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File "Is the car unlocked?" under Questions that Annoy Me

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It's easy. Always assume the car is locked and take the keys with you when you go out to it.


Even easier: Don't leave stuff in the car. Bring your coats, books, drinks, electronics, sporting equipment, etc. in the house when you walk in. Then you won't have to drive me to distraction by asking me,


"Is the car unlocked?"

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Oh, dear...NY, MI, TX and CA...


I think we have an epidemic! :lol:


Add OH to the list. Our insurance doesn't cover a break-in to our car if the doors aren't locked. Therefore, the door is locked every time I exit the vehicle. DH always locks it, too... but always asks if it is really locked before he goes outside to get something. :001_huh:

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wow....I NEVER lock my vehicles in the driveway.


being 600 ft from the road in a very low crime area with a HUGE dog does have its advantages


Living in the middle of nowhere has it's advantages.


Nothing in my car but garbage--and the anti-theft alarm works. I found this out recently when I locked it in a parking lot--with a teen & two younger kids inside, and one of them opened the door.


They were mortally embarrassed. :D

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May I tell you the question that annoys me? Every day I get asked multiple times: "What should I do on pg 37 (ch 3, question 2, etc)?" I did not memorize your worksheets or comprehension questions in order. If you need help ask for me to come over and help you or come to me! I do not know why it irritates me so much, but it really does.

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Living in the middle of nowhere has it's advantages.


Nothing in my car but garbage--and the anti-theft alarm works. I found this out recently when I locked it in a parking lot--with a teen & two younger kids inside, and one of them opened the door.


They were mortally embarrassed. :D



that's happened to us too. My dh habitually locks his truck in the driveway, cause he leaves the cave everyday, so we usually have to run back in for keys when we need something from the ttruck.

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that's happened to us too. My dh habitually locks his truck in the driveway, cause he leaves the cave everyday, so we usually have to run back in for keys when we need something from the ttruck.


Oh, they didn't lock themselves out of the car, they set off the alarm when they opened the door from the inside after I had locked them in it. (One of them is a teen.)


I'm not sure why they opened the door, but now I know the alarm works. I guess it's handy if your kids try to escape! :lol:

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May I tell you the question that annoys me? Every day I get asked multiple times: "What should I do on pg 37 (ch 3, question 2, etc)?" I did not memorize your worksheets or comprehension questions in order. If you need help ask for me to come over and help you or come to me! I do not know why it irritates me so much, but it really does.


UGH!!! I have a child that does that, too. Drives me nuts!:tongue_smilie:


What's for dinner?? YOU ARE WATCHING ME COOK! I cannot stand it. They will watch me cook and ask what is for dinner.


That is a regular question here, too!:glare:

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That is very annoying! I hate when my kids and DH ask me where their shoes are. Do I provide you with a place in which to store your shoes? Did you put them there? No? Then why would you think I know where YOU put your shoes? GRRRR!:banghead:
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Our cars have keypads, and since I cannot remember the codes, I am the one who asks if the car is unlocked.


The question that annoys me: Are the dishes in the dishwasher clean?


I bought a magnet. I flip it to clean when I turn the dishwasher on and back to dirty once I've emptied it. I've found it most effective to empty the dishwasher as soon as the dry cycle is done, though. Otherwise I end up with a sink of dirty dishes before I manage to unload/begin reloading the dishwasher.

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Our cars have keypads, and since I cannot remember the codes, I am the one who asks if the car is unlocked.


The question that annoys me: Are the dishes in the dishwasher clean?



I just look confused and say "There are dishes in the dishwasher?" :001_huh:


Answering a dumb question with another dumb question annoys them right back. :D

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I bought a magnet. I flip it to clean when I turn the dishwasher on and back to dirty once I've emptied it. I've found it most effective to empty the dishwasher as soon as the dry cycle is done, though. Otherwise I end up with a sink of dirty dishes before I manage to unload/begin reloading the dishwasher.


I bought a magnet a few years ago, and it didn't stick to our former dw. I have 4 teenagers -- they unload the dw. I, for no good reason, hate that 2 minute job.

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Along with the "What's for dinner?" question, I can't stand when they are standing there, staring into the fridge, and call to me, "Mom do we have any (insert any food not directly in front)?" It's a long, narrow, not so deep box, people. Look for yourself!

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At this point, most of my kids' questions annoy me. They always ask me where their siblings are. I'm like, how on earth should I know? They're outside somewhere. But this is the one that gets me. We'll be driving from somewhere to our home and DS2 will say, "Is this the way home?" and I'm thinking, "No! I'm driving in a completely different direction. Auggggghhhhhhh!"

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Answering a dumb question with another dumb question annoys them right back. :D


We do this quite a bit. When the question is "What are you doing?" when it's obvious what we're doing, the answer is "writing a letter to grandmother".


I get very irritated by "what's for lunch?" 30 minutes after we eat breakfast and "what's for dinner?" 30 minutes after lunch. ARGH!

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I can't stand when they are standing there, staring into the fridge, and call to me, "Mom do we have any (insert any food not directly in front)?" It's a long, narrow, not so deep box, people. Look for yourself!


Mine do this. Then, right after I've spent $500 at the grocery store, they will complain that we have nothing in the house to eat. That means we have nothing that will hop out of the fridge or pantry and prepare itself. It means they will have to bestir themselves to make a sandwich or, horrors, eat or drink something that has nutritional value.

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"Where's DS1?" They both come in from outside and want to know where the other one is. I quit being the boy tracker.



I thought I had this one under control... now our new GSD puppy comes to me, pokes me with a paw and whines when he can not find his boy. Seriously. He has already figured me to be the fixer of problems & finder of lost things/people.:tongue_smilie:


I could get ds to start him on his tracking dog training early! :w00t:

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