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What do you do when you're in a funk?

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I have a bad case of the doldrums today. I'm feeling lonely and forgotten, and I'm really missing a former close friend.


I've got hormones working against me. In my head I know that my remaining friends love me, but in my heart I'm feeling invisible.


It's beautiful and sunshiney, but I can't go in the backyard to enjoy it because I'll get hives from the sun.


I'm on a diet trying to lose the 15 pounds I've put on due to my health conditions--I was just taken off one of my meds that can cause weight gain, so I'm feeling hopeful I can get the extra off now instead of just treading water--so drowning my sorrows in a big bowl of ice cream would be a bad idea.


So, what do you do on days like this?

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I go for a run. Nothing like those endorphins surging through your body. If you can't exercise out doors, do you have a piece of equipment so that you can work out inside? I also have a square or two of Very Dark Chocolate. That won't mess up your diet too much, but it does wonders for my mental health. :grouphug:

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Are you asking, "what do you do when in a funk?" or "What SHOULD you do when in a funk?" Because those can be two very different questions. :p


:lol: and :iagree:


Exercise lifts my mood as well. Also makes it easier to eat better.


Is there somewhere you can go to work out indoors? Something different from what you normally do? An indoor community pool maybe?

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:grouphug: I'm sorry you're feeling that way. Aside from the ice cream, sometimes I just detach and watch a movie. Sometimes that doesn't help because you feel like the Megamind dude while watching other people have a fantastic "life" (yes, you know it's fake, the character's fascinating life that is).


I notice you, if that matters. I was envious the other day when I saw your table stacked with books, I was trying to read the titles, btw. :lol::lol: I caught a few.


I don't know. I have days when I wonder if I quit doing everything I do if anyone would notice. Then I get excited over something silly. Like I ordered a stuffed dragon from Amazon the other day. It's red and will go with the gold one I already own. Silly, yes. Exciting, for a few minutes.


I'm sorry you're having a bad day, but you're not invisible here.

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Brew a pot of teA

Just a word to the wise...


Approaching your spouse and saying, "I'm bored and lonely...lets get it on." isn't really considered an aphrodisiac.


Not that I know from personal experience or anything. :tongue_smilie:

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:grouphug: these kinds of days are horrible, aren't they ... sigh ...


You know, you could go for the sugar-free frozen yogurt instead of ice-cream. Top it with fresh berries and nuts, and it's almost like a parfait instead of .. you know, ... dessert. That's what my yogurt guy tells me three times a week when I show up and wonder aloud if I should be eating this much dessert. Now my kids ask if we're going out for parfait. It's all in the marketing, sister!


Can you give yourself a day to just feel what you're feeling? Tomorrow is a new day and you can tackle it differently then, but for today maybe you just need a day to be blah and get it mostly out of your system. Find some bad movies on cable, read a trashy book, garden, run .. whatever you do to mentally zone out. Order pizza, keep chores easy, and just give yourself some time off to clock out of life for a bit.


Sometimes it takes our emotions, our heart time to catch up with our brains. I'm sorry you're mourning a lost friendship; BTDT, and it's hard.

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I'd either take the kids to a very shady park or clean the garage. Starting a big, cleaning project preoccupies me and gives me some tangible result to be proud of. (and if your gargae doesn't need to be cleaned, mine does :) )


Or invite a friend for coffee or lunch - somewhere out so you don't have to clean up.


Put on a kids movie and read a shallow book.


and :grouphug:

Sorry you're in a funk.

Edited by Karen in CO
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Thanks for the hugs and suggestions.


I did my day of couch to 5K.


Dh told me I could go get the bookshelves for the boys' rooms that I'd been wanting, so while I was out I picked up a Skinny Vanilla Iced Latte.


I'm still feeling sad, but I'm no longer on the verge of tears.

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Thanks for the hugs and suggestions.


I did my day of couch to 5K.


Dh told me I could go get the bookshelves for the boys' rooms that I'd been wanting, so while I was out I picked up a Skinny Vanilla Iced Latte.


I'm still feeling sad, but I'm no longer on the verge of tears.




What about going to the library?


Nothing can cheer me up like a big stack of books!

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On those days I let myself have dark chocolate, go for a walk with jammin' music in my ears, read, and reassure myself that the mood is only for a short time because I almost always feel better the next day. :grouphug: I hope you do too.

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:grouphug: I have also had a few days of "funk." I didn't think anyone would notice, but a friend called me today and asked me "if I was feeling better." :001_smile: I wanted to say "better than what?"


I also need to lose about 15 pounds I've gained in the last year due to stress. I bought myself a homemade brownie at the farmer's market today anyway.


Sorry you're having an off day. I hope tomorrow is better.

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Thanks for the hugs and suggestions.


I did my day of couch to 5K.


Dh told me I could go get the bookshelves for the boys' rooms that I'd been wanting, so while I was out I picked up a Skinny Vanilla Iced Latte.


I'm still feeling sad, but I'm no longer on the verge of tears.


I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better. :grouphug:


Way to go on getting some exercise in. :hurray:


I did my first day of C25K this morning. I will probably end up repeating each week at least twice due to my knees (I'm not 20 anymore. :tongue_smilie:). How long have you been doing it?

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also, cleaning my bathroom. I know it sounds nuts, but I find cleaning my bathroom very therapeutic.:tongue_smilie:


When I get really down running (or yoga), followed by a nice shower or bath, and then some alone time with a good book, the kind of book that carries you away, either a good thriller or mystery. Food never works for me (not that I don't try. ;) ) I always end up feeling worse.


:grouphug: I hope you feel better soon.

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