2004) so she can see her dgc. She was the total doting, spoiling grandmother and my kids miss her terribly.

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Am I the only one who thinks Jesus would be a complete conversation killer?


Granted, I think the real Jesus is probably the sort who, if you met him on the street, could make anyone feel comfortable. But we've had two thousand years to build up a theology around him. I think if he were at a dinner party and we knew he was Jesus, we would all be too in awe or too self-conscious to say anything. Not to mention, what would we have to say that felt worthwhile? I guess we could pepper him with questions and listen to his answers. That would undoubtedly be fascinating. But it would hardly be a lively dinner conversation.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that Jesus would be at the top of my list for a one-on-one encounter or as a guest speaker, but probably wouldn't make my dinner party list.



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Am I the only one who thinks Jesus would be a complete conversation killer?




1. Jesus

2. John Lennon (they could work that "all you need is love" stuff, that would be an interesting conversation to watch.)

3. Shakespeare

4. Abraham Lincoln (I need some of his patience)

5. My father-in-law who died when dh was 9. (For many sentimental reasons, but so he could my ds, his namesake)

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Am I the only one who thinks Jesus would be a complete conversation killer?


Granted, I think the real Jesus is probably the sort who, if you met him on the street, could make anyone feel comfortable. But we've had two thousand years to build up a theology around him. I think if he were at a dinner party and we knew he was Jesus, we would all be too in awe or too self-conscious to say anything. Not to mention, what would we have to say that felt worthwhile? I guess we could pepper him with questions and listen to his answers. That would undoubtedly be fascinating. But it would hardly be a lively dinner conversation.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that Jesus would be at the top of my list for a one-on-one encounter or as a guest speaker, but probably wouldn't make my dinner party list.




Well, speaking to those who are Christians, perhaps more folks should realize he's at all their dinner parties and other moments, too. Might make for better behavior all the time and an easier time at dinner;)


This is an interesting question. It takes a little consideration because I have a long list of people I'd love to meet and talk with, but it would have to be in just the right combination for the conversation to flow nicely. I like the answer of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and who else? That could be an interesting conversation. I imagine Oprah is only in there to facilitate the discussion, right? I could do dinner with or without her.


I think I would really just love to have my dad come to dinner with my husband and kids. He died when I was 12, so they never got to meet him. In preparing for ds' graduation the past few weeks, it was mentioned several times how many from dh's side would be invited/receive an announcement and how well the kids know that side of the family in comparison to how few people from my family they know. I would like for them to have known my dad and Gram and Pop (his parents). I'm fine with them knowing the rest of my family exactly as they already do. And as much as I like most of dh's family, there are a few I wish we could see less. Some folks you just don't need to see more than once every 10-20 years.

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I imagine Oprah is only in there to facilitate the discussion, right? I could do dinner with or without her.




I actually included Oprah because I would love to hear all these folks discuss their beliefs together. I am a Christian, and believe very strongly that there is only one way. (Ducking...no tomatoes, please!) So I think that having the various religious "leaders" - is that the right word? - in one room would be interesting conversation. How would they argue against The Truth? This MY OPINION here, I am not trying to offend.


I actually think the conversation would not last very long! :D

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Jay Albert Nock

Winston Churchill


Stephen Fry

Hugh Laurie

Thomas Jefferson

Joss Whedon

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Mary Shelley


Yeah, I know. That's not 5.


I think if you're going to invite Joss Whedon you should invite George Lucas because that would be funny.

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I think if you're going to invite Joss Whedon you should invite George Lucas because that would be funny.


See, I'm imagining the creator of Frankenstein and the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer having fun brainstorming plots, while Laurie and Fry banter back and forth. Shakespeare would probably switch back and forth between those two groups. I figure Churchill and Jefferson could have some interesting discussions. Nock (who I confess I had to look up) would join them. I'm not quite sure who Wilder would talk to.


Of course, Mama Lynx might have imagined something entirely different.:)

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