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oh, please help me with this mess ...

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It's an assignment list. Dh is in the military, and we have a list of available bases in his career field/rank from which to choose. We're supposed to submit our choices in order of preference. And then we sit anxiously awaiting the results and hope that we get one of our top choices. Otherwise, we get an assignment to whatever's left after the other military members have been assigned to their next duty station.


I don't know if it's from lack of sleep or from my reluctance to going through this process again, but I can't seem to get my head straight about this. We're being rushed to submit our choices, and I keep changing my mind. I've been reading online and checking city-data.com for information about all these places, and once I think I've got it I read something and then think it's a mistake. It's all a jumbled mass of information!


Yeah, life in the military. I've been reorganizing this list ad nauseam. I started out with our favorites and then added in the homeschooling difficulty factor. But it's hard to decide which place to put in for if you've never been there. You can't really get a feel for it from reading about it online. I'm hoping if I put our choices here, some of you can give the positives as well as the negatives to living and homeschooling there. If you know anything about these places, please share what's good about it and what's not.


One of the things we're looking for is warm weather. We also need to look for a place that isn't difficult for our allergy/asthma sufferer ds. And, yes, I admit, we're wusses because big cities scare us. We'd rather live a little outside of a big city, so we can have access to all the great things in a city but not have to live in it. And, finally, we're thinking about job opportunities, housing, and college for dc when dh retires from the service. Would this be a good place to settle down for good?


The first group is our list of possibles. The second is our not-so-sure-about-it list.


Dyess (Abilene, TX) We've been considering moving to San Antonio after dh retires from the military. Dh has lived in TX, but I haven't. We thought this might be an opportunity to decide if we'd like to stay or not.


Beale (Marysville, CA) family nearby in Sacramento, not sure we'd want to retire in CA though -- too expensive


Luke (Phoenix, AZ) family and friends nearby


Creech (Indian Springs, NV) family nearby in Vegas, I used to live in Vegas when df was in the service and loved it as a kid ... didn't really want to raise dc in Vegas though, dh thinks the job would be great


Tyndall (Panama City, FL) beaches? water sports? sounds fun, but ds has asthma/allergies so we're not sure if this is a good idea or not


Seymour-Johnson (Goldsboro, NC) same as above, pretty far from family though


AF Academy (Colorado Springs, CO) sweet job for dh


Hill (Clearfield, UT) family and friends nearby


Fairchild (Spokane, WA) we used to be stationed here, and it was nice





Holloman (Alamogordo, NM) so far down south and small, small, small town

Laughlin (Del Rio, TX) so far down south, issues with running drugs & illegal aliens?

Los Angeles (LA, CA) might be too big of a city for us

Fort Leavenworth (Kansas City, KS) might be too big of a city, we'd probably miss the mountains

Keesler (Biloxi, MS) haven't heard much good about it

Ellsworth (Rapid City, SD) homeschooling restrictions too prohibitive?



Thanks for any help you can give me. Any and all comments, points, questions, suggestions, tips, or clues are welcome!

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Oh WOW! My head is exploding for you. What a HUGE range of choices. I don't know much about any of the areas you are considering. If it helps, my two with allergies do MUCH better close to the beach, so I wouldn't rule Panama City out. Just depends on how close you can get to he beach.


Still, WOW - I don't have any good ideas on how to choose. Sorry, I"m no help at all. I'm sure some of the moms here will help you narrow things down. Please keep us posted. ((()))

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Wow, I wish DH had that many choices for orders. He's Navy (subs at that!), so our choices are really limited.


We always try to get back to where my Mom is, but they never have anything available. So, the next thing we do is pick somewhere we've never been, that we think we would be happy at (which means we've pretty much used up all of our options now and the next duty station will probably be someplace we've already been).


If you are seriously considering retiring to Texas, this would be a great opportunity to try it out without being committed.


If I had your list though, I'd choose Colorado Springs, CO or Spokane, WA. We were stationed in Washington (by Seattle) and it was BEAUTIFUL! It's near the top of the list to go back to when we're done here.

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Oh WOW! My head is exploding for you. What a HUGE range of choices. I don't know much about any of the areas you are considering. If it helps, my two with allergies do MUCH better close to the beach, so I wouldn't rule Panama City out. Just depends on how close you can get to he beach.


Still, WOW - I don't have any good ideas on how to choose. Sorry, I"m no help at all. I'm sure some of the moms here will help you narrow things down. Please keep us posted. ((()))


I know, I know. LOTS of choices, and they're pretty darn good ones, too. We're so used to seeing only one or two choices (usually Minot, ND; FE Warren, WY; and Moody, GA), so this is a treat. And also overwhelming!


I know now another reason I was hesitating about Florida. You have to test annually and you have to get someone certified to test, right? Plus a portfolio and I don't remember what else. Hassle, hassle, hassle? Or it sounds worse than it is? This from someone who lived overseas when we started homeschooling and never had to report anything, and then moved to a state where we only have to file notice of intent annually and keep attendance/shot records.


I've read some great things about Panama City and then some not-so-great things about it. Pretty small and a little behind in the times? A little out of the way from anywhere for some goings-on? Yet invaded each spring break by crazy kids going on binges and extracurricular activities. Hmmmm ...


But the gulf coast! Beaches! And the fishing! Ahhh, sounds heavenly.


Thanks for the encouragement!

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That's easy. Whichever family members you want to spend the most time with. But if you really want to retire away from family in TX, test it out now.


EASY?! :lol:


Okay, most of the family is my side of the family and that doesn't necessarily mean dh would want to live near all of them. :D


Right now we live near my parents, and they're not happy about our upcoming move. Dh chose to move back here and they were a big reason why he wanted to. Now we wish they'd come with us.


But you've given me something MORE to think about. Thanks, I think! ;)

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Wow, I wish DH had that many choices for orders. He's Navy (subs at that!), so our choices are really limited.


We always try to get back to where my Mom is, but they never have anything available. So, the next thing we do is pick somewhere we've never been, that we think we would be happy at (which means we've pretty much used up all of our options now and the next duty station will probably be someplace we've already been).


If you are seriously considering retiring to Texas, this would be a great opportunity to try it out without being committed.


If I had your list though, I'd choose Colorado Springs, CO or Spokane, WA. We were stationed in Washington (by Seattle) and it was BEAUTIFUL! It's near the top of the list to go back to when we're done here.


Wow, our oldest dd was born in Naples! I can still remember the sulfur smell. We were stationed at San Vito Air Station down south near Brindisi. Have you been to Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast yet? And bruschetta! Oh, delish! How about Taormina? Beautiful! Hope you're lovin' it there!


Yes, dh would love to go to Colorado Springs. I'm trying to get away from the snow though. Lived in it most of my childhood and have spent countless years trying to get away from it. Funny I should meet and marry a four seasons-loving kinda guy whose idea of a great vacation is hunting and fishing but who never camped in his childhood. Here I spent a lot of my childhood fishing and camping, had a lot of good memories, but today would consider a great vacation a stay in a nice hotel in a foreign country!


I hear you on picking someplace you've never been. We've been to Spokane and, while we enjoyed it, I was ready to move on. I'm not sure I'll ever be ready to settle down somewhere. Every four years I get the itch to pick and go. Must be the military brat in me.


Thanks for sharing!

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Dyess is not too far from Dallas but it's over 4 hours to San Antonio. I imagine you could set up some weekend trips though. Hm.


Do you know any military types stationed at any of these places (or have been in the past)? We have friends at Ft Leavenworth but we're Army so I'm not overly familiar with the rest of the list. I know the specific job takes the top priority in my hubby's mind but if you're considering somewhere to retire I would give that greater weight.


Kansas City is a big town but it's not a HUGE city, it has a lot of arts and such too. Everyone I know who has been stationed there has loved, LOVED being stationed in Colorado. The *very* few people I know who have been stationed on Biloxi hated it there.


Does any of that help at all or no? LOL

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These would be my top picks, based on the reasons you've stated:



Luke (Phoenix, AZ) family and friends nearby



Dyess (Abilene, TX) We've been considering moving to San Antonio after dh retires from the military. Dh has lived in TX, but I haven't. We thought this might be an opportunity to decide if we'd like to stay or not.


These sound good, but doesn't it get cold there? I just looked at their average temps, and that sounds cold to me! 55 in May? Cold! Although I'd pick one of these before the ones below, especially since you mentioned you might miss the mountains:



Hill (Clearfield, UT) family and friends nearby



AF Academy (Colorado Springs, CO) sweet job for dh



Fairchild (Spokane, WA) we used to be stationed here, and it was nice


Blech, no, we don't want to raise kids in Vegas:



Creech (Indian Springs, NV) family nearby in Vegas, I used to live in Vegas when df was in the service and loved it as a kid ... didn't really want to raise dc in Vegas though, dh thinks the job would be great


Big City, no. And too expensive, all the way around (even though you will be on base - won't the cost of living still affect you somewhat?):



Beale (Marysville, CA) family nearby in Sacramento, not sure we'd want to retire in CA though -- too expensive


Blech on this one, too. Big city, expensive, and you may as well be in Vegas:



Tyndall (Panama City, FL) beaches? water sports? sounds fun, but ds has asthma/allergies so we're not sure if this is a good idea or not


I'm not keen on the idea of NC. I can't see how it would be good for allergies, and it's far from family, and it gets cold. And that's a very small town. It just doesn't thrill me (you said you'd take all opinions!) :



Seymour-Johnson (Goldsboro, NC) same as above, pretty far from family though



One of the things we're looking for is warm weather. We also need to look for a place that isn't difficult for our allergy/asthma sufferer ds. And, yes, I admit, we're wusses because big cities scare us. We'd rather live a little outside of a big city, so we can have access to all the great things in a city but not have to live in it. And, finally, we're thinking about job opportunities, housing, and college for dc when dh retires from the service. Would this be a good place to settle down for good?


The first group is our list of possibles. The second is our not-so-sure-about-it list.


I'd just chunk this list altogether. Who wants to live in SD? Wasn't that the one and only state we didn't even have a poster from? And the rest of them just sound awful, except maybe KS, but you don't seem keen on it. So toss 'em all.


Holloman (Alamogordo, NM) so far down south and small, small, small town

Laughlin (Del Rio, TX) so far down south, issues with running drugs & illegal aliens?

Los Angeles (LA, CA) might be too big of a city for us

Fort Leavenworth (Kansas City, KS) might be too big of a city, we'd probably miss the mountains

Keesler (Biloxi, MS) haven't heard much good about it

Ellsworth (Rapid City, SD) homeschooling restrictions too prohibitive?



Thanks for any help you can give me. Any and all comments, points, questions, suggestions, tips, or clues are welcome!
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We always submit our requests based on the job my dh wants most.


But here are my other thoughts:


Ft. Leavenworth is in a fairly rural area though it is a short drive to KC. You would only have to deal with the crowds when you choose to.


Nevada has just about the best homeschooling laws in the country.


If you have ever wanted to live in CA, do it while the military is giving you a housing allowance!!!


NC has great furniture outlets!


My dc's allergies are much better when we live near the ocean.


Florida has alligators. So do a lot of other SE states - I personally don't like encountering large alligators when out on a jog (which I did while jogging on base in FL).


Sorry I am not helpful. I hope you enjoy where ever you end up - I always do!

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Wow, I wish DH had that many choices for orders. He's Navy (subs at that!), so our choices are really limited.


We always try to get back to where my Mom is, but they never have anything available. So, the next thing we do is pick somewhere we've never been, that we think we would be happy at (which means we've pretty much used up all of our options now and the next duty station will probably be someplace we've already been).


If you are seriously considering retiring to Texas, this would be a great opportunity to try it out without being committed.


If I had your list though, I'd choose Colorado Springs, CO or Spokane, WA. We were stationed in Washington (by Seattle) and it was BEAUTIFUL! It's near the top of the list to go back to when we're done here.


Yeah...what Janice said. To have that many choices will never be our lot.


How could you pass up an Academy post? The weather can be bad everywhere. But the quality of life benefits, not to mention that little career bonus, far out weigh the weather, IMO.


The sporting and musical events would be a huge draw for me to go to any Academy, or college town.


As for the others choices, it's hard to know. I would be heavily weighing the actual job details- that is something only you and your dh can decide. No matter where the duty station is located, if the job sucks, so will your memories of the tour. Some jobs have longer hours but are really exciting, some are a snore but have your dh home for dinner every night.


I would chop off the assignments that your dh would hate to have and see if that shortens the list at all....

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Dyess is not too far from Dallas but it's over 4 hours to San Antonio. I imagine you could set up some weekend trips though. Hm.


Do you know any military types stationed at any of these places (or have been in the past)? We have friends at Ft Leavenworth but we're Army so I'm not overly familiar with the rest of the list. I know the specific job takes the top priority in my hubby's mind but if you're considering somewhere to retire I would give that greater weight.


Kansas City is a big town but it's not a HUGE city, it has a lot of arts and such too. Everyone I know who has been stationed there has loved, LOVED being stationed in Colorado. The *very* few people I know who have been stationed on Biloxi hated it there.


Does any of that help at all or no? LOL


Yes, yes, yes, everything helps! Several friends had recommended San Antonio, so we'd really hoped to get there someday. Not an option right now though.


We've also heard wonderful things about Colorado Springs. Not so many good things about Vegas or Biloxi. We've driven to Wichita a couple of times to visit family and just couldn't see ourselves living there. I'll have to look into Kansas City more now though. Thanks for the info on KC.


With regard to dh's job, he's just so tired of this command here so he's ready for anything else. We already know that wherever we go he'll be deploying more often. So ... that'll be his job no matter what base we get.


It was funny because he sent the list to me and told me to rack and stack it so we could compare our lists. They were identical! Originally I wouldn't have put North Carolina on the list because he'd always said he didn't want to live on the east coast, but when he talked about the beach I changed its position on the list.


He figures there's no chance we'd get Colorado Springs or North Carolina anyway, because those are popular choices. So maybe that's why he put them lower on the list.


Thanks for hashing it out with me. It's helping me sort it out.

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These would be my top picks, based on the reasons you've stated:


1- Luke (Phoenix, AZ) family and friends nearby


2- Dyess (Abilene, TX) We've been considering moving to San Antonio after dh retires from the military. Dh has lived in TX, but I haven't. We thought this might be an opportunity to decide if we'd like to stay or not.


These sound good, but doesn't it get cold there? I just looked at their average temps, and that sounds cold to me! 55 in May? Cold! Although I'd pick one of these before the ones below, especially since you mentioned you might miss the mountains:


3- Hill (Clearfield, UT) family and friends nearby


4- AF Academy (Colorado Springs, CO) sweet job for dh


5- Fairchild (Spokane, WA) we used to be stationed here, and it was nice


Blech, no, we don't want to raise kids in Vegas:


6- Creech (Indian Springs, NV) family nearby in Vegas, I used to live in Vegas when df was in the service and loved it as a kid ... didn't really want to raise dc in Vegas though, dh thinks the job would be great


Big City, no. And too expensive, all the way around (even though you will be on base - won't the cost of living still affect you somewhat?):


7- Beale (Marysville, CA) family nearby in Sacramento, not sure we'd want to retire in CA though -- too expensive


Blech on this one, too. Big city, expensive, and you may as well be in Vegas:


8- Tyndall (Panama City, FL) beaches? water sports? sounds fun, but ds has asthma/allergies so we're not sure if this is a good idea or not


I'm not keen on the idea of NC. I can't see how it would be good for allergies, and it's far from family, and it gets cold. And that's a very small town. It just doesn't thrill me (you said you'd take all opinions!) :


9 Seymour-Johnson (Goldsboro, NC) same as above, pretty far from family though


I'd just chunk this list altogether. Who wants to live in SD? Wasn't that the one and only state we didn't even have a poster from? And the rest of them just sound awful, except maybe KS, but you don't seem keen on it. So toss 'em all.


The only thing holding me back on Phoenix is the size of the city. And maybe the desire to live closer to the ocean again.


Now, see, I didn't know it got that cold in Abilene. I thought Texas was hawt.


I don't think Panama City is that big. Maybe 38,000?


I'm not keen on NC either.


Originally I did chunk that list, but dh said we had to submit a list with all of the choices on it.


Thanks for walking me through them again. Good points!

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We always submit our requests based on the job my dh wants most.


But here are my other thoughts:


Ft. Leavenworth is in a fairly rural area though it is a short drive to KC. You would only have to deal with the crowds when you choose to.


Nevada has just about the best homeschooling laws in the country.


If you have ever wanted to live in CA, do it while the military is giving you a housing allowance!!!


NC has great furniture outlets!


My dc's allergies are much better when we live near the ocean.


Florida has alligators. So do a lot of other SE states - I personally don't like encountering large alligators when out on a jog (which I did while jogging on base in FL).


Sorry I am not helpful. I hope you enjoy where ever you end up - I always do!


Makes sense. I mentioned to Mrs. Mungo that dh just wants to get outta dodge because he's sick of this command and wants to try something new. But we also know that anywhere we go he'll be deploying more often, so he's not completely wedded to the job prospect at the new base. Plus he figures everybody's going to put in for those select positions and his chances of getting them will be slim.


I guess I need to check into Ft. Leavenworth more because it's sounding not so bad anymore.


I'm so glad to hear that about homeschooling in Nevada!


Hey, good point about CA! How else could we live there? ;)


I've heard that about NC, but I think we "done busted the budget" for furniture for quite a few years. :glare:


I keep reading that about allergies near the ocean. Definitely a plus!


Which base was it where you encountered that nasty reptile? Er, the alligator, I mean. Ha!


You've been very helpful! Thank you,

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I'm not keen on NC either.


I will say that I loved NC for some reasons but we were at Ft Bragg. I did like access to the beach *and* the mountains. The mountains were beautiful. We went to Chimney Rock a couple of times (it's where Last of the Mohicans was filmed) and it was *gorgeous* but that would be a 5 hour drive from Goldsboro.


BUT, yes, OTOH, it was VERY VERY bad for allergies, my son was hospitalized twice while we were there with lung issues.



With regard to dh's job, he's just so tired of this command here so he's ready for anything else. We already know that wherever we go he'll be deploying more often. So ... that'll be his job no matter what base we get.


We're quite familiar with that song and dance.

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Yeah...what Janice said. To have that many choices will never be our lot.


How could you pass up an Academy post? The weather can be bad everywhere. But the quality of life benefits, not to mention that little career bonus, far out weigh the weather, IMO.


The sporting and musical events would be a huge draw for me to go to any Academy, or college town.


As for the others choices, it's hard to know. I would be heavily weighing the actual job details- that is something only you and your dh can decide. No matter where the duty station is located, if the job sucks, so will your memories of the tour. Some jobs have longer hours but are really exciting, some are a snore but have your dh home for dinner every night.


I would chop off the assignments that your dh would hate to have and see if that shortens the list at all....


Dh doesn't think we'd get the academy slot, but it doesn't hurt to try, eh?


Yeah, I'd love to be near enough to a city with a major airport and plays, concerts, etc., but not have to live right in the heart of it all. Abilene's pretty far away ...


His No Way, JosĂƒÂ© list is the same as mine. That definitely helps with the decision!


Thanks for sharing!

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I will say that I loved NC for some reasons but we were at Ft Bragg. I did like access to the beach *and* the mountains. The mountains were beautiful. We went to Chimney Rock a couple of times (it's where Last of the Mohicans was filmed) and it was *gorgeous* but that would be a 5 hour drive from Goldsboro.


BUT, yes, OTOH, it was VERY VERY bad for allergies, my son was hospitalized twice while we were there with lung issues.




With regard to dh's job, he's just so tired of this command here so he's ready for anything else. We already know that wherever we go he'll be deploying more often. So ... that'll be his job no matter what base we get.


We're quite familiar with that song and dance.


Ahhh, see, I really needed to know about the allergies and all. That would be a deal-breaker for us.


We've been very lucky so far, and we knew it was coming. I think that's also why he's seriously looking longer-term than just the next duty station. He's already thinking about job prospects after the service and where we should be to start this new chapter.

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I had my close encounter with the aligator on NAS Cecil Field, which I believe is now closed. (Most of the bases that my dh was stationed at early in his career have been closed or the squadrons have been disbanded - which makes me feel incredibly old!)


What do your dc think? My dd once announced that she could live any where but a land-locked state - my dh received orders to NV a month later. She walked around for a month after we arrived muttering, "I can't believe my parents moved me to Mordor". Fortuantely for us she quickly fell in love with the Sierra Nevada's.

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Colorado Springs is a nice area, but it is a good size city and Denver is growing towards it. The AF Academy is on the north side, which can keep you out of the thick of the city. Don't move near Monument Hill (about half way between Denver and Colorado Springs on I-25, in the vicinity of Castle Rock) All the bad weather goes over that hill and it can make commuting a real pain.


As others have mentioned, Fort Levenworth is actually a small town and very pleasant. There were nice, older Victorian homes available in good neighborhoods 6-7 years ago when some friends moved there.


LA and southern CA is too big for me, and I live in the DC area! The commutes in LA are even worse than the commutes here. Housing prices are also bad.

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My dh was active duty army & lived in (and loved) Ft. Levenworth. This was before we were married and before he had children, so I'm not sure how he'd feel about it today. The only other one I can comment on is Biloxi. We went there last spring and actually went on to Keesler. The post was nice, but the area - not so much. It was depressing to see the empty ocean front lots... very eye opening.


We are making a similar decision right now, but your list sounds a lot better than ours! DH has put his packet in for AGR (Active Guard & Reserve) and the slots that are open are in Ft. Dix (NJ), Ft. Leonard Wood (MO) and Ft. Hunter-Ligget (CA). There is a dark horse though and I'm hoping that it's that one that pulls through!


Good luck with your decision making. I've found the city-data message boards to be helpful. I like hearing from people who actually live in an area.

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Something to think about as far as allergies go if that would prevent you from moving somewhere, you might want to check on something like pollen.com to see which pollens are problematic in the different locations. That way you can compare it with what your ds is allergic to.


Good luck!

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Well, i'd be considering Alamogordo! White Sands is BEAUTIFUL, you are near Las Cruces (my Dad worked for NMSU - both at VAFB & then in NM & spent a lot of time at White Sands) and El Paso. I still dream of a T&M Burrito! LOL!!!


We lived on the other side of the mountain from White Sands and man, when we drove thru there moving to FL i couldn't believe how much the area had grown out towards that way!


Being a 3rd generation Californian that left - i'd be NOT picking anything in it. But i'd pick Phoenix over LA (I went to ASU).


Good luck -i'd list the Academy as the number 1 choice though! I really wanted to go there......

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.... and Ft. Hunter-Ligget (CA).


I hail from this general area - you won't lack for things to do, even if they won't be cheap. Heck, IEW is based near there! LOL!!!


We used to shore camp down the road though at Lake San Antoinio! Such fun in the summer!! (i'm not shore camping in a tent next to a lake in FL - no way, no how :P)


Good luck with yours too!!!

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The only thing holding me back on Phoenix is the size of the city. And maybe the desire to live closer to the ocean again.


Now, see, I didn't know it got that cold in Abilene. I thought Texas was hawt.


I don't think Panama City is that big. Maybe 38,000?


I'm not keen on NC either.


Originally I did chunk that list, but dh said we had to submit a list with all of the choices on it.


Thanks for walking me through them again. Good points!


I wrote that kind of backwards. My comments are before the cities, not after. I was talking about CO & UT being cold.


Maybe Panama City just seemed crowded when I was there. :D

I wouldn't want to live there. But I used to live in FL (Tampa and Orlando) and really didn't care for it, so I'm kind of biased. I wasn't on a base, but just the general traffic, tourists, weather, cost of living, and party atmosphere just didn't make it seem like home to me. Oh yeah, and BUGS! And alligators! Eeek! I never encountered one out on a jog, though. I would have died from fear!

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Average temps: please remember that they take ALL of the high temps for the year and ALL the low temps for the year and average them!! I have lived in Texas all my life...mostly in various parts east of the I35 corridor...only west for 2 years. It gets very "hawt" here!! I will tell you that where I am we had a 39 degree wind chill on MONDAY! We've had rain this week and our high TODAY will be in the upper 70's with highs near 90 next Monday. In Texas everything is bigger...even temperature swings!!:)


I had an aunt & uncle that lived in Abilene....they LOVED it! I will be honest and tell you that I have never been there. The closest that I have been is Meridian - about 1 1/2 hours south/southeast of Abilene.


Here is the link to an Abilene homeschool support group. http://www.bigcountryhomeeducators.com/ They may be able to answer more specific questions for you.


There are NO homeschool "laws" in Texas...other than to pursue in a bona fide manner the study of reading, spelling, grammar, math and good citizenship. You get to decide your bona fide manner!!


As for allergies....we have them too. You haven't said what your particular allergies are, but I think that will be a problem where ever you go. That said, when we lived west of Waco (2 hours from Abilene) we had the least trouble with allergies. Our problems seem to stem from mold spores (too dry out that way!) and pine trees (not too many of them!).


I hope this helps you! I'm sure you know this already, but in case you don't here is the link to Home School Legal Defense...they have ALL of the state homeschool laws/requirements on their website. www.hslda.org


Good Luck!!

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I would pick Colorado Springs. The snow is really not that bad. When we get snow it typically melts within 1 or 2 days--it doesn't stick around like it does other places. The weather is awesome, and we have blue skies almost constantly (the typical weather pattern is blue skies, thunderstorm/rainshower between 3 & 4, blue skies). There is no humidity.


There is a very large homeschooling community here, and it's a fairly easy state to homeschool in. Submit a letter of intent every year, track attendance (you don't have to turn it in anywhere), and test (I think it's every other year) starting in 3rd.


There is so much to do outside. I can't speak to allergies, other than I know dh's are nothing here compared to what happens to him in WI or TN.


I know several people who've been stationed at the Academy who have moved back here when they retire from the military.


HTH-let me know if I can try to answer any other questions.

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My #1 pick would be CO, but I do need to chime in about Ft. Leavenworth.


Please don't judge Kansas by Wichita, ugh! :tongue_smilie: Ft. Leavenworth is nice. It's actually in Leavenworth, Kansas, and not Kansas City - but you're close enough to the city. http://www.lvks.org/category/?fCS=1-0 Even better, you're not far from Overland Park, KS - and there are a few of us here at WTM from there! :D In 2006, Money Magazine ranked Overland Park in the Top 10 places to live. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/bplive/2006/snapshots/PL2053775.html Good job options for military retirement, you know!


Also, you're only a 20-30 minute drive from Lawrence, KS - home of the University of Kansas. Lawrence is a fun little town. The main street, called Mass St., has all kinds of unique shops. Plus, you have the sporting and fine art events that come with a major university.


Also, Kansas is a breeze to homeschool in - you submit your intent to homeschool online and that's it!

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Average temps: please remember that they take ALL of the high temps for the year and ALL the low temps for the year and average them!! I have lived in Texas all my life...mostly in various parts east of the I35 corridor...only west for 2 years. It gets very "hawt" here!! I will tell you that where I am we had a 39 degree wind chill on MONDAY! We've had rain this week and our high TODAY will be in the upper 70's with highs near 90 next Monday. In Texas everything is bigger...even temperature swings!!:)



Yes, the information about Abilene being cool floored me (I live a little over an hour south of Abilene). We hit 100 degrees (in San Angelo) the other day, and that's not that unusual this time of year. A cool front came in last night and it's only going to get to 81 today, which is more normal for mid-May (as opposed to just a couple of weeks from now, when we'll be expecting at least mid-90s for the rest of the summer).


I can't speak for Dyess, but Abilene (and west central Texas in general) is a lovely area. Until we moved here, I had spent my life near the coast (except for college in Missouri) and never imagined I'd live in West Texas. We've been here for nearly 15 years now and just love it!


As far as allergies go, I tend to struggle with hay fever for a couple of weeks during March, and that's it. (Since I don't know what kind of allergies you're talking about, that's probably not much help, but it's all I've got for you.) ;) My allergies bother me a lot less here than they did when I lived in Missouri, eastern North Carolina, or Baton Rouge, if that's any help.

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I admittedly did not read through all the replies, so I apologize if someone already mentioned this........


Abilene is NOTHING like San Antonio - not in culture, geography, size, vibe..., so I am not sure that living in Abilene would provide you with a general feeling for what it would be like to live in San Antonio. Texas is a BIG state, and very diverse.


Abilene is also about a 4-hour drive (if traffic is decent), so if you want to drive to San Antonio to check it out, you may want to be prepared for that.


Hope this helps!


BTW...if I had to choose I would go with either Spokane or Colorado Springs.

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California is expensive. Not just housing- everything. Gas, FOOD, insurance... I have also found a less than friendly home school attitude. p


Phoenix- I LOVE it there. It would be a good allergy environent, there are plenty of family friendly suburbs. I hope we live there someday.


NV- don't underestimate the depravity and spiritual oppresion there. I would not subject my family to that type of environment.


Co- another city I would love to try out. I would go for it. Your DH will have 0 Chance if he doesn't put it at the top. Just go for it!


Florida- do not let the laws scare you. Fl is an amazing place to hs. The portfolio is no big deal. Just a list of books and field trips. No one ever asks to see it. The districts don't have the time to chase hsers and the overall climate is so hs friendly. It's so simple. There are also a lot of laws that really help homeschoolers- a hser can use the ps for sports, art, music, you can dual enroll on the states dime...

If you join up with a hs group, the testing is not that complicated. It cost us $35 when we did it. Overall, there is a very pro hs attitude in the area (there is even a state hs week) which I dearly miss.


Also, the beaches. In that area are TO DIE FOR.


Good luck with your decisions!

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Thank you all so much for the wonderful replies. I'd love to reply to each one of you, but I think the board would get tired of my constant muchas gracias posting. ;)


Kanga, I laughed when I read about your dd's Mordor comment. Too cute. Oldest dd wants LA because she has dreams of becoming an FBI agent and fighting crime in big cities. They change so often though: veterinarian, traveling physical therapist, or FBI profiler. Ds and dd (12) keep changing their minds, and our youngest just wants to be able to take ballet.


Kathy in MD, we actually have friends in Monument and in Castle Rock. I remember a recent winter when Monument/Colorado Springs had a lot more snow than we did, and we usually get so much more. Thanks for the info on Leavenworth. I've looked into it more and discussed it with dh. He's worried it would just be prison duty though, so it doesn't look very promising.


TN Mama, we have a couple of friends who live/d in Keesler and they have opposite views. One hated it and couldn't get away fast enough. The other loves it and retired there. Everything else we've heard about it though doesn't sound like it'd be something we'd want. I hope you get your top choice!


valkett, I keep hearing great things about it, so I suggested to dh that we put it up higher on the list. He's changed his mind about it though.


Shannon, thank you for that link! The levels were sure different from what I was expecting. I'm wondering how much it changes throughout the year and if there's a way for me to find out what it looks like during the middle of summer, fall, and winter. I'll keep looking.


TraceyS/FL, now I want to go visit White Sands! Maybe if we get Arizona or Abilene, Texas, we can plan a trip there.


gardenschooler, yes, I was really worried about the bugs in Florida. I've heard of the flying cockroaches. But I guess I'd just get used to them like we had to with the looong centipedes in Italy and the huge spiders in England.


Tracy in TX, thanks for clearing that up about the weather and for the info on Abilene and homeschooling. We tested ds years ago and he reacted to so many of them I can't remember them all. Dogs, cats, timothy grass, and I can't remember all the trees. They just said he's pretty much allergic to most of the grasses, trees, pollen, dander, etc. I think the mold might be a big problem for him, too, because he was on a much higher dose of medicine when we lived in England and now that we live in Montana he's doing so much better and only on Advair. He's also had some major reactions in Wisconsin when we visited dh's family, so I think the mold and humidity is hard on him.


Susan in KY, I suggested we bump Colorado up to the top of the list, but dh changed his mind about it. He's worried if he makes the next rank they'll move him back to space command, and he's so tired of it. And he says it's very expensive to live in Colorado. That's one reason we moved Beale down the list, too.


JudoMom, after reading all these comments about Colorado, I got excited about it. But dh changed his mind. Oh, well. It's a popular choice.


jmgconner, I looked into it a little more and asked dh, but he's worried it'll just be prison duty. He's not interested.


Lorna in the boonies, I have a good friend in San Angelo! It would be great to see her again. I really appreciate the information about your allergies being better than when you were in MO, NC and LA. That and Mrs Mungo's info helped us decide to move Seymour-Johnson down the list. Dh is still very interested in Abilene, so your information was helpful.


elegantlion, I knew there was another reason I wasn't jumping up and down for Leavenworth. Warm weather, warm weather, warm weather! :D


mommylaw, thanks. Yes, I reconsidered CO but dh ix-nayed it. Which is fine by me, because it still gets snow and I think I've developed an allergy to that white stuff.


kristavws, what? You haven't read the whole thread? DethPICKable! Now that's your assigned reading for the night and I want a 200-word essay when you've finished! :) Thanks for pointing out the differences. I'm a little worried about Abilene, but dh is still pressing hard for it so it'll be one of our top choices. CO and WA -- cold, cold, cold. I'm ready for some SUNSHINE!


Laurie4b, just giggling here.


Pam "SFSOM" in TN, dh and I discussed it. He changed his mind about CO and NV. He's worried after his next promotion he may get moved to a position he doesn't want, so he'd rather move them further down the list. His top choices now are Abilene TX, Panama City FL, and Phoenix AZ. I'm just a little worried about Abilene, but I'm fine with the others.


Mrs Mungo, :iagree:. Bil once said he'd been to plenty of bases overseas and there wasn't much to see. My response was that you have to get away from the bases to see the truly wonderful sights.


Shannon831, thank you for this info. We've reconsidered CA and decided to put it lower on the list. We really don't think we'd ever retire there, so it doesn't make sense to go there. And I'd really rather not have to fight to homeschool. Phoenix is still high up there, but Vegas went down because dh isn't sure the job would be so great if he moved up in rank. Your info on FL is very helpful, too. I was really worried about homeschooling there, so this is good news.


THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! It really helped to get my thoughts all down and to hear the different perspectives and points that I hadn't seen. I feel much better about the list we're turning in. Now it's time for the waiting game. Wish us luck! :thumbup:

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Yes, the information about Abilene being cool floored me (I live a little over an hour south of Abilene). We hit 100 degrees (in San Angelo) the other day, and that's not that unusual this time of year. A cool front came in last night and it's only going to get to 81 today, which is more normal for mid-May (as opposed to just a couple of weeks from now, when we'll be expecting at least mid-90s for the rest of the summer).




I tried to clarify above - I wrote my post sort of backwards. I have my comments before each place, so I was referring to the UT/CO/WA as on the coldish side, not TX. Of course it's hot in TX! :)

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My #1 pick would be CO, but I do need to chime in about Ft. Leavenworth.


Please don't judge Kansas by Wichita, ugh! :tongue_smilie: Ft. Leavenworth is nice. It's actually in Leavenworth, Kansas, and not Kansas City - but you're close enough to the city. http://www.lvks.org/category/?fCS=1-0 Even better, you're not far from Overland Park, KS - and there are a few of us here at WTM from there! :D In 2006, Money Magazine ranked Overland Park in the Top 10 places to live. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/bplive/2006/snapshots/PL2053775.html Good job options for military retirement, you know!


Also, you're only a 20-30 minute drive from Lawrence, KS - home of the University of Kansas. Lawrence is a fun little town. The main street, called Mass St., has all kinds of unique shops. Plus, you have the sporting and fine art events that come with a major university.


Also, Kansas is a breeze to homeschool in - you submit your intent to homeschool online and that's it!


this is so, the Leavenworth school district is actually SO bad they are paying for most of the costs for people to use Calvert. My friend lives in Leavenworth and she only has to pay about $45 and the school district pays for the rest.


Mostly just walmart for shopping. You would have to drive to KC or Lawrence to get a lot of things, neither are far though.


But Kansas is good on h/s laws and also homebirth (I don't know if that matters to you or not, just mentioning it)


I live in KC so you could say hi to me. :lol:


We do get ice storms. Those are not fun.

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this is so, the Leavenworth school district is actually SO bad they are paying for most of the costs for people to use Calvert. My friend lives in Leavenworth and she only has to pay about $45 and the school district pays for the rest.



Oh my!!! That's just awful! I keep thinking to myself that the public schools (in general) can't get much worse before a major change will take place, but that doesn't seem to be the case.



We do get ice storms. Those are not fun.


Yep - that's why CO would be my #1 pick - we get all the cold weather and ice, but no snow to go out and play in.

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... What do your dc think? ...


We've already turned in our list of choices, but I had to share something that made me laugh today. We were chatting about our choices and I asked dc what their favorites were today. Ds and dd (12) both said Abilene TX, and I'm assuming it's because dh had been talking about it. I think that's the one he really wants.


When I asked 6yo dd where she wanted to go, she throws her hands up the in the air yippee-style and yells "McDONAAAALD'S!!!" We chuckle a little and remind her of the different places we'd talked about going like Texas, California, Florida ... so then she throws her hands up yippee-style again and yells, "HAWAIIIIIII!!!" even though that wasn't even one of our choices. So I think she'll be happy as long as she can take ballet class again. ;)


(Oldest dd is volunteering at the air show for Civil Air Patrol but I'm pretty sure her choice is still LA)

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I actually missed the part on the HSing in FL thing - easy peasy - i pay $25 to my "umbrella school" and turn in 180 days attendance. Best money i spend all year :D


Here are some pics - do take the time to GO if you are "close"!



Someday i'll "re-find" the guys pictures from his photo class he did there - AMAZING.... incredible..... water reflections... they were just AMAZING!

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The only thing holding me back on Phoenix is the size of the city. And maybe the desire to live closer to the ocean again.





We live out in the West Valley. If you've not been here to visit in the past few years you may be surprised at how much it has grown. We live out in Buckeye because you get more home for your money (and right now home prices have crashed...lots of foreclosures because so many people were speculating on real estate during the meteoric rise during '02-'06) and the crowds haven't made it out here yet. They are building a big, beautiful mall (Scottsdale-style upscale) in Goodyear, so the West Valley will eventually be as congested as the East Valley, so if you are looking for a permanent move, it may not be your thing. I really, really didn't want to come to Phoenix, but I find it growing on me. If you have any questions about the Surprise, Goodyear, Buckeye area (where Luke is located), PM me.



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When I asked 6yo dd where she wanted to go, she throws her hands up the in the air yippee-style and yells "McDONAAAALD'S!!!" We chuckle a little and remind her of the different places we'd talked about going like Texas, California, Florida ... so then she throws her hands up yippee-style again and yells, "HAWAIIIIIII!!!" even though that wasn't even one of our choices. So I think she'll be happy as long as she can take ballet class again. ;)


LOL! That is too funny, what a precious little girl. I think I will steal her response the next time my husband asks me where I want to go.

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I don't know much about Dyess, but Abeline is really pretty. It's got a very small town feel about it. Plus, you're only 3 hours from Dallas, 3 hours from Austin, 4 hours from San Antonio....it's right in the middle of everything. It's much drier and hotter than you'd expect during the summer, but the winters are relatively mild. Also, there are no laws about HSing in Tx. Just do it however you want.


I'd choose CO first though.

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