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Want to see the three most beautiful girls in the world?

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Thanks everyone!!!



Your girls ARE beautiful! Also I LOVE those pics!


I've got a Canon Rebel xsi and I'd give my right arm to learn to learn photography so I could take it off auto.



My best advice is just do it! Get some books about exposure, aperture, lighting, etc. Scott Kelby's books are great, and your library might have them. Put your camera on manual and shoot away. You will learn, but you have to take the plunge. You will NEVER want to go back to auto again, I promise! I shoot Nikon or I would be able to help you more.

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Beautiful! And Mama's a talented photographer!




Nakia, I've really enjoyed looking at your (awesome!) vacation pics.


Really lovely girls you have there!


I need to get my rear in gear and really learn how to use my camera. :tongue_smilie:

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Definitely beautiful! My dd said the youngest one, especially with the white dress and blonde hair, looks like a little angel! :D


I so want to do photography too. Thank you for the suggestions of where to begin reading/learning! I also need to get a better camera. Any suggestions on what's good?

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Thanks again everyone. You all make me :D !!


Definitely beautiful! My dd said the youngest one, especially with the white dress and blonde hair, looks like a little angel! :D


I so want to do photography too. Thank you for the suggestions of where to begin reading/learning! I also need to get a better camera. Any suggestions on what's good?


Do you think you want a point and shoot or a DSLR (faster, ability to change lenses, more advanced)? What is your price range? What do you want to do with your camera? If you can answer those questions, I will try and help you figure out a few good ones to look into. :001_smile:

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