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Can't Make This Up: KKK v Westboro

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Hours before President Barack Obama led the nation's Memorial Day observances at the Tomb of the Unknowns, three members of the Westboro Baptist Church were challenged by others who disagreed with them -- including members claiming to be from the Ku Klux Klan.


The Kansas-based church has attracted nationwide attention for its angry, anti-gay protests at the funerals of U.S. military members.


Among those counter-protesting at the cemetery's main entrance: About 10 members of a group that claims to be a branch of the Ku Klux Klan from Virginia called the Knights of the Southern Cross. They were cordoned off separately in a nearby area, but drew little attention as they gave out small American flags behind a banner that read "POW-MIA."

They said they were there to object to the Westboro Baptist Church's anti-troop message.


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Sure, it's for the troops.


It has nothing to do with attempting to gain some publicity for their own platform while attempting to look good guys by protesting a group almost everyone dislikes.


I'm sure when they say it's for the troops that includes the non-white soldiers, the immigrant soldiers, and the homosexual soliders.

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This group was in our town yesterday to protest at the funeral of a soldier. They didn't get a warm welcome. A few of the counterprotesters were pretty hateful too. The Patriot Guard bikers were also here. (Videos are on youtube.)

Please watch a documentary on Netflix about Westboro called "Fall From Grace". That family is hoping that they can bait people into doing anything that can be called assault so they can sue them. The best tactic is to ignore them. And maybe make a donation in their name to an organization that they hate. Then send WBC a very very nice note letting them know about the generous donation you've made in their name :D.

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...make a donation in their name to an organization that they hate. Then send WBC a very very nice note letting them know about the generous donation you've made in their name :D.

I agree. Make sure it is a very nice note. Killing them with kindness...:D

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