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If you've ever sprained your ankle...

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I sprained and barely broke my ankle about a year ago. I spent two weeks on crutches and wrapped in an ace bandage. And then another 6 months in an air cast.


It really hurt really bad for about the first week and then it only hurt if I walked on it after that. I spent a lot of time on the couch or in the office chair with wheels at the beginning. The kids thought I was really funny.

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It will take several weeks (read a few months) to be absolutely comfortable putting full weight on it. Funny you should ask this question this afternoon as, just a couple of hours ago, I was telling my kids, a couple of hours ago, how I sprained my ankle on a ski trip several years ago. I nearly broke my ankle on that trip! Thankfully, it was only sprained. But it HURT and for a long time, too. Your impatience will not help your ankle get better. Give it the proper amount of rest and exercise it needs.

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I've sprained my ankle too many times to remember since age 9. The recovery time gets steadily worse the older I get. The last time was about 3.5 years ago and it was seriously almost 2 MONTHS before it didn't throb when not elevated. Fortunately I was childless at the time and was able to spend the majority of my days in the recliner.

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I've sprained my ankle (the same one) 3 times in the past few years. The first time was the worst; it was probably 5 or 6 days before I could walk on it fairly well, and it still hurt a lot by the end of the day for many weeks (and we had a Disney trip planned for 2 1/2 weeks after I sprained it). The other times I've been able to walk pretty well within a couple of days. Do you have one of those air cast things? That helped with mine.

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Mine is actually very severe and a bit more than a sprain.

You know it isn't good when the ER dr says, "You didn't break the bone, but you're going to wish you had."


I was doing pretty good after a few weeks considering, until while hobbling on crutches, I misplaced a crutch and fell on the pavement while headings to the van - and smashing the other foot.

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Mine is actually very severe and a bit more than a sprain.

You know it isn't good when the ER dr says, "You didn't break the bone, but you're going to wish you had."


I sprained my ankle very severely about 15 years ago and the doctor told me the same thing. I was on crutches for about 3 months. I also had to soak my foot in ice water for 20 minutes every night. The soaking was tolerable, but it hurt so bad when it was warming back up that I cried. And by the way, the doctor was right. I still have tons of trouble with that ankle. Sorry!

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RICE (rest/ice/compression/elevation) as much as possible, and a little more!


The more time you allow it to heal, the better it will heal.


Before walking on it again, do some stretches. Once you're feeling better, continue stretching and strengthening. Standing on a pillow while doing dishes for example, will help with strengthening. But you have to let it heal!


FYI- standing on a bosu ball, or any surface like that, will help all of you chronic ankle/foot problem sufferers.

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I have sprained my ankle too many times to count and will have my third surgery on Thursday for that ankle. STAY OFF of it. I was young and stupid and kept twisting the ankle because it was too weak! Sorry to sound scary, but if it hurts - don't walk on it. How long? It depends on how well you recover. If you were like me, unwrapping the swollen ankle and forcing it into cute shoes to go out dancing then you are looking at 25 plus years of pain and agony. But I am guessing you are bit smarter than I was at 14. RICE all the way. Get a good book to read, find a chair with wheels so you don't feel so helpless, hire a mother's helper, beg friends to go to the store for you etc.


And good luck!

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how long was it before you could comfortably walk on it again? I'm only on day 2 since I sprained mine, but I'm already going a little bit stir crazy (and I'm HORRIBLE with the crutches).


I'm a veteran ankle sprainer. I finally went to a podiatrist to find out the problem. He told me to put my foot in a boot for 4-6 weeks EVERY TIME I sprain my ankle, and the ligaments will be able to heel properly. The great thing about a boot is that you can still walk! The bad thing is they are hot.


I used to severely sprain one ankle or the other every year. I have not sprained either one in about 4 years now! (knock on wood...)

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Eek! Martha's story especially hits home, since I'm so bad on the crutches it's probably just a matter of time before I fall and hurt myself worse. I was really hoping you'd all say that I'd be back to normal in a week or two. :( I was talking (okay, complaining) to my dd this morning about all the things I can't do right now, and she quoted this handy saying from "What Katie Did": Blessings brighten as they take their flight. So true!

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I have only sprained mine once. It was extremely painful at the time, so bad I blacked out. Unfortunately my husband woke me up (grrr.... why not just let me stay passed out?) I stayed off of it, in bed or on the couch, for the next 2 full days and just elevated/iced it. Then crutches for a week, and light duty with lots of breaks for RICE for the next 2 weeks or so. It took about 2 months to get back to feeling normal and going for walks. I didn't run until about 4 months afterward. It's been about 18 months since then and it feels strong, and I haven't had any re-injury, knock on wood.


I also purchased a balance board and use my rebounder for ankle strengthening now. I never want to go through a sprain again! If I do, I will get a boot. I should have used the crutches longer but they were awkward and painful to use, and I am up and down the stairs a lot in our house. A boot would be better I think.

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