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What do you like to do to make yourself feel better when your sad/mad/etc?

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I am diving in to a pint of Ben & Jerry's Half Baked Ice Cream (Yum!) as we speak! (side note: this pint is truly perfect for sitting down and devouring. So why does the nutrition information say it is 4 servings? :001_huh: What's up with that? It is SO OBVIOUS that it is the perfect size and shape for one hand, one serving!! :p ;))


So! What is your remedy? How do you "lick your wounds", "unruffle your feathers", "talk yourself down from the ledge".......and all the other cliches I can't think of right now!!! :D

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Horse ride. Pony cart ride. Work in the garden. My kids. AnotherLinda's kids!! BlueLobster's kids! (I was having a lousy Sunday one Sunday and Em's little fellas really cheered me up) Harry Potter movies. Rum. Chocolate milk shakes. Anything with carbs.

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A pint of Ben&Jerry's Cake Batter ice cream (which is definitely one serving size in my book;)) and a good movie or a few episodes of an interesting/funny tv show to distract me. Then I might go out for a walk if the weather is pleasant.


I wish I could get myself to clean - I am a terrible housekeeper :tongue_smilie:

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A pint of Ben&Jerry's Cake Batter ice cream (which is definitely one serving size in my book;)) and a good movie or a few episodes of an interesting/funny tv show to distract me. Then I might go out for a walk if the weather is pleasant.


I wish I could get myself to clean - I am a terrible housekeeper :tongue_smilie:


Cake Batter ice cream????? We don't have that here! I'm missing out!!

I'm with you! I am always impressed with those who clean when they are having a hard time. Boy! My husband WISHES that was my way! :lol::tongue_smilie:

My way seems to always involve some kind of food source!:D

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It often involves chocolate cake, ice cream, etc. :glare:But, I'm trying to break my addiction to sugar so not lately!


Honestly, swimming is lots of fun for me and I swear that it helps my mental health and moods.

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If I can't leave the house, a soak in the tub with a cup of tea, a good book, and some soft (or not so soft to drown out the boys!) music playing. If I can leave the house, my camera and I head for the local bird sanctuary or similar and walk and take nature photos. And walk, and walk, and walk. I feel so much better once I get home, and usually have some new and interesting species to report. Do you have a hobby / interest that gets you excited, geeky or not? :-)


It's also nice to proactively have plans with some other HS Mom friends. A group of us meet for breakfast early every second Saturday. Keeps us sane, and we're back home before hubby and kids are ready to get on with the weekend's plans anyways.

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I like to walk. Sometimes housecleaning helps too. I find housecleaning and walking help clear and process stuff.


If I just want to escape, I like to bury myself in the computer to distract myself, or watch my current favourite TV series. (at present, House.)


I find the backlash from eating tubs of icecream too painful to do too often:) I just feel so awful afterwards, it's not worth it.


I also just like to escape to my bedroom, burn incense and oils, make it beautiful, put on candles, rearrange my meaningful objects, and just enjoy some sanctuary. I have a lovely room.

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I hide in my room with Netflix and some good chocolates. If I am in an especially good mental funk, I send dh and the kids away for the weekend. I don't deal with my own mental garbage very well when I am dealing with kids and family at the same time. Sometimes I just need a chance to be self-centered, wallow in my muck and get over it. When there are too many people around and too much to do, I procrastinate dealing with my own problems. When they the family is all gone, it forces me to think about things.

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[quote name=Peela;2812124I find the backlash from eating tubs of icecream too painful to do too often:) I just feel so awful afterwards' date=' it's not worth it.


I know what you mean! I"m dealing with that backlash right now!!!! My stomach is uncomfortable, and my conscience is worse!! Why do I DO this to myself??? I've done so good trying to lose weight and eat healthier and then these tempting times come! :D *sigh*


I really like some of the ideas I've gotten from others posts! Simple things, like walking, playing with my dog, tickling my kids....

Of course, some days, only chocolate seems to help! :tongue_smilie: sheesh!

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I hide in my room with Netflix and some good chocolates. If I am in an especially good mental funk, I send dh and the kids away for the weekend. I don't deal with my own mental garbage very well when I am dealing with kids and family at the same time. Sometimes I just need a chance to be self-centered, wallow in my muck and get over it. When there are too many people around and too much to do, I procrastinate dealing with my own problems. When they the family is all gone, it forces me to think about things.


I'm right there with you! I find that, now that I'm a Mom, it's harder for me to process my feelings. I have to push them down too much for the "sake of the kids" or just simply the business of my day. Sometimes I go for a while and I'm like "wonder why I am feeling funky" and it takes me a while to realize that I am brooding or sad or mad about something. Before kids, it was all right there at the surface, and I could tell you IMMEDIATELY if something was wrong, and what it was. Not so much now!

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