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With all these tornadoes and warnings and watches

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I've taken to putting my purse, phone, and laptop by me at night so if the sirens go off, I can take the important things to the basement with me. If I leave, I lock the pets in the basement so if something happens when I'm not home, they'll at least be downstairs. I even have dd's favorite stuffed animals in a bag in the basement, just in case! OH, I also have a case of water in the basement, too.


Yeah, I know I'm nuts. I just want to be prepared in case. Thankfully, the cells predicted last night sort of dissipated before they got here, but we're under another watch now. This has been the weirdest spring I can remember. :blink:

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The tornadoes are far away from me, but I've been mentally prepping an emergency box. As soon as I can move around or DH is home to be ordered around, it's being packed.


Papers, list of account numbers/phone numbers, extra water, diapers, shoes for DS, family pics that aren't digitally backed up anywhere, the phone number for our insurance guy,the camera and so on.


There hasn't been a tornado warning or watch here yet, but I'm paranoid and still a tornado alley girl at heart...I guess. Mostly paranoid I think.

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I don't think you are silly. Mom and Dad live only about an hour from Joplin, and we were talking about the tornado. I mentioned that about 1 out of 50 people were injured/dead. She said that back when she was first married she lived in a town that took tornados very seriously. I guess in the previous generation a tornado came through the town and every family (extended family not immediate) lost someone. I can't even image that. I've spent some time formulating a better plan in the past few days.

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You're not nuts, you are wise! Just this morning I found myself scrambling for shoes (for me AND the kids) on the way to the basement, all the while chastising myself because I let my cell phone battery run down too low.


I am going to WalMart and I think I am going to pick up a case of bottled water for the basement.

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I think you are further south (in IL) than I am, but I am doing the same things. Tonight's going to be rough for you if you're in the mid or southern part of the state. I've lived in both! I remember once we were in Carbondale in the '90's and we had two straight weeks of sirens going off daily and every night.


I'm supposed to go tent camping south of Peoria this weekend- I wonder if things will still be so unstable?

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I grew up in South Florida always under the threat of hurricanes...difference was you saw them coming for days and often they STILL didn't hit. When we moved to SE OK for a few years, I was nuts about tornadoes while my neighbors took them in stride. I was just like you. It didn't hurt anything to assume each warning was potentially dangerous even though we never did have one touch down close by. We even had a tornado bag packed with snacks and games to keep the kids minds off the storms.


:grouphug: to all of you. Stay safe.



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I think you are further south (in IL) than I am, but I am doing the same things. Tonight's going to be rough for you if you're in the mid or southern part of the state. I've lived in both! I remember once we were in Carbondale in the '90's and we had two straight weeks of sirens going off daily and every night.


I'm supposed to go tent camping south of Peoria this weekend- I wonder if things will still be so unstable?


I'm in Springfield. It seems like our warnings and watches come and go, well, like the wind! LOL (oh I am punny today!).


It's a bit unnerving to see a sunny sky and hear birds sing but still be under a watch. Weird.

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I'm in Springfield. It seems like our warnings and watches come and go, well, like the wind! LOL (oh I am punny today!).


It's a bit unnerving to see a sunny sky and hear birds sing but still be under a watch. Weird.


I remember a spring/summer day as a kid in Central IL (Fairview Heights/Belleville area). It was a beautiful day and all the neighbor kids were playing outside. I went inside to change shirts and when I came out there was a huge storm blowing in. I've never seen anything like it since. The difference between the black sky and the blue sky as the storm came in was amazing and something I'll never forget. I'm sure we'd been under a watch that beautiful day also. I wasn't a Weather Channel watcher until that storm came through.



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I got our shelter area ready yesterday and I have been making the kids wear shoes all day instead of them taking them off inside the house.


Dd was starting to complain a bit about wearing shoes all day. Then they were talking on the news about people going into shelters without shoes and then getting hurt on nails afterwards. She had to laugh about that one, even the news said mom was right. :lol:


You can get weather apps on your smart phone and it will alert you

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Add a whistle to your stash. If you get trapped, you will want it. :( Shoes are also key---walking out onto glass barefoot is not fun.


We actually keep our 72 hour kits (backpacks) with us in our shelter.


I hadn't thought about a whistle. We used to have a flashlight with a radio on it. That was a great thing to have.



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We had warnings last night. I kept thinking we should take cover. No basement, no storm shelter, so it would be in our home, and they are saying that with the "BIG ONES" (tornadoes), the only safe place is underground.:001_unsure::blink::sad:

Is your dh like mine? He sat outside watching the third storm as it left, with lightning popping throughout this massive cloud formation. I went outside to make him come in and I became mesmerized by the flashing and bolts.:w00t: Yeah.:glare:

There were TWO touchdowns within 5 miles of our home.

We saw rotations overhead.:001_huh: We should have been inside. I'm new to storms like this, and I was more than anxious.

Our neighbor, whose home is about 70 feet from ours, saw a funnel go over his house.

Yeah, I kept making everybody put their shoes on too.;)

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I don't think you are silly. Mom and Dad live only about an hour from Joplin, and we were talking about the tornado. I mentioned that about 1 out of 50 people were injured/dead. She said that back when she was first married she lived in a town that took tornados very seriously. I guess in the previous generation a tornado came through the town and every family (extended family not immediate) lost someone. I can't even image that. I've spent some time formulating a better plan in the past few days.



I just wanted to say I love your quotes in your siggy line! So very true and good reminders.

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I think your smart to prepare. We've got our pantry in the basement, water, a wind-up radio/flash light, water, extra clothing, blankets and old bed, couch and cable tv down there along with all the extra stuff that doesn't fit upstairs.

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I'm in Springfield. It seems like our warnings and watches come and go, well, like the wind! LOL (oh I am punny today!).


It's a bit unnerving to see a sunny sky and hear birds sing but still be under a watch. Weird.


I just looked at NOAA and there is a ton of stuff happening just south of you and looks like will be more toward you in a few hours. (Big bow echo on the radar from what I'm seeing.) Please stay safe! I think my county is going to be north of this mess, but I am worried about a lot of friends that aren't exactly in great housing in areas like Mattoon, Effingham, and all those people in Southern Illinois that just dealt with a ton of flooding. Wow. I just thought about that. I hope little Egypt is okay tonight. They don't need tornadoes on top of flood damage.


Add a whistle to your stash. If you get trapped, you will want it. :( Shoes are also key---walking out onto glass barefoot is not fun.


We actually keep our 72 hour kits (backpacks) with us in our shelter.

The whistle sounds interesting. I really need to rethink our emergency kits. We moved into a rental with a basement for the first time and have gotten slack.

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It's always good to be prepared, regardless of what is happening around us.


:iagree: I always charge my phone and iPad on my nightstand, purse and change of clothes hang off the end of the bed and a pair of crocs or other quick shoes next to the chair, which is next to the bed.


One never knows when a late night call, knock on the door, sick kid, or alarm is going to happen.


But it is a good bet it will happen the ONE night I decide to just crash without doing any of the above.:tongue_smilie:

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I carried a bunch of stuff downstairs in April and am planning on keeping it there. I try to make sure we all have a change of clothes down there and basic supplies. Also, if we are under a warning, we make sure that the kids are dressed and we put their bicycle helmets on them before we get into our safe spot. Those little heads need to be protected.

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