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Staples ruined my WWE. :(

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I'm doing a binder method for organizing this year so I had the binding cut off of my workbooks. I took the perforated pages out but realized the instructor pages weren't perforated so I took the rest of the book to have it cut and rebound spiral.


I picked up my order and the guy (newbie) had it cut at such a horrible angle that the edge of the front cover was literally a half inch beyond the back cover. He did the punch for the spiral too close to the edge so the bottom third of the front didn't make it into the binding. :glare: I was not thrilled. At all. I pointed out these obvious problems so to try to make it better he offered to laminate the front so it could be repunched. I said fine but when he laminated it the front was *covered* in bubbles. :toetap05: So we enlisted the help of the other guy to try and salvage the book. He copied the cover on cardstock and added the clear film thing. Better somewhat. Now it just looks like it's covered in water spots. He removed the spiral and cut some off the page edges to lessen the HUGE angle on the edge. They comp'ed the whole order (including the other three books that were cut only) and gave me a free planner but still. It's not the nice, pristine cover with neat, straight edges that it was. I'm just sick about it. So sad. :crying:


This probably sounds ridiculously anal but I'm really thinking about just ordering a new book altogether, taking it somewhere else and having the instructor pages cut and rebound. My only concern is that then I'd have an entire book of student pages and no use for them. If I *knew* the next place wouldn't jack it up I would do it anyway. *sigh* I hate messy, disheveled things. :(

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OH so I gather you didn't see my very same post at the beginning of the year when Staples ruined my WWE4? :glare: The plus side was that the books if placed opposite each other, fit inside a 3 ring binder. I had the teacher pages and student literature pages bound separately. I had the student writing pages 3 hole punched and put those in a binder. The teacher's book and lit passages bound w/ a spiral binding fit inside that 3 ring binder. It did bug me. I'm anal about those things but I forced myself not to buy another one.


Believe me, I soooo felt your pain. What's worse is that I told her what a hard time the girl had cutting off the binding of WWE3 and how close it was to the edges. well, this girl did an even WORSE job. I mean, from the right most text, at times there is only a few millimeters of white space before the paper ends!


But over the course of the year, it doesn't bother me as much. Save the money for something else.

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I only take my books to actual print shops. Office Depot or Staples or similar places are not professional printers. The cost difference is minimal if any and worth the peace of mind.




I don't think you are anal for wanting to buy a new one. The messed up book will always make less then happy with it (at least it would for me).

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I just got off the phone from whining to my mom (who is in the midst of trying to figure out a $7,000 surprise cost from selling her house but still listened to my minor problem...she's the best <3 ) and she said to call Staples tomorrow and tell them they need to replace the ruined book. Has anyone tried that and did you have any luck with it??

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Kinkos is the only place I take books. I'll drive the extra distance to get it done right.


lol...I texted my husband while I was standing there trying not to lunge across the table at the Staples guys and told him to remind me to look for a Kinkos as soon as I get home. :D


Last year I had Staples laminate a big map that I hand colored in (one of the VP history ones) and they ROLLED IT while it was still warm. It left permanent wrinkles all over it when I finally got it to lay flat. You'd think I would have remembered that prior to taking another job to Staples. :glare:


Has Kinkos cut a thick book like WWE for you? Were they able to do it without the angle??

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I would actually go in and talk with a manager. Bring the book and let them see the damage. Bring in your receipt for the book too. Actual items with proof of cost will make a difference. If they will not refund the book price demand a gift card to the store for the amount the book cost.


:iagree: And use it only for supplies - NOT for additional printing/binding/laminating work!!

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Kinkos is the only place I take books. I'll drive the extra distance to get it done right.


Really, Kinkos? I've only had bad experiences there. My final straw with them was years ago when they wanted more than two hundred dollars to have something cut to a certain size. I took it to a local printer and they did it for five. No, that's not a typo. Two hundred some dollars versus FIVE. Insane.

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It won't have the lovely cover, but what about getting them to pay for the PDF version and then printing and punching it for free? Then it would fit in your binder.


You should be able to send them the PDF electronically, and then Staples (or whoever) could print the pages on hole punched paper.

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Really, Kinkos? I've only had bad experiences there. My final straw with them was years ago when they wanted more than two hundred dollars to have something cut to a certain size. I took it to a local printer and they did it for five. No, that's not a typo. Two hundred some dollars versus FIVE. Insane.


I boycotted Kinkos after they ruined my SOTW a lot like the OP's book was ruined. I spoke to the manager and regional manager and got a half-hearted apology. They refused to replace the book that was brand new when I brought it to them. I won't give them my business again. Office Max gets all my binding jobs now and they do an awesome job!

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It won't have the lovely cover, but what about getting them to pay for the PDF version and then printing and punching it for free? Then it would fit in your binder.


You should be able to send them the PDF electronically, and then Staples (or whoever) could print the pages on hole punched paper.


You can also buy blank paper with holes! to put in your printer. :D That's what i do. In a pinch, I pull out ny three hole punch. It's a pretty awesome tool. I put everything in 3 ring binders.

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Just buy a decent paper cutter; it's easy to cut off your own bindings. You can then three hole punch, or slip into page protectors. Or, if you are me, you may select from an additional 3 choices.


I have binding issues.


I'm thinking this post needs to be followed up with links to products!! :tongue_smilie: I've been thinking about getting one of those proclicks for awhile. At least I was until I decided on the binder method. I WANT a paper cutter though! Can you can one for home use that will tackle something like WWE?? My husband borrowed a super duper industrial strength hole puncher from work so I'm good there but a paper cutter? Heaven!

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I pull out ny three hole punch. It's a pretty awesome tool. I put everything in 3 ring binders.

:iagree: I LOVE my 3 hole punch. I have a really good one that DH brought home when they closed and got rid of everything in an office he worked in. I prefer for all of our stuff to go in 3 ring binders. I like to be able to take pages out to file and to put on a clip board. DD doesn't like to work on any pages that are bound together.


Just buy a decent paper cutter; it's easy to cut off your own bindings. You can then three hole punch, or slip into page protectors. Or, if you are me, you may select from an additional 3 choices.


I have binding issues.

I usually just tear the cover off then start pulling the pages away from the glue, after about 20 pages, I pull off the remaining glue/binding and start pulling out pages again, repeat, repeat. If it looks too rough after that, I cut the pages with a rotary cutter and a metal ruler. Then I 3 hole punch and put in a binder.



ETA - I buy everything I can as a PDF so I can print, punch and put in a binder.

Edited by kitten18
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Talk to a manager and see what they will do.


I have had many, many books cut over the years. I only had one messed up beyond acceptable use to me. The previous person had set the 3 hole drill to only have 2 holes. They punched the cover and some of the sheets before they realized it. I asked them to copy the pages onto a similar quality paper (nicer paper than regular printer paper). They scanned, copied, edited, an printed me a new cover.


One other time the paper shifted as they were cutting the edge. I saw it happen. They were able to recut it, just a bit closer to the edge. It was an easy fix and totally fine.



When I sold the copy, I disclosed the error and included both the original damaged sheets and the good copies. I did this so the buyer would know that it wasn't a phoney item for sell.


Officemax's employee was very, very nice about it and sincerely sorry. If I had wanted a gift card of equal value to replace the item, I think they would have done it. I was fine with the fix. I have made mistakes and appreciated the grace of person I wronged.


In the future I made sure to ask them if they knew how to cut the pages without the it shifting and asked them to double check the hole setting. I have told them the value of the book before they cut it to make sure they understood the replacement value. :0)

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I wouldn't just order a new one.. I'd have Staples pay for it. The fellow doing the job might have been new, but clearly he wasn't capable and should have been better supervised.


If you had been unable to pay would they have given you your products? No. So, if they are incapable of keeping up what they SHOULD have done I'd expect them to replace it.

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I'm sure one of the lawyers here will weigh in on this one, but AFAIK, technically, they don't have to provide this service at all.


We aren't bringing in our original work (office reports, school papers, etc.) - we're bringing in copyrighted material.


Under copyright law, it isn't just the pages that are copyrighted, it is the "whole thing" that is copyrighted (a "fixed" work). If an author writes a book and submits it to the copyright office in a certain type of binding, that is what is copyrighted - the pages AND the binding. If the folk at Staples or Kinkos or where ever want to get technical about it (barring a more sophisticated understanding of copyright law), cutting off that binding is, indeed, breaking the copyright of that author.


There is an exception: if the author has NOT written something to the effect of "this book/curricula/etc. is only for one student, additional copies must be purchased for each student", then there is a portion of copyright law called "Fair Use". Fair Use gives an exemption for teaching if the product is to be used for non-profit educational purposes (eg: not if you're being paid to tutor, but if you're just teaching your own kid, yes).


I don't want to start a fight about what can and cannot or what should and should not be copied and/or re-bound. I never even knew that cutting off a binding could be an issue until I had a Staples refuse to do it (yes, due to copyright law). Which was amusing, as the book had completely fallen apart and there WAS no binding attached...


If anyone is curious, it is covered in this government document. Page 3 discusses "fixed" work, page 19 is fair use.




Edited by asta
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I'm sure one of the lawyers here will weigh in on this one, but AFAIK, technically, they don't have to provide this service at all.


We aren't bringing in our original work (office reports, school papers, etc.) - we're bringing in copyrighted material.


Under copyright law, it isn't just the pages that are copyrighted, it is the "whole thing" that is copyrighted (a "fixed" work). If an author writes a book and submits it to the copyright office in a certain type of binding, that is what is copyrighted - the pages AND the binding. If the folk at Staples or Kinkos or where ever want to get technical about it (barring a more sophisticated understanding of copyright law), cutting off that binding is, indeed, breaking the copyright of that author.


There is an exception: if the author has NOT written something to the effect of "this book/curricula/etc. is only for one student, additional copies must be purchased for each student", then there is a portion of copyright law called "Fair Use". Fair Use gives an exemption for teaching if the product is to be used for non-profit educational purposes (eg: not if you're being paid to tutor, but if you're just teaching your own kid, yes).


I don't want to start a fight about what can and cannot or what should and should not be copied and/or re-bound. I never even knew that cutting off a binding could be an issue until I had a Staples refuse to do it (yes, due to copyright law). Which was amusing, as the book had completely fallen apart and there WAS no binding attached...


If anyone is curious, it is covered in this government document. Page 3 discusses "fixed" work, page 19 is fair use.





I would think that rebinding the materials to make them easier for your child to work with would fall under fair use.

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I just got off the phone from whining to my mom (who is in the midst of trying to figure out a $7,000 surprise cost from selling her house but still listened to my minor problem...she's the best <3 ) and she said to call Staples tomorrow and tell them they need to replace the ruined book. Has anyone tried that and did you have any luck with it??


I don't know if it would work, but this was the first thing that popped in my head. If they fouled it up that badly, comping the work isn't enough - they need to replace it.

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I'm sure one of the lawyers here will weigh in on this one, but AFAIK, technically, they don't have to provide this service at all.


We aren't bringing in our original work (office reports, school papers, etc.) - we're bringing in copyrighted material.


Under copyright law, it isn't just the pages that are copyrighted, it is the "whole thing" that is copyrighted (a "fixed" work). If an author writes a book and submits it to the copyright office in a certain type of binding, that is what is copyrighted - the pages AND the binding. If the folk at Staples or Kinkos or where ever want to get technical about it (barring a more sophisticated understanding of copyright law), cutting off that binding is, indeed, breaking the copyright of that author.


There is an exception: if the author has NOT written something to the effect of "this book/curricula/etc. is only for one student, additional copies must be purchased for each student", then there is a portion of copyright law called "Fair Use". Fair Use gives an exemption for teaching if the product is to be used for non-profit educational purposes (eg: not if you're being paid to tutor, but if you're just teaching your own kid, yes).


I don't want to start a fight about what can and cannot or what should and should not be copied and/or re-bound. I never even knew that cutting off a binding could be an issue until I had a Staples refuse to do it (yes, due to copyright law). Which was amusing, as the book had completely fallen apart and there WAS no binding attached...


If anyone is curious, it is covered in this government document. Page 3 discusses "fixed" work, page 19 is fair use.





I'm suddenly craving red herring stew for some reason. :confused:


Anyway, the point is that they not only agreed to do it but list it in their offered services and charge for it. They aren't doing us any "favors" so all of this is irrelevant to the fact that they jacked the book up and need to make good on it.

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Just buy a decent paper cutter; it's easy to cut off your own bindings. You can then three hole punch, or slip into page protectors. Or, if you are me, you may select from an additional 3 choices.


I have binding issues.



Even just a utility knife (razor blade) and a straight edge work pretty well...


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I'm suddenly craving red herring stew for some reason. :confused:


Anyway, the point is that they not only agreed to do it but list it in their offered services and charge for it. They aren't doing us any "favors" so all of this is irrelevant to the fact that they jacked the book up and need to make good on it.


That's kind of rude to say. No, frankly, that IS rude to say. And passive aggressive to boot!


I don't even know what WWE stands for. Copyright issues are constantly an issue on this board. I was just providing a link for information in case anyone else wondered why they ran into opposition in the future.




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I'm sure one of the lawyers here will weigh in on this one, but AFAIK, technically, they don't have to provide this service at all.


We aren't bringing in our original work (office reports, school papers, etc.) - we're bringing in copyrighted material.


Under copyright law, it isn't just the pages that are copyrighted, it is the "whole thing" that is copyrighted (a "fixed" work). If an author writes a book and submits it to the copyright office in a certain type of binding, that is what is copyrighted - the pages AND the binding. If the folk at Staples or Kinkos or where ever want to get technical about it (barring a more sophisticated understanding of copyright law), cutting off that binding is, indeed, breaking the copyright of that author.


There is an exception: if the author has NOT written something to the effect of "this book/curricula/etc. is only for one student, additional copies must be purchased for each student", then there is a portion of copyright law called "Fair Use". Fair Use gives an exemption for teaching if the product is to be used for non-profit educational purposes (eg: not if you're being paid to tutor, but if you're just teaching your own kid, yes).


I don't want to start a fight about what can and cannot or what should and should not be copied and/or re-bound. I never even knew that cutting off a binding could be an issue until I had a Staples refuse to do it (yes, due to copyright law). Which was amusing, as the book had completely fallen apart and there WAS no binding attached...


If anyone is curious, it is covered in this government document. Page 3 discusses "fixed" work, page 19 is fair use.




WWE has pages that are perforated, so they are meant to be removed from their backing. Having the binding cut off is essentially tearing the pages out but with style. So for this instance the OP and Staples did not violate any copyright laws.

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That's kind of rude to say. No, frankly, that IS rude to say. And passive aggressive to boot!


I don't even know what WWE stands for. Copyright issues are constantly an issue on this board. I was just providing a link for information in case anyone else wondered why they ran into opposition in the future.





I'm sorry you feel that way but it was irrelevant. I didn't run into a copyright problem. Staples agreed to take this job with supposed copyright issues not even being anywhere near the radar and it's not even the issue being discussed. So to say "Well, they didn't have to do it in the first place" as if they were doing me a favor was rude IMO. Anyway, whatever, no biggie.

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lol...I texted my husband while I was standing there trying not to lunge across the table at the Staples guys and told him to remind me to look for a Kinkos as soon as I get home. :D


Last year I had Staples laminate a big map that I hand colored in (one of the VP history ones) and they ROLLED IT while it was still warm. It left permanent wrinkles all over it when I finally got it to lay flat. You'd think I would have remembered that prior to taking another job to Staples. :glare:


Has Kinkos cut a thick book like WWE for you? Were they able to do it without the angle??



I've gone to several different kinkos in our area and they have cut books WONDERFULLY for me. WHen I get workbooks cut, they charge me for one cut because they can put them all in together (up to a certain height). I've had hardbound and softbound books de-spined. I had my Whole Grain Baking books despined (King Arthur and Red Mill) and my WWE done. I've also had them do 3 hole punches for me. I think it was Office Depot that was goign to charge me per page to do the punching. Right, for a 400 page book, I don't think so! Kinkos, I believe, doesn't do that.




Oh, I went to Office Depot a couple of weeks ago to make a color copy of book cover for our notebooks. It needed trimmed down. Their paper cutter SUCKED and the girl told me that they wouldn't give her the funds to buy a new one. (I had to re-copy the covers; the cutter tore and drag the papers).

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WWE has pages that are perforated, so they are meant to be removed from their backing. Having the binding cut off is essentially tearing the pages out but with style. So for this instance the OP and Staples did not violate any copyright laws.


:iagree: Thank you. And besides, really, the AUTHOR of the book owns the board so if it's a valid "copyright problem" I would imagine it would have been addressed long before now with all the threads we have about having things cut, rebound, put in binders, recycled, turned into confetti, or whatever else we end up doing to our poor books once they are at our mercy. lol!

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WWE has pages that are perforated, so they are meant to be removed from their backing. Having the binding cut off is essentially tearing the pages out but with style. So for this instance the OP and Staples did not violate any copyright laws.


Thank you for explaining this to me, I have never seen WWE, as I live somewhere there are no places I would be able to have seen it in person.


I sit in the "information is always good to keep myself and others out of trouble down the road" camp. I did not realize that "keep in one's pocket" information was not welcome on threads such as these and will refrain from offering information in the future.



asta, who will never understand social mores, so will go back to her little Aspie corner now

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I'm thinking this post needs to be followed up with links to products!! :tongue_smilie: I've been thinking about getting one of those proclicks for awhile. At least I was until I decided on the binder method. I WANT a paper cutter though! Can you can one for home use that will tackle something like WWE?? My husband borrowed a super duper industrial strength hole puncher from work so I'm good there but a paper cutter? Heaven!


I use a rotary paper cutter and simple slice through a few pages, pull them to the side, slice a few more, etc. If you have a steady hand, you can just use a rotary cutter, ruler, and cutting board.





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I use a rotary paper cutter and simple slice through a few pages, pull them to the side, slice a few more, etc. If you have a steady hand, you can just use a rotary cutter, ruler, and cutting board.






I'm thinking this might be the way to go. I could pull the front and back cover off then pull the perforated pages and use them as a guide to trim down the covers and unperforated pages. I have plenty of rotary cutting supplies from sewing and if it got messed up it would be all on me. I'm not great at depending on someone else to do a job correctly so this is a good option. lol!

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