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Talk me down - I want a new baby

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I'm sure it's the sleep deprivation talking, but sitting here cuddling my sick toddler makes me want a baby again.


I've been up 15 hrs on 2 hrs of sleep, I was puked on repeatedly, and pretty much all I've done today (other than making sure the house didn't fall apart) is nurse my littlest one. One would think this would make me not want more kids ever, but I've got a serious case of baby-itis.


We don't have space for another right now. I'm not in the best of health. And they'd be closer than we wanted.


But I can't shake it.

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I'm not sure I can talk you down from wanting a new baby, but I'm 33 weeks pregnant and it's like 85 degrees in my house right now, and I'm getting horrible acid reflux from just drinking water, and I have sciatica, and my tailbone still hasn't healed from when it broke during DD's delivery, and every time I have to pick her up, it hurts all over, so I might be able to talk you down from wanting to be pregnant again. ;)


I've gotten to the point where I don't think I'll ever feel like I'm done having babies, but I'm feeling like I might be at or approaching the point where I'm through with pregnancies. I think my husband is seriously considering having me sign some sort of document certifying that right now, because he's pretty sure in two or three years I'll change my mind.

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Just yesterday morning I was looking at my big 4yo princess. I wanted to cry because she is just so big now. I started thinking about how awesome it would be to have a snuggly little baby again. Four dc is such a small amount, right? Then we went out in public:glare:. That sweet little 4yo didn't have a good nap. We were at the ball fields when sweet precious 4yo decided to LOUDLY proclaim "I.WANT.NACHOS!!!" despite the fact I told her no repeatedly. Then she proceded to squirm around, a sure sign of needing to potty. She tells me she can just hold it. Umm... We had 15 minutes of practice left and a 15min ride home. Probably not going to work. So I had to drag this sweet precious child kicking and screaming into the bathroom. Did I mention the tons of people around? People I see on a quite regular basis.:glare:


I would still like a puppy.

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Just think, you could be going on 24 hours with only 30 minutes sleep! That would be fun, right? And while you're holding your puking toddler (I do hope your little one feels better soon!), you could have a colicky baby crying because you attempted to put it down for 5 minutes. OR you could be nursing your colicky baby for the 18th time in those past 24 hours and your toddler who is on the other end of the couch starts puking all over the couch and floor and THEN you have to pry the baby off of you which sets him off crying and now your toddler is screaming too and there's puke all over and...


Did that help any?:)

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But they are so little? They don't take up much space at all.

So close in age, it's not like having another baby - more like extending babyhood of previous.

And there's no better incentive to keep yourself as healthy as possible.


:lol: Not helping! Congratulations on your newest addition BTW.

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I'm not sure I can talk you down from wanting a new baby, but I'm 33 weeks pregnant and it's like 85 degrees in my house right now, and I'm getting horrible acid reflux from just drinking water, and I have sciatica, and my tailbone still hasn't healed from when it broke during DD's delivery, and every time I have to pick her up, it hurts all over, so I might be able to talk you down from wanting to be pregnant again. ;)


I've gotten to the point where I don't think I'll ever feel like I'm done having babies, but I'm feeling like I might be at or approaching the point where I'm through with pregnancies. I think my husband is seriously considering having me sign some sort of document certifying that right now, because he's pretty sure in two or three years I'll change my mind.


That's a good point. I'm pretty miserable when I'm pregnant.

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I would still like a puppy.


Our puppy is trying to eat the piano, pesters the heck out of our older dog, wakes us up very early every morning, and has just today realized he is big enough to get his paws on the edge of the countertops. Does that help?


He is the cutest most smartest dog ever though. :D

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I'm sure it's the sleep deprivation talking, but sitting here cuddling my sick toddler makes me want a baby again.


I've been up 15 hrs on 2 hrs of sleep, I was puked on repeatedly, and pretty much all I've done today (other than making sure the house didn't fall apart) is nurse my littlest one. One would think this would make me not want more kids ever, but I've got a serious case of baby-itis.


We don't have space for another right now. I'm not in the best of health. And they'd be closer than we wanted.


But I can't shake it.



This sounds so much like me right now!!! We're in a mission home hoping to go to the mission field some time in the next year, no insurance to speak of, and I've been in bad health for months but I'm really wanting a baby, too!!! My husband thinks I'm nuts, and maybe I am, but I'm really praying for an "accident". :tongue_smilie: I just feel like it's time...


Ok, I know that's not what you were looking for right now, but I had to add on!

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Go ahead and have another!


It was baby dedication day at church the other day, and I desperately wanted one of them. I had a couple of really tiny ones picked out.;)


Forget that I am a mid 40's lady with a dh who has had surgical birth control.:tongue_smilie:

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If you want a baby after being puked on all day and are in the midst of sleep deprivation, you NEED to have another baby. Get started on it! ;)


Dh might appreciate if she took a shower first! :lol:


Meh. A lot of men don't care. :lol:



:lol: LOL! can't stop laughing!


FWIW, I vote to try. I have an only (5 yrs) and would love another. Have all the clothes, crib, etc. we need, just need diapers.

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Ok I'll talk you down.


The sweet baby smell after a bath, the little pucker on their tiny rosebud lips while they are sleeping, the bright eyes taking it all in, snuggling together, the bond of nursing (not to mention extra calories burned)....


Oh wait...that was my "give it a go" speech.



Ok the real talk you down. Well maybe not a talk down but a caution:


Seriously the only thing I see as a potential red flag for you is the health stuff you mentioned. I'd see a doctor and get a green light before I'd try esp if my health isn't doing well. The other potential problems you can work around..your health not so much. If you still have the desire then see a doctor first. Just my opinion.

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the little pucker on their tiny rosebud lips while they are sleeping
:001_huh: You just made me want to jump my DH :lol:


You need to get your health in shape first - honestly and truely.


My baby turns 2 next month - it's the longest I've ever gone before getting pregnant again (well I did try I had 2 M/C since my last baby).


I probably shouldn't be wanting another baby - not great health, 3 kids 5 and under, getting old (37), but oh I want one.:001_wub:


My DD (5) was puking all day yesterday - it didn't especially make me want a new baby but it didn't make me not want one either. ;)

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