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He's Running Away.

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I just had a deep bed time conversation with DS. It went like this:


DS (absolutely deadpan): Mom, I'm going to Vegas.

Me: (blank stare)

DS: You know. LAS Vegas.

Me: Oh? Do you know what Las Vegas is?

DS: Of COURSE. It's a city. A big city. Far away. With lots of lights.

Me: So it is.

DS: See? I know what Vegas is. And I'm going.

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And while he's there, he's going to buy some flying shoes like Percy Jackson.


I think you can find about one of anything in Vegas. And just remember... what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. ;)




P.S. I've always thought Thomas Edison would be wowed to see Vegas at night. :D

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Your son is ambitious. When mine was about to turn 5, he threw a bunch of random toys and clothes in a wicker basket and lugged it down the stairs and informed me he was going to live with Uncle Matt (3 houses away) because they had oreos over there and unlimited computer time.

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my ds is always telling me about all the fun things that "other mom" let him do. We adopted him when he was 8 months old from Korea and appartently he has perfect recall of all the fun things that "other mom" (that is what he calls her) let him do. I just tell him "Wow, you have an amazing memory" lol.

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