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Re: WoW and RIFT

Yes, I'm sure we're in the minority on this board. :tongue_smilie:


I played WoW for a couple of years, never becoming an expert. I never got past level 42 and therefore didn't get into the intricacies of the game.


I haven't played since starting school last summer and now have the desire to play again. I'm trying out RIFT. It's not bad, but it seems more confusing than WoW! I'm running a Mage but I'm not sure what soul combination works best for me yet. I'm level 17 and feel like I should be further along in my understanding. :o


Any opinions on RIFT?

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No opinions, but I can be a die-hard MMO addict. I tend to level up fast and then join up with a great guild in these types of games. I play healers the past 8 years, I love to be loved. Please keep me away from this thread. Oh no and RIFT is a free trial. And I'm on my old gaming computer I converted to my homeschooling planner...


Running away now!

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Oh no and RIFT is a free trial.


I wish I had purchased mine with some kind of bonus. The Collector's edition comes with a free mount. And the RIFT website is currently advertising this: "Buy RIFT today and hit the ground running with the Novitiate's Phylactery, a trinket that increases all experience gained by 5% until level 20!"


Come back to gaming.. computers are for gaming not homeschool planning!! :001_tt2:

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No suggestions.. but I play EQ2 (So does dd13, ds9, my mom, my dad, my sister and her husband!) :) Give that a try and I'll be right there with ya! :D


Eeek! Not another one! I am having trouble comparing 2, I can't add a 3rd in the mix! :tongue_smilie:


I started WoW because my oldest dd had so many friends playing. Then my BIL bought her the game and I liked the look of it.


I started RIFT because 2 of my WoW friends switched over and wanted me to follow. But they game hard and fast and I can't keep up. Plus, our schedules never seem to match so I'm left playing alone. Which is okay really, because I like to solo. But, RIFT is unique in that you can join a raid any time without being committed to a specific group. Tears in the sky open a RIFT and enemies come through. Everyone in the area runs to it, joins the public group, and gets the rewards. It's chaotic, confusing, and yet so addicting!

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My dh temporarily closed his WOW account and is playing Rift now instead. He seems to like it.


Will you ask him a couple of questions for me?


1. Is it true the game gets better after low levels? I hear the low level playing is really nothing like higher levels.


2. What does he like better about RIFT and what does he like least? (I'm stunned that they don't have a guild bank!!)

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:lol: Silkweb. I'm a Defiant. I just joined a guild called "Old School" too. :tongue_smilie:

Heh, I'm always tempted to join guilds with names like that, since I've been playing mmos for 10 years now. My last mmo game had a guild called "Old Timer's Retirement Home".

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I am such a passionate person that I overdo things I get into. That means 80 hour gaming weeks, yikes. I can't, I just got over LOTRO last fall.


I was BIG into Everquest. This was the reason I stopped playing when I got married -- I can't do it in just a little way. its all or nothing.

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Re: WoW and RIFT

Yes, I'm sure we're in the minority on this board. :tongue_smilie:


I played WoW for a couple of years, never becoming an expert. I never got past level 42 and therefore didn't get into the intricacies of the game.


I haven't played since starting school last summer and now have the desire to play again. I'm trying out RIFT. It's not bad, but it seems more confusing than WoW! I'm running a Mage but I'm not sure what soul combination works best for me yet. I'm level 17 and feel like I should be further along in my understanding. :o


Any opinions on RIFT?



Well, dh and I still play WOW and have not tried RIFT, however, a number of people from our WOW guild did for awhile, and I think all of them returned to WOW. I'm not sure of all the reasons (I know one was the guild - most of them just didn't like playing w/o all their guildies), but dh's best friend just got bored of RIFT pretty fast. He said it had some neat stuff, and thought he liked it quite well to begin with, but lost interest after a month or two.

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I was BIG into Everquest. This was the reason I stopped playing when I got married -- I can't do it in just a little way. its all or nothing.


I was also big into Everquest, but not for the past 7 or so years. I was the bard known as the EQDiva who made www.eqdiva.com (taken down a few years back). :) I had almost 15,000 registered members and thousands more who just used my search engines. What class did you play?


Games these days are much easier to not get addicted to. EQ required you to team up, most classes couldn't really solo. The game was insanely hard (at least in the beginning). My epic quest took two years and required guilds to help me. Every game I've played since then I can log on, solo for 10 minutes and log out. I could join a group or guild raid and be done in an hour. You couldn't do that in EQ. I remember some raids taking a few days.

Edited by Satori
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I was also big into Everquest, but not for the past 7 or so years. I was the bard known as the EQDiva who made www.eqdiva.com (taken down a few years back). :) I had almost 15,000 registered members and thousands more who just used my search engines. What class did you play?


Games these days are much easier to not get addicted to. EQ required you to team up, most classes couldn't really solo. The game was insanely hard (at least in the beginning). My epic quest took two years and required guilds to help me. Every game I've played since then I can log on, solo for 10 minutes and log out. I could join a group or guild raid and be done in an hour. You couldn't do that in EQ. I remember some raids taking a few days.


Not sure about EQ anymore, been a loooooooong time since I played for any length of time but in EQ2 you can solo quite well. There are always things that you will need to group and/or raid but I solo all the time and have fun doing it.


Let me qualify the soloing... if you are a healer/illusionist is is HARD to solo. Scouts can do it but it isn't easy there either. But fighters/wizards have a good time!

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I've been able to solo as a healer in most recent mmos I've played.


The thing is, the forcing people to group up is what many EQers miss. We loved the challenge. We built extremely strong relationships. I could log into my very old EQ server forums and they'd still remember me. I'd get called out as a "rare spawn"! Games these days are much easier overall and only takes a matter of a few months of casual playing to reach max level. I wouldn't even have to group up once (but I'd be super lonely). My main reasons for playing mmos is to group up with people and do amazing feats.

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Will you ask him a couple of questions for me?


1. Is it true the game gets better after low levels? I hear the low level playing is really nothing like higher levels.


2. What does he like better about RIFT and what does he like least? (I'm stunned that they don't have a guild bank!!)


He said that it's like LOTRO crossed with WOW with much better graphics.


He switched over because his entire WOW guild switched.


He says it's very easy to pick up xp even without questing.


He doesn't see a whole lot of difference in gameplay. He just keeps commenting over and over about the stunning graphics.

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Letting out my inner nerd...


Things I like about Rift over WoW:

The world is prettier.

The class system is more interesting and flexible.

Healing is more fun.

Support classes are necessary.

You can have up to 5 specs.

You can switch between them easily.

Roll a cleric. They're the best. ;)


Things I don't like about Rift over WoW:

The world is too small and crammed full of mobs. You have to fight every step of the way to get anywhere. Exploring just for the fun of it is out of the question.

The crafting is lifted directly from WoW. I've never seen a game be so uncreative with crafting.

The gear grind is very similar to WoW's. I'm at the max level in Rift and I find myself logging into WoW instead where my characters are rich and already have gear.

Edit: There's less content because the game is newer. There's just simply less to do.


For reference, I have a max level character in WoW and I raid. :)

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But if I do, what server are you on?


My daughter is able to play these games.


NO NO NO, what am I talking about?



Angela, I hate to do this to you, but have you tried out Wizard101? It's definitely a game that you can play with Satori. I just recently started playing with Griffin and we are both HOOKED. It's safe for kids, because you can turn off the chat filter so they can only make and read canned remarks from other players. It's easy enough for her to understand and get, but it's complex enough to tickle the fancy of adult gamers. Of course the most awesome part of the game for us is that it's a game we can actually play and enjoy with our kids. The hardest thing for me to get used to was the fact that it's turn based, but that is what makes it so awesome for kids and there is some complexity with the decks that you build and the treasure cards that you can add. There's also housing that you can decorate, crafting allowing you to build items and houses and decorations for your house, gardening, and pets that you can buy, farm, or hatch creating hybrids. Pets have different talents that can help you in the game so of course you'll want to try to get the best one you can. There's also PVP which I happen to LOVE, and I've never ever been one who was into PVP in other MMORPG games.


For reference, I sound a LOT like you regarding MMORPG games. I played Everquest 1 from the first day of release and played like my life depended on it. lol! In fact, I met my husband in Everquest and I moved and we married two years later. I'm sure by now it's dinged (haha get it?) why my son is named Griffin. I also played Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies, and WOW. I played WOW heavy in beta. My son was born a few days before it was released and I quit all MMORPG cold turkey at that time. About a year and a half ago, I went back to WOW and quickly leveled up two max level characters and joined up with my old guild. However, I just couldn't put in the time that was needed to maintain it so I quit again.


Wizard101 is so great because it's something that I can play occasionally with Griffin that we can both enjoy. There is a complexity to it that keeps me interested (for now anyway). My son and I have one character each that we only play with each other and do all the quests together and then we each have separate characters that we can play on our own.


If you create characters, let me know! It doesn't matter what server you start on because in Wizard101 you can change servers anytime you want (nice for farming reagents ;) ). We'd love to play with you! :D:D

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Delurking because I can't resist. An MMORPG post? In the WTM forums? It's a collision of two of my higher ranking passions.


I really wanted to love Rift. I tinkered around a bit on the Beta, and again later after it came out on a free trial. During the Beta, there were tons of people out and about, and open invites were easy to access on the rift events. When I played the free trial, the lowbie areas were wastelands, and on the rare occasion I ran into a few people around a rift, they were handling it in a private group. Could have been due to the server I was on. (Can't remember which one it was though.)


Both times, I came back to WoW. I've stumbled upon a guild with an atmosphere that fits me and my ingame goals, and I'm pretty content. Rift felt like WoW-lite, with more "grown up" graphics. It's beautiful, and I really love what they've done with the talent specs, and the game play feels really good. The quests were the typical run of the mill "go hack up five of these things" and leveling became more of a grind, which was hard to go back to after quests were updated in WoW with Cataclysm.


If I had played Rift before ever playing any other similar game, I know I would love it. For now, WoW still holds the key to my online gaming heart. :tongue_smilie:

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LOTRO...oh, how I miss it! We named our new baby (now 18 months!) after Cirith Imladris.


My family is playing WoW...again. In fact, dh & the three older ones are down doing their Mon-Wed 8-11pm guild raid. They're loving it.


Back in January dh bought RIFT (did the Beta also) for himself & ds11...graphics were amazing and he wanted to love it, but in the end, he felt that game play just too much the same as WoW, and that is where our dds wanted to stay.


I guess I have nothing to add...just a compulsion to post in these MMO threads.

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I haven't played since before I had my second kid, because it is such a time sink. Before that, I've played AO, EQ, EQ2, SWG, Lineage 2, DDO, and WoW.



Yeah another DDO'er! DDO is my usual MMO, when I don't have a solo game on my back (Dragon Age 2 right now). My DH usually has his hand in the betas, so I got to Rift a little, but couldn't get into it, interesting that the word is that it gets better in the long term, but I'm too casual a player to usually get that far.

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Angela, I hate to do this to you, but have you tried out Wizard101? It's definitely a game that you can play with Satori. I just recently started playing with Griffin and we are both HOOKED. It's safe for kids, because you can turn off the chat filter so they can only make and read canned remarks from other players. It's easy enough for her to understand and get, but it's complex enough to tickle the fancy of adult gamers. Of course the most awesome part of the game for us is that it's a game we can actually play and enjoy with our kids. The hardest thing for me to get used to was the fact that it's turn based, but that is what makes it so awesome for kids and there is some complexity with the decks that you build and the treasure cards that you can add. There's also housing that you can decorate, crafting allowing you to build items and houses and decorations for your house, gardening, and pets that you can buy, farm, or hatch creating hybrids. Pets have different talents that can help you in the game so of course you'll want to try to get the best one you can. There's also PVP which I happen to LOVE, and I've never ever been one who was into PVP in other MMORPG games.


For reference, I sound a LOT like you regarding MMORPG games. I played Everquest 1 from the first day of release and played like my life depended on it. lol! In fact, I met my husband in Everquest and I moved and we married two years later. I'm sure by now it's dinged (haha get it?) why my son is named Griffin. I also played Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies, and WOW. I played WOW heavy in beta. My son was born a few days before it was released and I quit all MMORPG cold turkey at that time. About a year and a half ago, I went back to WOW and quickly leveled up two max level characters and joined up with my old guild. However, I just couldn't put in the time that was needed to maintain it so I quit again.


Wizard101 is so great because it's something that I can play occasionally with Griffin that we can both enjoy. There is a complexity to it that keeps me interested (for now anyway). My son and I have one character each that we only play with each other and do all the quests together and then we each have separate characters that we can play on our own.


If you create characters, let me know! It doesn't matter what server you start on because in Wizard101 you can change servers anytime you want (nice for farming reagents ;) ). We'd love to play with you! :D:D


Ah, I forgot about DAoC!


Also, I love your name choice for your son. Mine is another spelling of the same :D. Do you know if Wizard101 works on Macs? (Another reason why I don't play now....)

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Angela, I hate to do this to you, but have you tried out Wizard101? It's definitely a game that you can play with Satori. I just recently started playing with Griffin and we are both HOOKED. It's safe for kids, because you can turn off the chat filter so they can only make and read canned remarks from other players. It's easy enough for her to understand and get, but it's complex enough to tickle the fancy of adult gamers. Of course the most awesome part of the game for us is that it's a game we can actually play and enjoy with our kids. The hardest thing for me to get used to was the fact that it's turn based, but that is what makes it so awesome for kids and there is some complexity with the decks that you build and the treasure cards that you can add. There's also housing that you can decorate, crafting allowing you to build items and houses and decorations for your house, gardening, and pets that you can buy, farm, or hatch creating hybrids. Pets have different talents that can help you in the game so of course you'll want to try to get the best one you can. There's also PVP which I happen to LOVE, and I've never ever been one who was into PVP in other MMORPG games.


For reference, I sound a LOT like you regarding MMORPG games. I played Everquest 1 from the first day of release and played like my life depended on it. lol! In fact, I met my husband in Everquest and I moved and we married two years later. I'm sure by now it's dinged (haha get it?) why my son is named Griffin. I also played Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies, and WOW. I played WOW heavy in beta. My son was born a few days before it was released and I quit all MMORPG cold turkey at that time. About a year and a half ago, I went back to WOW and quickly leveled up two max level characters and joined up with my old guild. However, I just couldn't put in the time that was needed to maintain it so I quit again.




That's so funny, whenever I saw his name I would hear loud wings flapping and get a sense of terror in my heart. Either that or Kizdean Gix would terrify my husband and I in the next zone. I started EQ when I met my husband, and I got all my male coworkers playing together. Lots of my friends married each other from the game. I went to a huge Fan Faire in Minneapolis, had a total blast!


After EQ, some of my guild went to DAoC so DH and I tried that for awhile. DH tried out SWG but I didn't hear good things about it so I didn't start. We then did City of Heroes which was my first time playing a healer and I fell in love with that role. Took a long break when Satori was born, and then got into Warhammer, Aion and LOTRO. I might still pop into LOTRO if I'm bored, but very rarely. I tried WoW just up to level 10, which means I didn't play it at all, but I bought all the game/expansions and may try again someday. I totally love realm vs realm, hanging out with multiple guilds, all on Vent or TS, and fighting against other players.


Satori started a warrior type on LOTRO so the whole family can have our own little group. She can fight but I have to take over the controls once we get into town so I can help her sell/buy/train/etc... A simpler game might be fun for us. But I will be trying to stay away from mmos for a bit yet.

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I may have to check out Rift. DH and I are HUGE WoW players. Our 3 boys have accounts too and DD likes to run a gnome with pink hair around and pretend to play, lol.


My 5 year old has a BloodElf that she runs around Sunstrider Isle. She really likes to have her swim. :tongue_smilie:

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OH my gosh, my dd just loves to swim in water (also since age 5)! In EQ you'd actually gain swimming skill, but not in the last few games I've played. She gets so excited to swim. As long as it's not lava or harmful water, she can go ahead and jump in. :)

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I'm an MMORPG person!


The thing is, the forcing people to group up is what many EQers miss. We loved the challenge. We built extremely strong relationships. I could log into my very old EQ server forums and they'd still remember me. I'd get called out as a "rare spawn"! Games these days are much easier overall and only takes a matter of a few months of casual playing to reach max level. I wouldn't even have to group up once (but I'd be super lonely). My main reasons for playing mmos is to group up with people and do amazing feats.



Hey, you echoed many things that *I* say when I start to talk about EQ. :) The relationships *were* strong. I'm still friends (11 or so years later) with a couple people from EQ... I even went to a couple of their weddings in RL.


Anyway, I've been playing MMORPGs since EQ, and I currently play WoW in a 25 man raiding guild. Haven't tried RIFT (What? Did someone say there's a free trial? No..no... I don't have time...) but a couple of guildies have. I don't think they stuck with it though.


My longest played MMORPGs are EQ, DAoC, and WoW, although I've tried out quite a few others for a month or two at a time. I'm currently not playing a whole lot, I just log on for raids right now.


Much as I miss the difficulty of EQ, I don't miss long raids and having to say, "Sorry, I can't do anything this weekend, we're raiding Plane of Sky." (Yeah, it basically took the whole weekend.)

Edited by Ellyndria
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MMORPG person....retired.


I liked it too much. I'd love to play again, but, I cannot limit myself to just "an hour a day". The games were addictive. The on-line friends were nice when you don't have real-life friends. And I'm very passionate and overdo everything.


I never should have even clicked on this thread.

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Will you ask him a couple of questions for me?


1. Is it true the game gets better after low levels? I hear the low level playing is really nothing like higher levels.




I played WOW for a few years. I had an 80 priest and a few others. (80 mage, 70 warrior, and a bunch of other lower level ones) The game really is different at max level than when you're leveling. But, people also have higher expectations. Raiding with a guild at max level was fun, but not if you're in a lousy group. (who wants to go and die over and over and then get blamed for failure because you couldn't heal past their stupidity?) Being in a good guild took a bit more commitment than I should have given as a homeschooling mom. THe late nights (and not being able to just go to sleep after a raid) made for unproductive school days. And you have to be regular or you fall behind in gear (oh, how I started to loathe the gear race) and out of practice. It was a lot of fun, though. If I were younger, with no responsibilities, I'd do it again. I played with DH and some couple friends we made there. He still plays, but only occasionally. Real life gets in the way. (Or I should say, WOW gets in the way of real life. ;) )

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Just posting to second (third?) the suggestion of Wizard101. I can play it with my kids, I can play it on own, and I can play it responsibly without the heavy real life cost that I found in other MMORPGs. I've found a fantastic community of other adults to play with and find it a challenging enough but relaxing way to kick back when the kids go to bed. Plus, the family friendly nature of the game means I don't have to deal with the cursing I hated in other MMOs. Plus I can go afk and not have to worry about being slaughtered. :tongue_smilie:

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I was also big into Everquest, but not for the past 7 or so years. I was the bard known as the EQDiva who made www.eqdiva.com (taken down a few years back). :) I had almost 15,000 registered members and thousands more who just used my search engines. What class did you play?


My best friend was Windsong Wanderer, a bard. So I tended to not play them.


Even when I played obsessively, I could not put as much time in as others so I got very few characters to high levels.


Meara Daring, a Human magician, on Nameless server <-- highest level character

Faerain Wanderer, a Wood Elf druid on Solusek RO (which I think moved to another server-Ayonae Ro? I forget the details) were my mains -- Faerain was my first, created within a week or two of my friend creating Windsong, who was a wood elf bard. But fell far behind very quickly. I got her group's castoffs *wry*


And I had an Erudite Enchanter whose name I am not remembering

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I agree that it's all too easy to play obsessively. You can find balance though. I don't log in during the day, only evenings. I only raid two nights a week and we finish up by 11 pm. Maybe I'm not in a guild that manages to finish up all the raids a few weeks after they are released, but oh well. I'm having fun with friends, and we are making progress. When I was in school, I closed my accounts during the school year and only played in the summer, and sometimes over Christmas break. I know of people who have ruined their educations, their finances, their marriages, over a game. Crazy. :)

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Just posting to second (third?) the suggestion of Wizard101. I can play it with my kids, I can play it on own, and I can play it responsibly without the heavy real life cost that I found in other MMORPGs. I've found a fantastic community of other adults to play with and find it a challenging enough but relaxing way to kick back when the kids go to bed. Plus, the family friendly nature of the game means I don't have to deal with the cursing I hated in other MMOs. Plus I can go afk and not have to worry about being slaughtered. :tongue_smilie:



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I am such a passionate person that I overdo things I get into. That means 80 hour gaming weeks, yikes. I can't, I just got over LOTRO last fall.


Oh gosh, this is me with RPG's like Dragon Age and Fallout. And that is why I stay FAR, FAR away from MMORPGs. :D

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I agree that it's all too easy to play obsessively. You can find balance though. I don't log in during the day, only evenings. I only raid two nights a week and we finish up by 11 pm. Maybe I'm not in a guild that manages to finish up all the raids a few weeks after they are released, but oh well. I'm having fun with friends, and we are making progress. When I was in school, I closed my accounts during the school year and only played in the summer, and sometimes over Christmas break. I know of people who have ruined their educations, their finances, their marriages, over a game. Crazy. :)


This is pretty much how our guild operates. Real life is always more important than the game and we are not hard-core about raiding. We often have fun nights where we get a group together and do old world stuff - like last night we did Black Temple and Sunwell (which I'd never done before because they're 25-man raids and when they were current, we have never had 25 people geared to raid at a time and most of us don't care for pugs).


Our guildmaster has been pretty much MIA for several months as he and his wife had their first baby, and many members will take a month or more off at a time and then return to the game. But dh and I have been with this guild for going on 6 years now and we've made great friendships.

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This thread is cracking me up. I'm not addicted to any gaming at the moment and I'm trying not to be! My kids LOVE Wizard101 too.


Does anyone on this thread watch The Guild with Felicia Day? It's a free online web series about gaming online and it's absolutely hysterical but it's definitely not for kids. They are releasing season 5 this summer. You can watch seasons 1-4 on youtube. An entire season is about an hour - each episode is 5-8 minutes. I don't recommend it if you are offended by bad language or off color humor! ;-D

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